Morning after thoughts *WEEK 2 EDITION*

Discussion in 'Chicago Bears' started by BearsWillWin, Sep 18, 2018.

  1. Bear-man 11 Franchise Player Bears

    Can’t believe anyone would even attempt to blame any portion of that on Robinson.

    Way underthrown, and despite what you say, it WAS late. Not way late, but late nonetheless. Not going to argue any more about it.
    BearsWillWin and bigrobo876 like this.
  2. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    I was wondering on that same play why the other defender that came into that play and gave Robinson a big hit wasn't flagged for a PF. The play should of been over the moment Robinson touched him as he was on the ground, and the only thing I can think of their was a delay in blowing the whistle for some reason.
  3. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    It's not off his back foot but his feet are doing the happy dance when he throws...he's not settled.

    It's underthrown...Robinson is running up the field with his momentum carrying him away from the ball....there is no way he could stop his body and come back the other way once he recognizes the ball is under thrown.

    There's no need to make up excuses or apologies. It was just a bad throw. Move on.
  4. chitownfan312 Franchise Player Bears

    It's obvious that the DBs intent was to block Robinson as part of an interception return. Apparently the play wasn't blown dead yet and the ref determine that was his intent (to block).
  5. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    Are you being sarcastic? He full on tackles him out of bounds like he caught the ball, that was in no way an attempt to engage for a block, not to mention his hands were on the interceptor to mark him down and the whistle blows right then. If that was a QB it's 15 yards easy and hell they might make an ejection rule for it. Don't defend that nonsense, it was a non-call and that's fine, it would have just backed the Seahawks up and we made them go 3 and out anyway.

    On an unrelated note, as I was watching the highlights to look at that play again and we as fans (here and everywhere) really gloss over that awesome play to get the first TD. That play is sold by Trubs hard, bringing the rusher out to Cohen and opens the space for Burton. The kid has a lot to prove, but props on something pretty damn good.
    tunafat likes this.
  6. chitownfan312 Franchise Player Bears

    I'm being serious, that was his intention IMO. Watch the replay, he hit Robinson right as he touched him down. Whistle didn't blow until after the hit. Should it have been a personal foul? Probably, especially with all of the ticky tack calls they make nowadays. But the hit happened before the whistle.

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