I know what you mean. But Cutler would force throws into tiny windows, triple coverage, all kinds of stupid shit. That throw just has to be made. Faster diagnosis totally makes that throw easier, but whether he's using his brain more or pure arm power, that ball's got to go. Its tough watching Trubisky right now. Im finding it tough as well looking around the league at guys apparently making it look much easier. Mahomes. Hell even Darnold in his first start. Its real tough right now.
There were more throws Sunday night that were the same type of scenario. First read covered....and he either never sees the second read or sees it too late. It's really concerning. I watched a lot of the games from last year and didn't see that quite as much from him. Or simply overlooked it because he was a rookie. Right now Trubisky looks a lot more like Christian Ponder than he does a Mahomes type.
Just one more thing to throw out for anyone interested..... One guy described that play as a fake jet sweep. It wasn't a fake jet sweep cos the runner passes behind Trubisky not in front. Thats a fake end around. But i really like that idea tho. Imagine it was a fake jet sweep. Trubs takes the snap and makes a step forward, fake sweeper runs in front on him. Cohen moves laterally to his right only now he's not running in front of Trubs as he did in the actual play, he's running behind him. Part of the reason this play failed was cos Cohen was in Matthews line of sight pretty much the whole time. It gave him time to diagnose. If they did an actual fake jet sweep Cohen would've been blocked from Matthews view by both QB and fake sweeper. By the time Matthews sees Cohen, if at all, Cohen is now up near full speed. The diagnosis time is reduced dramatically. Cohens chances of being open and then getting to the edge have gone up. I don't recall seeing anyone run a fake jet sweep this way.... would that work?
As a side note I'm constantly editing my post because right after I hit the post button I read what I just typed and realize it sounds completely fucking illiterate. My posts sometimes read like the campaign speech Charlie wrote for Dennis on It's Always Sunny...
I'd imagine...but I could totally be wrong...if it were an actual fake jet sweep that Matthews would crash on the play instead of staying home. But that's just a guess. Theoretically....yeah it definitely could work.
Trubisky has the deer in headlights/tunnel vision effect going on. It's no surprise he was unable to see a wide open receiver with absolutely no one in his line of sight between him and Burton. I'm about ready to join the Trubisky is a bust camp. I give him 3 more games tops before going to the guy that ran the offense the entire preseason.
From me he gets all of this season and into next before I would label him a bust. The tools are there. The size, the arm, the feet, every physically is there. It's a mental thing now. And that might not be an overnight fix. I want immediate improvement. Like Monday night improvement. But I'm holding off on the bust tag. It's too soon.
Fair enough. But I wouldn't discount the possibility of benching him for a game or two if he doesn't show improvement in the next 3 games.
The playcalling needs to improve a lot too. If he plays bad enough to get benched...we're fucked more than we already thought we were.
The biggest problem with the coaching is he sat Trubisky the entire preseason when he should have been on the field learning in PRACTICE. Instead Nagy is using the regular season as practice SMH
Nagy runs an offense that requires quick, constant diagnosis. You've gotta have your head on a swivel, and make quick calls. Trubisky isn't doing that, and it remains to be seen whether or not he can. Simplify things, and we might have more success. Problem is, Nagy clearly spent all offseason teaching his way, and teaching the quicker, trickier plays... I'm nowhere near ready to call Trubisky a bust. The guy played one college season before he got to the NFL. The problem isn't that he's a bust, it's that he's a baby. And he needs to be given both the time and tools to grow up. There is, of course, the responsibility on him to do the growing up. But we drafted a guy for the job who was very far from being ready, and needs a lot of on-the-job training. It remains to be seen whether or not he'll actually be able to absorb that and rise to the occasion. Seeing him look that scared, lost, and overwhelmed is not a good omen.
Yes you can see that his arm flinches as if he considered making the throw, but then decided against it, but at best besides the obvious would be a back shoulder throw with Burton shielding the safety away from the ball and the safety gets a PI call and the Bears get a brand new set of downs, and then pound it in or in Nagy's case 3 bubble screens later a field goal.
I'm not there yet because he is still so raw, and he has the one thing you can't teach accuracy. Given his limited QB experience in school and the league and learning a new system which is why I didn't fucking understand why Nagy rested the starters that 3rd game. Would it made a difference this game, probably not, but like many NFL games where just one play could be the difference between winning or losing, and it could of been that one play where he was schooled in that 3rd game, but instead it was left on the bench. I need to see some improvement and not much of the same because I'm tending to be leaning toward bust.
He could have made the throw but even when his arm flinches he’s already late, just my opinion (there is a small window I agree where he could have made the decision to fire it). I don’t think PI is the most likely thing there, especially because it’s the Packers we’re talking about. More likely is it’s just broken up or incomplete. He throws after the twitch it might even be picked. He throws it a split second earlier and it’s a TD. All that said, the screen grab is misleading. There were far more egregious things in the game, like the 2 minute drill. I don’t have All-22 so I’m looking forward to you guys breaking it down. I AM solidly in the “pretty worried” camp with him though. But like it or not he’s our QB for the foreseeable future so I’ll continue to hope for improvement.
I agree if he saw him a split second sooner as he started coming across that's an uncontested TD, But as I too flipped out when I saw the screen shot. At least from the video he did see him, but decided against it whereas in the past we saw Cutler make that throw numerous times regardless and numerous times being picked. So at least he didn't force it so as bad as it looked I'll have to take that as a positive until he gains more experience to gauge that throw.
Trubisky look scared, shook, and out of his league in the second half. Anytime they put the camera on his face he looked like a guy that didn’t want to be where he was. That’s alarming to me. I haven't read through this thread yet but I had a comment to make on this. I was watching the JETS/Lions Game last night, and watching Sam Darnold made me sad. Darnold wasn't perfect, but he looked like a guy who had command of that field, who wanted to be on that field, who wasn't scared. I had this same thought about Trubisky as you posted here - he lookedl ike a guy that didnt want to be where he was. And watching Darnold it was the COMPLETE opposite. Youngest guy to ever start an NFL game at QB and he looked infinitely more composed. I know that Trubisky is raw but honestly that cant be an excuse. if you're in year two and the excuse is that He is still raw, than Pace needs to be heavily criticized. in the NFL you cant take more than a year to at least be a competent QB anymore. As I said with the Mack trade, Ryan Pace wants to win RIGHT NOW. Windows in the NFL are shorter than in the MLB. We've got basically a 3 year window RIGHT NOW and its sure as hell looking like we're going to waste one of those years developing mitch more. And going by the intatgibles. I'm worried
AFter reading through the thread I'm happy to see as much criticism for Trubs' play as I had. But, theres nothing really we can do about that now. I think our Focal point for short term needs to be: MOVE WHITEHAIR OFF CENTER. PLEASE FOR ALL THAT IS GOOD AND HOLY. THIS MAN OBVIOUSLY CANNOT SNAP THE BALL.