Over / Under - Week 10 - Lions

Discussion in 'Chicago Bears' started by acrazyfool, Nov 7, 2018.

  1. acrazyfool Franchise Player Over / Under Bears

    Season Standings
    acrazyfool 72.5%
    AmericanFlyer1 70%
    Boonie120HB 70%
    firehalo 68.75%
    babyfan 66.25%
    3rdGenBearsFan 65.71%
    BearsWillWin 65%
    tunafat 65%
    Mongo_76 64.29%
    bigrobo876 63.75%
    blang84 62.86%
    vvarder 58.57%
    Bear-man 11 58.33%
    ginny 58.33%
    Go Bearsssss 50%

    # of Bear penalties that were accepted - 6.5 -
    Stafford passing yards - 265.5 -
    Bears defensive TOs- 1.5 -
    Cohen touches - 12.5 -
    Lions sacks - 1.5 -
    Trubisky longest rush - 13.5 -
    Trey Burton receptions - 4.5 -
    Kerryon Johnson rushing yards - 55.5 -
    Bears offensive points - 17.5 -
    Bears 3rd down conversion Pct - 41.55 -
    Bonus: Bears snaps that are not to Trubisky - 0.5 -
  2. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    This is the kind of quality content that I come here for. Awesome addition.
  3. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    # of Bear penalties that were accepted - 6.5 - UNDER
    Stafford passing yards - 265.5 - UNDER
    Bears defensive TOs- 1.5 - OVER
    Cohen touches - 12.5 - OVER
    Lions sacks - 1.5 - OVER
    Trubisky longest rush - 13.5 - OVER
    Trey Burton receptions - 4.5 - OVER
    Kerryon Johnson rushing yards - 55.5 - OVER
    Bears offensive points - 17.5 - OVER
    Bears 3rd down conversion Pct - 41.55 - OVER
    Bonus: Bears snaps that are not to Trubisky - 0.5 - OVER
  4. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    # of Bear penalties that were accepted - 6.5 - Over
    Stafford passing yards - 265.5 - Over
    Bears defensive TOs- 1.5 - Over
    Cohen touches - 12.5 - Under
    Lions sacks - 1.5 - Over
    Trubisky longest rush - 13.5 - Over
    Trey Burton receptions - 4.5 - Under
    Kerryon Johnson rushing yards - 55.5 - Over
    Bears offensive points - 17.5 - Over
    Bears 3rd down conversion Pct - 41.55 - Over
    Bonus: Bears snaps that are not to Trubisky - 0.5 - Over

    I assume Bears offensive snaps that are not to Trubisky
  5. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    # of Bear penalties that were accepted - 6.5 - under
    Stafford passing yards - 265.5 - under
    Bears defensive TOs- 1.5 - over
    Cohen touches - 12.5 - over
    Lions sacks - 1.5 - over
    Trubisky longest rush - 13.5 - over
    Trey Burton receptions - 4.5 - under
    Kerryon Johnson rushing yards - 55.5 - over
    Bears offensive points - 17.5 - over
    Bears 3rd down conversion Pct - 41.55 - over
    Bonus: Bears snaps that are not to Trubisky - 0.5 - over
  6. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    # of Bear penalties that were accepted - 6.5 - OVER
    Stafford passing yards - 265.5 - OVER
    Bears defensive TOs- 1.5 - OVER
    Cohen touches - 12.5 - OVER
    Lions sacks - 1.5 - OVER
    Trubisky longest rush - 13.5 - OVER
    Trey Burton receptions - 4.5 - OVER
    Kerryon Johnson rushing yards - 55.5 - UNDER
    Bears offensive points - 17.5 - OVER
    Bears 3rd down conversion Pct - 41.55 - UNDER
    Bonus: Bears snaps that are not to Trubisky - 0.5 - OVER
  7. blang84 Legend Bears

    # of Bear penalties that were accepted - 6.5 - UNDER
    Stafford passing yards - 265.5 - OVER
    Bears defensive TOs- 1.5 - OVER
    Cohen touches - 12.5 - UNDER
    Lions sacks - 1.5 - OVER
    Trubisky longest rush - 13.5 - OVER
    Trey Burton receptions - 4.5 - UNDER
    Kerryon Johnson rushing yards - 55.5 - UNDER
    Bears offensive points - 17.5 - OVER
    Bears 3rd down conversion Pct - 41.55 - UNDER
    Bonus: Bears snaps that are not to Trubisky - 0.5 - OVER
  8. bigrobo876 Franchise Player Bears

    # of Bear penalties that were accepted - 6.5 - UNDER
    Stafford passing yards - 265.5 - UNDER
    Bears defensive TOs- 1.5 - OVER
    Cohen touches - 12.5 - OVER
    Lions sacks - 1.5 - UNDER
    Trubisky longest rush - 13.5 - OVER
    Trey Burton receptions - 4.5 - OVER
    Kerryon Johnson rushing yards - 55.5 - UNDER
    Bears offensive points - 17.5 - OVER
    Bears 3rd down conversion Pct - 41.55 - OVER
    Bonus: Bears snaps that are not to Trubisky - 0.5 - OVER
  9. Mongo_76 Guest

    # of Bear penalties that were accepted - 6.5 - UNDER
    Stafford passing yards - 265.5 - OVER
    Bears defensive TOs- 1.5 - OVER
    Cohen touches - 12.5 - OVER
    Lions sacks - 1.5 - OVER
    Trubisky longest rush - 13.5 - OVER
    Trey Burton receptions - 4.5 - OVER
    Kerryon Johnson rushing yards - 55.5 - OVER
    Bears offensive points - 17.5 - OVER
    Bears 3rd down conversion Pct - 41.55 - UNDER
    Bonus: Bears snaps that are not to Trubisky - 0.5 - OVER
  10. Boonie120HB Part Time Starter Bears

    # of Bear penalties that were accepted - 6.5 - UNDER
    Stafford passing yards - 265.5 - OVER
    Bears defensive TOs- 1.5 - UNDER
    Cohen touches - 12.5 - UNDER
    Lions sacks - 1.5 - UNDER
    Trubisky longest rush - 13.5 - OVER
    Trey Burton receptions - 4.5 - UNDER
    Kerryon Johnson rushing yards - 55.5 - UNDER
    Bears offensive points - 17.5 - OVER
    Bears 3rd down conversion Pct - 41.55 - OVER
    Bonus: Bears snaps that are not to Trubisky - 0.5 - OVER
  11. firehalo Guest

    Bears penalties accepted - 6.5 - Over
    Stafford passing yards - 265.5 - Over
    Bears defensive TOs- 1.5 - Under
    Cohen touches - 12.5 - Over
    Lions sacks - 1.5 - Over
    Trubisky longest rush - 13.5 - Over
    Trey Burton receptions - 4.5 - Under
    Kerryon Johnson rushing yards - 55.5 - Over
    Bears offensive points - 17.5 - Over
    Bears 3rd down conv. % - 41.55 - Under
    Bonus: Bears snaps not to Trubisky - 0.5 - Under
  12. acrazyfool Franchise Player Over / Under Bears

    # of Bear penalties that were accepted - 6.5 - OVER
    Stafford passing yards - 265.5 - OVER
    Bears defensive TOs- 1.5 - OVER
    Cohen touches - 12.5 - OVER
    Lions sacks - 1.5 - OVER
    Trubisky longest rush - 13.5 - UNDER
    Trey Burton receptions - 4.5 - UNDER
    Kerryon Johnson rushing yards - 55.5 - UNDER
    Bears offensive points - 17.5 - OVER
    Bears 3rd down conversion Pct - 41.55 - UNDER
    Bonus: Bears snaps that are not to Trubisky - 0.5 - OVER
  13. AmericanFlyer1 Franchise Player Bears

    # of Bear penalties that were accepted - 6.5 - OVER
    Stafford passing yards - 265.5 - OVER
    Bears defensive TOs- 1.5 - OVER
    Cohen touches - 12.5 - OVER
    Lions sacks - 1.5 - OVER
    Trubisky longest rush - 13.5 - OVER
    Trey Burton receptions - 4.5 - OVER
    Kerryon Johnson rushing yards - 55.5 - OVER
    Bears offensive points - 17.5 - OVER
    Bears 3rd down conversion Pct - 41.55 - OVER
    Bonus: Bears snaps that are not to Trubisky - 0.5 - OVER
  14. Stats
    # of Bear penalties that were accepted - 6.5 - Over
    Stafford passing yards - 265.5 - Over
    Bears defensive TOs- 1.5 - Under
    Cohen touches - 12.5 - Under
    Lions sacks - 1.5 - Under
    Trubisky longest rush - 13.5 - Under
    Trey Burton receptions - 4.5 - Under
    Kerryon Johnson rushing yards - 55.5 - Over
    Bears offensive points - 17.5 - Over
    Bears 3rd down conversion Pct - 41.55 - Under
    Bonus: Bears snaps that are not to Trubisky - 0.5 - Over
  15. Bear-man 11 Franchise Player Bears

    # of Bear penalties that were accepted - 6.5 - OVER
    Stafford passing yards - 265.5 - UNDER
    Bears defensive TOs- 1.5 - OVER
    Cohen touches - 12.5 - OVER
    Lions sacks - 1.5 - OVER
    Trubisky longest rush - 13.5 - OVER
    Trey Burton receptions - 4.5 - UNDER
    Kerryon Johnson rushing yards - 55.5 - UNDER
    Bears offensive points - 17.5 - OVER
    Bears 3rd down conversion Pct - 41.55 - OVER
    Bonus: Bears snaps that are not to Trubisky - 0.5 - UNDER
  16. acrazyfool Franchise Player Over / Under Bears

    # of Bear penalties that were accepted - 6.5 - UNDER (6)
    Stafford passing yards - 265.5 - OVER (274)
    Bears defensive TOs- 1.5 - OVER (3)
    Cohen touches - 12.5 - OVER (14)
    Lions sacks - 1.5 - UNDER (1)
    Trubisky longest rush - 13.5 - UNDER (8)
    Trey Burton receptions - 4.5 - UNDER (4)
    Kerryon Johnson rushing yards - 55.5 - UNDER (51)
    Bears offensive points - 17.5 - OVER (34)
    Bears 3rd down conversion Pct - 41.55 - UNDER (40%)
    Bonus: Bears snaps that are not to Trubisky - 0.5 - UNDER (0) (I thought this was going to be a gimme for the over)

    acrazyfool 8
    blang84 7
    3rdGenBearsFan 6
    Bear-man 11 6
    bigrobo876 6
    Boonie120HB 6
    firehalo 6
    Mongo_76 6
    vvarder 6
    babyfan 5
    AmericanFlyer1 4
    BearsWillWin 4
    tunafat 4

    acrazyfool 73.33%
    Boonie120HB 68.57%
    firehalo 67.78%
    AmericanFlyer1 65%
    3rdGenBearsFan 65%
    babyfan 64.44%
    blang84 63.75%
    Mongo_76 63.75%
    bigrobo876 63.33%
    BearsWillWin 62.22%
    tunafat 62.22%
    vvarder 58.75%
    Bear-man 11 58.57%
    ginny 58.33%
    Go Bearsssss 50%
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2018
  17. Mongo_76 Guest

    AC, I thought Stafford passed for 274 yesterday?
    babyfan likes this.
  18. bigrobo876 Franchise Player Bears

    Mongo is correct. 229 is the teams net passing. 274 is what goes in the record books for Stafford the player.
  19. acrazyfool Franchise Player Over / Under Bears

    Yup, my bad. Good eye.

    I've updated it.
    Mongo_76 likes this.

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