Regarding Trubisky...

Discussion in 'Chicago Bears' started by EvertonBears, Nov 30, 2017.

  1. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Let me preface this by saying im well aware of how early it is for the kid as an NFL player.

    That said, i wanted to ask the only true Bears brain trust their thoughts on Trubisky so far?

    I'm not exactly concerned overall, and i see how quick Goff has come on with some actual weapons at WR and a playcaller who knows what the F he's doing.... but in watching most of the throws Trubisky has made as a Bear, there are some things that do slightly concern me. And prob worse, they may be becoming more common in his game.

    Specifically(imo), Trubsiky's accuracy is starting to become an issue, more specifically from the pocket. No one's gonna make 100%, but there's no escaping the fact the kid does miss a bunch of extremely easy throws every game. For a QB who was touted for his accuracy i do find that a little worrying. And its not just the incompletions, Trubisky's ball placement overall is often not good. WR's frequently seem to be reaching behind them to make the catch on crossing routes. Balls sail high over receivers heads inexplicably.

    I HATE having to say this...... but some of the flaws im seeing in Trubisky actually remind me of some of the flaws in He Who Shall Not Be Named. Particularly footwork.

    I maintain one of the biggest reasons He Who Shall Not Be Named never became a true success in this league is that he never managed to become consistently disciplined in his footwork. His footwork breaking down often led to his upper body mechanics breaking down. We all know how often He Who Shall Not Be Named would throw off the back foot and how often it would prove costly. Trubisky may be throwing off balance more each week. Its concerning.

    I'm really just asking the question hoping for some thoughts/feedback. Are you guys seeing what im seeing with Trubisky? Are you concerned? Because what im talking about here won't simply be solved by better WR's or a human sized OC. Only Trubisky can improve a lot of this and if he doesn't...well.... we might know what his ceiling will be. We just had 8years of potentially something similar.

    Go Trubisky!
    Go Jordan Howard!
    Ryan Pace, just go.
    acrazyfool likes this.
  2. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    His footwork has gotten worse with each game, imo. Not sure why. Maybe trying to do too much....maybe it's the lack of trust in his o-line and receivers.

    I think it's a very fixable issue for a young QB and I don't think his mechanics are Cutler like at this moment in time.

    I'm not concerned.....yet. The right HC and OC can help him. And just having more and more playing time can too.

    Trubisky doesn't turn over the ball a lot. That's huge. But he has to know when he can take a chance and when he should take a chance. He can't take the sacks he has taken.

    It's way to early to be worried. How he comes out next season and plays will determine if I get worried.
  3. Bear-man 11 Franchise Player Bears

    I think he is stuck somewhere between trying to do too much, and trying to be conservative and not turn the ball over.

    He’s being indecisive and apprehensive, but still trying to make plays. To me it seems like rookie jitters combined with a lame duck coaching staff that doesn’t know what the fuck they’re doing.

    He’s a rookie, doing rookie things - and he’s surrounded by garbage receivers.

    He will be very good, provided Pace finds the right staff, and gets him some weapons.
  4. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Then we are talking regression aren't we. I've seen it too, don't really know why it happens either. I'm not sure he's playing with the same confidence he had initially. The supporting cast on the field may be part of that, but personally I suspect the supporting cast off the field may be a bigger part.

    Part of me would take an end to the season tomorrow if you offered it, just so these cock jugglers we call coaches can't do any more harm than good re Trubisky. Its not just the fact I don't believe in their ability to develop him in the technical aspects of what he's doing, its because I've long believed that attitude has the ability to be infectious and almost everything I see on sunday re gameplan and approach from this Offense is negative. I try to show belief in the guys at work whenever I can, even tho they can fail and it can wind up costing me money at times. The feeling I constantly get watching this Offense is that they don't have belief in Trubisky, that they're scared of him screwing up. You give off that vibe of fear to a person(or team) long enough and they will start fearing too.

    Anyway it is very early and I'm probably getting ahead of myself. Maybe 8years of watching a supreme natural talent turn into unrealised potential cos he could never develop, has made me gun shy. But I don't like these coaches and don't won't them around Trubisky, they do him little good. I'll be glad when they're gone.

    They don't bother me at this stage(and you could say this season was a great opportunity to make them), but he has def made poor decisions at times. Not turnover decisions necessarily but drive killers all the same. Some of the read-option decisions, or that sack he took on the wrongside PA against GB heh, that kinda shit is exactly why Jerry Glanville hated playing rookies heh.
  5. blang84 Legend Bears

    This is where I'm at. Any regression we've seen to me falls on the coaching staff with some help from the bums at WR. He has established zero rapport with anyone. These guys suck at getting open and suck even more at hanging on to the ball. Combined that with the ultra-conservative play calling in a number of games and no strong guidance in helping him with his footwork, pocket presence, and other fundamentals and it's no wonder he's lost some poise.

    If there's no improvement next year then it may be time to start talking bust.
  6. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    I'm not panicking, but I've noticed the same things you have. His clock in his head appears to have sped up, and the accuracy (not only touted, but that we saw early on) has waned a bit. Like last game throwing behind his receivers. But I'm not worried too much, as it ALL depends on Pace's next hire. We hire McCarthy Jr. and he has the tools. We hire the "QB Whisperer" from Canada again and we are supremely fucked.

    Unfortunately, what do you think the odds are Pace hits on his next hire?

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