Now there's a name I've forgotten about. Dude took everything personally and had to write you a novel to let you know he didn't agree with you. But. My favorite troll was Jprin. The mouthbreathers here, Gideon, Spress, and Firehalo could have learned a thing or three.....
You weren't truly hated by Einsamer unless you pissed him off so bad he went into rants typed all in German.
The all-time funniest thing i ever read on a message board(and i was talking to baby about this quite recently), was that time when pfish was doing his usual troll fail which turned into bww winding him up instead, and bww said pfish's mother should've smothered him in his sleep when he was a baby hahaha. And pfish went into a genuine rage about this, really lost it. Said he was gonna call the cops and get bww arrested. After that got wall-to-wall mocked for a day or so pfish then said he was gonna sue bww instead ha. At which point Jprin comes in and says yeah bww is a disgrace, i'll represent you BWAAAAHAHAHAHA!!! And round and round those two clowns went talking about the case Anyone else remember that? Trust me, i haven't done 1% justice with that story to how funny it was at the time. And you know i don't like to make it worse cos the old bastard's head is big enough already. But that was the best work i ever saw online.
Iregardless had his moments i guess. Bit of an idiot tho wasn't he. The most memorable thing about iregardless was the endless battles he would have with Solomon. Solomon always liked to frame himself as some message board bigshot, and yet he could never put iregardless away. It was pretty funny.
I honestly can't remember if jprinn was the guys actual name or if it was jfinnley and we just called him jprinn for princess. Those were the days when I cared and the Bears were fairly good and could actually talk on the field.
He was jprin first then switched his name is jfinley because he was convinced Jermichael Finley was the second coming of Jesus.
man while we're reminiscing, my favorite jprin moment was his annointing of Will Blackmon as a reason the Packers defense was going to be great in 2008. That's right, this Will Blackmon: - truly a HOFer. I remember this dude Hoosier88 (or something like that) clowning on him for pages about the 1 pass defensed. or maybe when he said he kicked an MMA fighter and "he could really feel it, he told me later" trying to convince BWW. And I'm glad you mentioned rcub because I was going to bring up the time he "killed himself" after we clowned on him for some top ten list. If you guys want to find some real idiots, that other board has a bunch of people saying, without a touch of irony, that we should start Chase Daniel. We have our jprin's too, and they don't live here. CBS we really didn't have a ton of the meatball Bears fans.
Oh man, I remember back then CBS would fuck up, so I would sometimes edit my posts in notepad and then paste them in, so I have this gem saved apparently from 2011 (was this the same event? I remember after this BWW changed his avatar to someone in jail): For those that missed it, this was one of the PMs: Private message to bearswillwin06 Fine you asked for it. Im printing them out and taking them this morning. You have repeatedly posted about me after I have asked you to leave me alone more than once. That equals Harrassment. Im going to the police and they will get envolved.... I gave you a chance to to leave me alone and you didnt. Thats your stupid fault. Hampton 99 too. Im taking his posts to them too and his harrassment towards me. You are both FFF'd..... That was the thread, although at least one more thread was deleted and I can't find it now, which is the one where rcub told BWW to go kill himself. The posts I'm talking about are on the page linked above, there were at least two by both BWW and Hamp that I am now missing, I'd imagine the first BWW was the original PM. Pure comedy gold. I look forward to the Rcub Wall of Stupid, the Jprin one got fairly long after a while. I'm not sure Rcub will show up again.
What was that ones guys name on CBS that was always negative and he had a total hate on for Cedric Bumson? I miss his negativity, it was mostly funny lol
Oh god. Scrub.....did he become Bearz99? He followed a ton of people around. Dude sent me PMs about how agreeing with Bww, KB, Salami, Jazzman, FBP and everybody else that called him an idiot on bears/cubs boards was bad and he was disappointed I would side against him.
My favourite was Einsamer Wolf. He was a brilliant guy but soooo touchy. He took offense at almost everything you'd say. He was one of the clearest examples of a narcissist that I have ever seen before.
LOL this! Where he copied and pasted an obvious "top 10 cubs players" from the first google search result and tried to pass it off as his own list. I miss scrub.
Ah, fuck. I just had a PTSD flashback to top 10 lists and Jermichael Finley Hall of Fame predictions. What're you guys trying to do to me?
Oh yeah, abusive pm's are a whole other story, those badboys are a badge of honour. Right before he finally f_cked off, dimm sent me a mountain of those things, it was outstanding. That final week i was getting multiples a day heh. Dimm, the most appropriate screen name ever.
This might have to be #2 on the list haha. He said he was gonna kill himself, then a week later a post from his acc comes along saying its his mother or whoever and he did kill himself and it was all our fault. Then a few weeks later another top10 comes out ha! He just couldn't stay away lol.
Rcub made the mistake of giving me his real name and I googled him once and found his arrest record....and forwarded it to KB. That was f'n fun.