Hopefully the Bears bring out a different team in the second half because the team that was on the field in the first half was useless
Disappointing. That's the only word that comes to mind. Two fucking weeks to prepare for this game and we're getting shutout and losing to a team starting their backup QB. Thought maybe Nagy's teams would be different than Fox's off the bye but that is clearly not the case. The uninspired and shitty play was a Fox signature.
What the Fuck are these guys doing! You give them a whole week off Nagy and this uninspired bullshit is how they repay you?! I hoppe you have something other than your reach around kumbaya routine Nagy, cos these guys are taking the piss. Light a fucking fire under these clowns!! So goddam disappointing. They play one good game then come out like their reputation is gonna proceed them. GTFO I'm in Corfu and I'm shitfaced and I'll be godammed if i let these poop butt motherfuckers ruin even one nite of my holiday. Get it together shitbirds or I'm off to take a shot at the hot ass greek waitress. Even a drink in the face would be better than watching you clowns try to play football.