Bears 'optimistic' Roquan Smith will be in camp soon

Discussion in 'Chicago Bears' started by News Desk, Jul 19, 2018.

  1. chitownfan312 Franchise Player Bears

    I do blame the organization for throwing out misleading terminology like a "behavioral" clause which misleads the public into thinking off field issues when it's really on field issues. What the issues are who knows, for all we know with the state of the current NFL it's a dispute over kneeling for the anthem. But this particular agency has a proven record of being disruptive and that's well documented.
    firehalo likes this.
  2. firehalo Guest

    I really do appreciate you taking the time to discuss this at depth. It’s nice to speak to other fans from different teams/conferences and getting a look at other perspectives.
    chitownfan312 likes this.
  3. chitown king Special Teams Bears

    My boss doesn't pay my wages if I get caught jay walking to work and miss a half a day while I'm in a holding cell for crossing the street while black.

    My boss doesn't pay my wages if I throw my dick on the copier and print out the half that fits on the glass and get suspended without pay for a month for flirting with the interns.

    One is on field stuff and the other is off field. Either way I don't get paid for making stupid decisions and if he is asking for language in his contract to cover him for dumb shit they should just trade his ass to the Vikings and let them do another stupid fully guaranteed contract.
  4. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    The best thing for this particular client right now is getting on the field.
    chitownfan312 and IrishDawg42 like this.
  5. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    I like this guy.
  6. firehalo Guest

    Once the “language” is settled... sure!
  7. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    By all reports the language surrounding the helmet rule is settled. Now it's been reported that it's about off field or after whistle type stuff....and that would set a precedent no team should be wanting or willing to set.

    Play football and play it the right way and you won't have any problems.

    No employer should have to protect you from stupid things you might do.
  8. Bear-man 11 Franchise Player Bears

    It’s not just the language, it’s the fact that those in charge of interpreting it don’t even understand how and when to apply it. That is fucking bullshit. The NFL is fucking up this league at every turn with its half-assed attempts to cover their asses.

    Either way, sounds like the helmet rule stuff is settled so that point is moot. Get on the field asshole.
  9. Mongo_76 Guest

    He's now down ~2 weeks of practice, and a pre-season game.

    Gotta love how some will portray the Bears as the bad guy when this guy wants language (essentially) in his contract saying he gets paid no matter what he does on or off the field.

    I think he's literally asking for the Ray Rice exception...
    EvertonBears likes this.
  10. rediiis Guest

    I think something in his past is gonna come up after he signs his contract.
  11. Bear-man 11 Franchise Player Bears

    What would that have to do with what we are discussing?
  12. rediiis Guest

    language in the contract
  13. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Well I can't say its a huge shock to see which side comrade firehalo is coming down on here. Fuck the establishment, fuck The Man, power to the people, viva la revolucion!!! BrrrrrrRRRRPPP. Woah, excuse me. Gas.

    I don't know how much you follow soccer, but i would advise some research before you put players in charge of whats best for the game(which is essentially what you're driving at in this thread). Because giving the players too much power was one of the MAJOR reasons that soccer got ruined in the first place.

    Players in soccer are absolutely spoiled and completely entitled. On the pitch they flop every 5 seconds in embarrassing fashion. They spend the whole time trying to influence the Ref, either through mind games, whining or just straight in your face intimidation. The vast majority of players in pro soccer are flat out cheats, thats just the truth.

    Off the pitch players(and their agents) have so much power that they routinely hold their team to ransom. Usually over pay, as soon as a better offer comes along, fuck the team, fuck the fans, they're off. Suddenly contracts don't matter. But not just over pay i stress. Neymar, King of Fucks, has threatened to force thru a transfer simply because he didn't agree with the tactics the HC was employing. Yes, you read that right, PLAYERS are now dictating how the coach goes about doing his job.

    If all of this sounds a little far fetched and unrelated to the subject here, it shouldn't. NFL players are already flopping around the pile after the whistle trying to con the officials into throwing a flag(also known as cheating). It seems like every other pass play a WR is on the ground waving his arms around like a little bitch asking for a PI. Players(particularly WR's again) get in officials faces if they don't like the call like never before. Hell last season i even saw a player put his hands on an official and NOT get ejected.

    Football is further along this path than i think most people realise. And once you give the players the power in a certain area its almost impossible to get it back. There's probably a case that the battle was already largely lost at the last protracted CBA negotiations, with the knockout punch coming at the next one in 2021(Demaurice Smith has already gone on record that a lockout then is a virtual certainty, 4 years before it even happens. Nice).

    And the reason all of this is relevant is because ultimately that is exactly what this business with Roquan Smith is about. Player power. Smith seems to want immunity from any off-field misdemeanor that brings the team or the league into disrepute. Someone give me a list of jobs/employment where employees aren't held accountable/fired if they bring their company into disrepute, even if it is "off-field"/away from work. That'll be a short list.

    This off-field immunity thing, i file it along with players wanting offset language so they can double-dip on contracts, essentially meaning they get paid more for being bad at their job and getting cut than being good at their job and making the team. Fuck the players. Fuck these spoiled babies straight to hell. In the history of the game NFL players have literally never had pay and working conditions as good as they have today. And still they aren't happy. Cos the truth is players will never be happy, no matter what you give em.

    But rest assured even after they've got everything they want and ruined the product completely we'll still have bleeding hearts like firehalo playing a tiny violin and telling us former fans why we should be sympathetic.

    Rant over. BrrrrrrRRRRRPPP!
  14. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    You know, it sounds a lot here like you're defending lawyers and sports agents, those two bastions of moral and ethical conduct in the professional world.

    How interesting.
  15. firehalo Guest

    I’m mostly defending a player to protect himself from getting fucked over and they hire people to help them in those circumstances.

    Sorry your team was looking like the bag of dicks here.

    VERY interesting.
  16. firehalo Guest

    Nine paragraphs for lil ol’ me?... thank you.
  17. firehalo Guest

    Soccer is a fun sport. I dig Arsenal and mostly watch it more closely once every four years.

    Instead of blaming the players (or my political affiliations) look to the ones who “make the rules” and the REAL purpose behind it (future litigation... you know, with lawyers and shit you bitch about to me when it fits your narrative). This new helmet rule is shrouded in grey and I don’t blame players wanting to FULLY protect themselves from a rule that the league officials and the reps sent out to explain it, can’t FULLY or concisely explain. The league is trying to fall back on “I can’t explain what pornography is, but I know It when I see it.” ARBITRARY BULLSHIT in a masked attempt to save their own pocket books.
    Fuck that.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 3, 2018
  18. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    Great post. But don't bring Futbol into a Football conversation.
  19. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    If a player decides to punch another player on the football field and gets ejected, fined, and suspended....please explain how he is being fucked over if the team doesn't cover the money he loses?
    chitownfan312 likes this.
  20. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    It's inexcusable.
    Anyone looking for protection from their own actions should stay out of the sport. It's like we're seeing a whole generation of people who can't accept blame or responsibility for their own behaviour. This is the parallel to what's happening in soccer. I love soccer but I've stopped watching because I can't stand watching the fake drama that happens all the time on the field. Like Ev said, I don't think this is as prevalent on the football field but it's coming ...

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