I checked out your league site 3rd, and it looks really good! I hope you get all the guys you need. Our Bear fans need to rediscover their passion for their team and the NFL, and this might help.
I think you are spot on with this, I do sense a buzz that we are starting to turn the corner, but it will be up to the team to see if we can complete that turn.
We've had so many false starts over the CuthimpleaseCutler years. It is an example of how so many things have to go wrong over and over again to impact on everyone's love for the Bears. So many years trying to get hyped only to get a shocking reality check when nothing changed. This year it's a fresh and more mature start.
I hear you. I think the love that most of us fans have for the Bears makes us all much too willing to allow/tolerate a lot of the stupidity that we've seen through the management and coaching staff over the last few years. But looking around at how many of our usual fans who are no longer participating on the board makes me really wonder if it all was too much for a lot of us.
Blang - confirmed - need email BWW - confirmed EvertonBears - confirmed Mongo - confirmed - need email acrazyfool- confirmed Tunafat - confirmed 3rdGen - confirmed PatG - confirmed - need email 4 spots open! Mongo might be/is? offering playoff tickets to our winner! Come on, guys, the board can't be THIS dead, can it?
Well, hell, kids! It's good to see you all back around! Hopefully football season gives you a reason to stay, this year. We could all use a decent team to root for, this decade!
Blang - confirmed - need email BWW - confirmed EvertonBears - confirmed Mongo - confirmed - need email acrazyfool- confirmed Tunafat - confirmed 3rdGen - confirmed PatG - confirmed Duece - confirmed - need email Boonie - confirmed 2 spots open! Mongo might be/is? offering playoff tickets to our winner! Get me those emails so I can get invites out and we can start working on a draft date
Please tell me the draft order changes when you set up the date/draft. Picking 2nd is just........ass...... Are y'all still doing the "bieber award" or did baby file a complaint about canadian discrimination?
I’ll randomize dividions and draft order when the league is full. I’m working with Tim to get the Bieber and Terminator weekly awards applied to avatars here
I was in that fantasy league 2 years ago. If my memory serves correct BWW finished in 1st and I finished in 2nd in the regular season. I ended up making the final while the unattended blang team beat BWW in the semi finals. I put up a message here ridiculing the fact that blang didn't adjust his roster or lineup for like 8 weeks straight yet he still lucked into the finals. After that he immediately adjusted his lineup and won the final playoff game. I'll play if you have an open spot lol
Blang - confirmed BWW - confirmed EvertonBears - confirmed Mongo - confirmed - need email acrazyfool- confirmed Tunafat - confirmed 3rdGen - confirmed PatG - confirmed Duece - confirmed Boonie - confirmed 2 spots open! Mongo might be/is? offering playoff tickets to our winner! Mongo, need an email sometime soonish Two more spots left!