Morning after thoughts *Week 11...winning division games edition*

Discussion in 'Chicago Bears' started by BearsWillWin, Nov 19, 2018.

  1. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    I just don't understand the talk about trading Howard for what a 4th or 5th round pick? I couldn't disagree more.
    I understand the concern of how he's used in the offense or more importantly how he's not used in it. I watched Cohen try and run between the tackles without much luck against lesser defenses I saw Howard rip off consistently 5 yards at a time against a good defense last night. Nagy did get him the football via pass once yesterday along the sideline so it's a start. The question remains if you trade him who makes those inside yards for you?
  2. Mongo_76 Guest

    It was loud. 3rd downs were insanely loud. It hasn't been that deafening loud in many years.

    I am now semi-believing we can beat the Rams. A warm weather team in Chicago in December...

    On a related note, my liver is in bad shape. Anyone out there have a spare?
    babyfan likes this.
  3. Mongo_76 Guest

    The Bears aren't trading him. He's had some issues hitting the hole hard. That seemed to change this week.

    I also think the Oline has something to do with this, they've definitely morphed a bit more into a pass-blocking Oline.
  4. patg006 M.V.P. Bears

  5. Mongo_76 Guest

  6. blang84 Legend Bears

    Happened at 11:45 in this video.

    Amazing that the Bears kept this news under wraps for nearly 24 hours. This would be devastating if he misses any time.
    Mongo_76 likes this.
  7. Mongo_76 Guest

    Yea, I found it. Was later in the 4th. Fucking dirty hit. Although it looked like it was his left shoulder not his right.

    They had several late/cheap hits yesterday. Trey Burton got thrown into a water cooler out of bounds and they called the penalty on us.
  8. patg006 M.V.P. Bears

    Contact is to his left shoulder, but the force is pushing it down, and his right shoulder was on the ground.

    The bears' presser today will hopefully clear up details.
  9. Go Bearsssss Franchise Player Bears

  10. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    Was that the T formation play? I remember there were two flags and I thought they’d be offsetting.
  11. Mongo_76 Guest


    They did hold I thought on the T formation.

    It was a flair screen to Burton where he slipped a LB and ran for 20+ yards.

    They called us for holding and something else. And ignored the fact that they threw him into a water cooler after he was pushed Out of bounds.

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