IGT - Bears @ Lions - Saturday Edition

Discussion in 'Chicago Bears' started by Mongo_76, Dec 16, 2017.

  1. BlackDog Franchise Player Bears

    Lots of flags today...
  2. Mongo_76 Guest

    It's not in the best interest of the NFL for the Bears to win this game. Not with a New Years eve game with Lions and Packers and a potential playoff spot up for grabs.
  3. Mongo_76 Guest

    It's not in the best interest of the NFL for the Bears to win this game. Not with a New Years eve game with Lions and Packers and a potential playoff spot up for grabs.
  4. Mongo_76 Guest

    3rd and 7, we run a 3-yards route.

    Even if he catches that, we don't come anywhere near a first down.

    Fuck you Fox
  5. Go Bearsssss Franchise Player Bears

    I dont understand that playcall at all. a 3 yard slant on third and 7? Trubs was so commited to that throw that it HAD to be designed that way. WTF?
  6. Go Bearsssss Franchise Player Bears

    If theydidnt call that PI on the Lions I think i would have had an aneurysm
  7. Mongo_76 Guest

    Welp, we're in FG range... but we better take a fucking shot or 2
  8. Go Bearsssss Franchise Player Bears

    Oh yeah I'm sure Fox will. LOL
  9. BlackDog Franchise Player Bears

    Geese, could've taken a shot at the end zone there... wtf do you have to lose?
  10. Mongo_76 Guest

    his reputation as being a conservative douche
  11. Mongo_76 Guest

    Michael Irvin losing his shit at half time complaining about Fox not letting Trubisky play...
  12. Go Bearsssss Franchise Player Bears

    Cant disagree with Irvin
  13. Mongo_76 Guest

    Why the hell did wright not even try???????? He literally pulled his arms down to not catch it!!!
  14. Go Bearsssss Franchise Player Bears

    LMAO well maybe you can.
  15. Go Bearsssss Franchise Player Bears

    Trevathon got shit all over at the end of that drive. Ouch.
  16. Go Bearsssss Franchise Player Bears

    Trubisky only trusts WRight, and Wright kinda sucks too. Lol.
  17. BlackDog Franchise Player Bears

    Lol these flags
  18. Mongo_76 Guest

    Compton down. We may have to play Glennon on Oline.
  19. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner

  20. Mongo_76 Guest

    Holy shit. Wheaton sighting.
    2 catches on the year!

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