But how funny is it tho that out of everyone on the site, its this douchenozzle trying to ride in and hand out morally superior lectures. Great stuff.
Just to clear something up - Red wasn't looking to troll. I've never seen him even attempt to do something like that. The Sunday game happened to be a Bears game. I can assure you he popped in here to participate and joke around with absolutely no malice intended. That's just not who he has been on this site for over 5 years.
He didn't do himself any favors with the name calling. Not that we can't take it, but if he's coming here to have a good time and joke around, he definitely did nothing to endear himself right off the bat. Things get hot here on the game threads, not that that's a good thing, but just the way it is. And it would be a shame to lose a quality member cuz a few of us pushed back a little.
I seriously disagree. Let me say first...I have zero issues with Red. I think he’s a good guy. I also don’t have a problem with trolls or trolling. I think it’s harmless fun that has provoked some serious overreactions on this site. But Red is one of a few posters that will throw harmless jabs in an attempt to get a reaction every once in a while and he did that last night. Again...I don’t have any problem with that. And I don’t like seeing this reaction to it. There’s a difference between what Red did and what posters like fire and Gid have done. One is a harmless poster just poking fun and the others are brainless nitwits that actually want to piss people off.
Too bad every team doesn’t have a fairy god-moderator. I think your lil’ group feels you have a free pass, since Miss Gatekeeper is in your corner and doles out threats whenever one of you gets a boo-boo or feels “offended” (see “thin-skin “above) by an outside poster. Regarding advice: It also appears to me like someone could focus more on their fantasy team than continuing to be the constant asshole they usually are. The issue at hand for the moment is YOU guys, not my avi. Nice try though.
I'm pretty sure we agree on this more than you think, but it probably has more to do with the definition of trolling and where we differ on it. I don't believe he posted in here to piss anyone off. For me, that is where the trolling comes into play, but it's a concept that everyone has a different opinion on.
Oh fuck off....Tim treats every member of this site equally and baby doesn't influence that. Grow the fuck up.
I don't influence anyone here because I do NOT have any powers at all. I can ask people to change their behaviour or approach but I have no other recourse or options. The moderator label is really just that. It's a label with no administrative powers whatsoever. This kind of stuff makes me really mad. And .. I'm really mad. I was super pissed off last night and now I'm even angrier. This is a sports website. It's a fantastic place. Everyone gets to discuss and have fun here. Why does everyone act like this is an alter to their egos?
There aren't too many threads on the Bears' forum that I miss. I actually enjoy reading the back and forth between Bears' fans. You guys have developed a certain culture within your group that you obviously enjoy and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. From what I read last night, for whatever reason, Red was (IMHO) trying to get under your collective skin. The result was . . . predictable - and he should have known that.
I do think there is an overreaction to the trolling or whatever you want to classify it that goes on. There is also a lot of childish behavior from would be trolls. Too much oversensitivity for sure. Words are just words and no one should be banned or threatened to be banned for them. But at the same time if one interaction here prompts you to leave the site and you go thread to thread announcing that you’re leaving....that shows a severe lack of maturity. I’m 100% okay with everyone that posts on the Bears board even when they come here with malicious intent....because that’s part of what makes sports boards fun. This is a well managed site...Tim does an amazing job with it. And I apologize if anything I’ve ever said or done has made any good contributors to it leave or post less often because I want to see this forum grow, not shrink. But...some people need to grow up and not take this so serious.
I don't understand why everyone is making such a big deal over the trolling and getting Tim involved. Smh just ignore the sumbitch as baby suggested. It's no different than a player that responds on the field to an act of aggression and it is more often called for the UC than the aggressor. Perhaps we need to exhibit a little self control ourselves and this shit will go away, and Baby won't have to throw a flag.
Congrats on the win last night that was damn IMPRESSIVE the Bears D was the Monsters of the Midway your qb was outstanding our 84$ man was missing in action
Holy f.... Wow. I have to be 100% honest. i was in black out mode last night. I honestly do not remember posting anythign last night. So, either someone hijacked my login or I need to seek help. Wow. Good times...
This was part of the issue for me last night. At no time did I warn or report Rediis for his interactions here. I simply said that if it continues I would pm Tim. What that means is that I would inform Tim that stuff is happening on the thread and that he can check it out. Tim sees everything anyway, so I knew that I didn't have to inform him about what's happening. I don't run to Tim about stuff like this unless it's getting out of hand (and last night it was not, in my opinion) and I think he might want to step in. When I read the thread where rediiis announced his departure I was really disappointed in him. I was also pissed off that people actually think I have some kind of agenda to protect the Bears fans at all costs. I don't. You're all grownups and unless shit is getting really stupid I usually just read and don't react. I've never banned or suspended anyone because I do NOT have that kind of power. I wouldn't want that kind of power. Do any of you have any conception of what Tim puts up with every single day here? It's beyond atrocious. This site is in danger of becoming an uncooperative, it's me against them, kind of place. This is NOT an altar for anyone's egos. If you mess up, admit it and move on. There is no need for the histrionics that I see playing out everyday here. And for the record ... I did not pm Tim or involve him in anyway last night. That was small beans compared to what we/I went through when Al was smashing himself around here. Very small insignificant beans. It would be nice if people could just relax and chill. I was having the time of my life last night and then this happened. I went to bed so angry and didn't sleep well for thinking about it. That's not going to happen any time soon again. What a waste of my wonderful oil and shine ...
I think you were amazing ... in fact I am going to call you Marvelous Mongo from hereonin. Your stuff, especially when you were correcting yourself was beyond hilarious.
<stands up to applaud Lyman> <falls back down, a victim to an overindulgent oil night> It really wasn't a big deal. Let these guys/trolls/fools have their say and move along. If no one had reacted to rediiis last night he wouldn't have taken his holiday. The lesson there is the more you engage the more things get out of hand. He probably would have realized that his teasing was not being taken well if no one had reacted to it. He would have learned a lesson and we would have also learned how to passively have the person in question exit the thread. But I'm still pissed off. What a way to ruin a perfectly good high. But ... the BEARS won. That's a shine all on its own!
I sincerely can not wait to watch this game. Because after Hicks stuffed them on 3rd an short on the first drive, I do not remember a single thing.