This is what good coaching looks like Soak it in because the Bears haven’t had a legit good coaching staff in decades and it doesn’t look like we will anytime soon
The dumbest move Nagy has made all season was not going for the onsides kick and thinking the D was capable of a 3 and out.
You know they’re running but you keep giving up 6+ yards with what is supposed to be an elite front 7. Whatever.
Yep, Defense sucks, Nagy will probably come out post game and say some stupid shit like we played hard, fucking Juicebox 2.0. I was worried when he did the whole "rotating captain" bullshit, and I think we've seen enough pussiness that he's shit. Special Teams sucks hard too, offense too. Only a 7 point game but that doesn't reflect how bad this has been.
jesus fucking christ what is this 2 yard fucking out to the sideline bullshit? honestly what in the fucking hell is this sally bullshit.
That would have been great for White's first career TD. But we don't deserve to win anyway. We fucking suck.
Jesus fucking Christ. Thrownthe ball more than 2 yards when you’ve got 25 seconds left and maybe we see somethinfferent. Fuck me sideways. That was the most Bears way to end the game. Jesus. I can’t. Fuck.