We May Not win Again Until 49ers Game

Discussion in 'Chicago Bears' started by Mongo_76, Oct 1, 2017.

  1. Mongo_76 Guest

    When you evaluate the season, our team, how we've played, and the fact that we weren't "Trubisky vs Glennon" away from beating the Packers, I really just don't see how we are better than any of the next 6 opponents.


    The Vikings D is dominating. They absolutely pummeled Stafford today. Now, the Lions still won. But, if you watched the game, we don't even come close to stacking up with either one of these teams. We're losing on Monday night to the Vikings and whoever our QB is, he's going to be mauled.

    We've never beaten the Ravens in Baltimore. It's not happening this year.

    The Panthers just beat the Patriots...

    And the Saints clobbered the Dolphins in England. Now... I had this as a win. But, I don'[t see this team going to NO and beating them in the dome.

    Then Greenbay again - LOSS

    Then the Lions - who just beat the Vikings.

    Then the Eagles. Who are actually looking like a for real team.

    Then finally the 49ers.

    And you know what would suck... IF we're playing the 49ers and the #1 overall pick (with the Browns) is actually in play. Because they will trow the game. And not only will we slide in the overall bid for the #1 pick, but we will have done so without actually knowing if we were the better team.

    And no, I am not advocating losing. I am saying if we're going to win, I'd prefer it against a team that isn't competing with us to lose.

    With all that said, it's time to put in Trubisky. We need to see if he can play. He needs to learn on the job. We, as fans, need something to be encouraged about.

    Right now, I would rather watch the last game of the Sox season than the Bears... It's that bad.
  2. blang84 Legend Bears

    If Trubisky starts, we win. They have no tape of him, plus the Vikings are wildly inconsistent. Shitwad played his best game of the year against them on MNF last year. The Bears will be on an emotional high with the QB switch. Trubs starts, we win. Period.

    If Trubs starts, I will be there to watch this game live. I live about half hour from Baltimore and was refusing to get tickets as long as the team was trotting Glennon out.

    Btw, the Ravens suck ass. Flacco is having the worst year of his career. They have a good pass rush but that's about it. Definitely a VERY winnable game, even if Glennon starts. That's how bad the Ravens are.

    Either way, we'll end up with 4-6 wins somehow. No one thought we'd beat the Steelers and that happened with Glennon. As bad as we are, we're a little bit better than last year when healthy. I just want to beat the Packers and Lions, fucking hate them and tired of losing to those shit heads.
  3. bigrobo876 Franchise Player Bears

    I find it very hard to predict anything with this team if the switch is made at QB.

    Glennon was so horrible it made it impossible to fairly grade out the rest of the offense. He made it tough in all the other spots. Defenses would stack the box to stop the run. O line had to block for a statue that held the ball too long. Receivers have been ignored for long stretches then expected to make big plays without being allowed to find any kind of rhythm.

    The Lions were able to run on the Vikings. If we can exploit that and Mitch can make a few plays while avoiding big fuck ups we should have a chance to win on Monday night. That game will hopefully give us a better glimpse of what is to come. If we get whooped than I would agree that any win will be considered an upset.
  4. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    I tend to agree with blang, if Bradford misses another game then our next 2 games are def winnable.

    The Vikes are getting killed with injuries, if our defense plays well then we could certainly edge a close, low scoring game. The Ravens are a trainwreck. Luckily for them it was the Steelers last week, who's Offense once again did their damndest to keep the opponent in the game. Against most other teams the Ravens would've been destroyed for a second week running.

    And I wouldn't go expecting a Win against the 9ers either. They are better than their record, at least 3 of their losses have been heartbreakers, they could easily be .500 right now. And besides, how Bears would it be to get their asses handed to them by a returning Brian Hoyer.

    But the Browns however, we're allowed to expect a win against the Browns. They stink. They always stink. A team of geriatrics could beat them.
  5. Mongo_76 Guest

    I am not seeing it.

    I mean, I am much more optimistic than I was when Trubisky wasn't starting.

    And hell yes, I want him to start over that piece of shit we had as a placeholder.

    But that defense is going to obliterate him.
  6. aggie16 Franchise Player Bears

    Vikings and Ravens are winnable. The Ravens offense is just disgusting. Flacco has looked like Glennon and don't have anyone that scares me on that side of the ball. They got the shit kicked out of them by the Jags and Steelers.

    I'm not sold on the Panthers quite yet but they do look improved. The Patriots defense is horrificly bad right now and made them look better than they are, you can still get in Newton's head and if you can keep him in the pocket, he is still limited.

    That being said I have to see what the Bears are with Trubisky. All I know is for all of their problems and short comings, they beat the Steelers at home and should have beat the Falcons, 2 teams who will more than likely be in the playoffs. So if Trubisky brings a different dimension and protects the ball, they may be able to cause some teams some trouble.
  7. patg006 M.V.P. Bears

    One week at a time. Teams are going to get beat up, hurt, or may just not show up like Pittsburgh. I'm not guaranteeing anything, but I'm also not closing the book on the next couple games being immediate losses.
  8. Mongo_76 Guest

    Our defense will be missing the captain and a guy who was balling last week.

    But yes, I think the loss of Cook for them is a big deal.

    I am tempering my thoughts with the fact that so far:

    1) Trubisky has looked great in a basic offense - but I have not seen him run a pro O
    2) The defenses he was facing were not #1 or #2
    3) He's a rookie
    4) His first start ever is on Monday night
    5) His first start ever is against one of the best D's in the NFL
    6) We have some very piss poor WR's
    7) Our D secondary was exposed last week - badly
    8) Our D pass rush is still inferior
    9) Our Run D will take a huge hit with Trevethan out
    10) Barf

    Look, I would love for MT to come in and lead and the team run off 8 or 9 wins and me get that "we're the most fucking amazing team ever" feeling I had when McMahon came in against the Vikes and then lead us to the SB...

    But, our strength vs the Vikongs is we have a better running game. But, they have a fucking dominating run D. Our best strength competes against theirs.

    Whereas several of our weaknesses are exploitable.

    We are not the better team.

    But I hope we win anyway.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 3, 2017
  9. aggie16 Franchise Player Bears

    11) Glennon is no longer playing

    This is one of the biggest factors of the Bears having a chance to win and would say this even if Sanchez was starting. I don't know what the kid can do but if he can even look like an athlete or someone who belongs in an NFL, he is already better than Glennon without even throwing a pass.

    I am still trying to grasp just how bad Glennon was and how completely unatheletic he was even every game, including preseason, that he played.

    I can't believe anyone can watch film on this guy or even watch him practice and think "Yes, that's our guy".
    vvarder and EvertonBears like this.
  10. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Dunno if anyone else heard this, but on Waddle & Silvy the other day they'd put together a collection of Pace soundbites, presumably from Glennon's intro PC/not long after they'd signed him. Now, i know if you wanna go that route its prob possible to make a lot of GM's/HC's look silly about a lot of failed FA signings..... BUT, hearing over some of the "qualities" Pace reeled off about Glennon i was just dumbstruck.

    Off the top of my head things like: "Mike is a highly accurate thrower", "Has a lot of experience playing in this league/our scouting of Glennon goes back years", "expert at reading defenses and diagnosing things quickly", "effective deep ball thrower".

    WRONG!!!!! Everything, wrong!! Glennon is basically the exact opposite of everything Pace said there! What the F were you even watching??? Glennon is not accurate. He had 18 starts before Chicago, thats just over 1 season of experience thats not "a lot". His deep ball doesnt exist. He doesn't know what he's looking at re defensive alignments and he does NOTHING quickly! I havent seen a Bears QB play this slow since Todd Collins.

    I always thought Pace's worst f_ckup to date was his direct involvement in the Marshall/White/Leonard Williams chain of events, although i guess there's a lot of competition on that tbh. But Glennon has been SO bad, so needlessly expensive and Pace's scouting of Glennon apparently so completely wrong, that how do you not call this his worst move? Its the kind of mistake that never washes off. I mean if he actually meant what he said when listing Glennon's positive traits, then i no longer have any faith in Pace's ability to scout pro personnel. His record already in FA is generally awful, but this just caps it all off.

    I've really tried to get on board with this guy, i can say that hand on heart. Through the completely unconvincing PC's, making us suffer 2 unnecessary extra years of Cuntler, the doomed-to-fail FA signings, the completely unfathomable approach to roster building as a whole.... but Glennon's complete and utter failure is the last straw.

    I want Pace fired. Of course thats almost certain not to happen until we know more on Trubisky. And the hilarious thing is if the kid pans out Pace will surely keep his job.

    Time for a late morning Scotch.
  11. blang84 Legend Bears

    I heard that segment a couple days ago and it really is a total and unforgivable indictment on Pace's skills as a talent evaluator. You're right, everything he said at the press conference has been proven to be completely wrong and the exact opposite. The fact that he kept doubling down and went as far as to say he's known all of this for "years" is horrifying. All can be redeemed if Trubs turns out ok, but seriously how can you possibly trust this guy to make any player personnel decisions going forward after this complete and inexcusable evaluation and signing.

    Pace is one to know that a good QB can mask a GM's flaws. Perhaps that will be the case with Trubisky, and at the very least we'll have a good QB, but be stuck with Pace trying to fix the rest of the roster. Ugh.
  12. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    I agree with all this.....all fair points.

    Still a winnable game at home.
  13. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    Mama Cass had a body that just wouldn't quit, and who's opinion is closer to the truth?
    Fuck it have two!
  14. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    Mama Cass had a body that just wouldn't quit

    What's wrong with fat chicks?
  15. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    Did I say there was? You can take that both ways because that body went on and on and on.
    They always seemed eager to please so nothing.
    BearsWillWin likes this.
  16. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    I don't know, it seems clear that he had so little faith in Glennon that he traded UP for Trubisky in the first place. Trubisky pans out and it makes up for a lot of his ills. To me the pressers are just blowing smoke up the fans ass anyway.

    Big cons for Pace are Glennon, and drafting Kevin White for sure. Cohen and Howard are plusses though. Books out on Trubisky and Floyd amongst others.

    Then again, I remember how many of you wanted Watson and to see him having early success...
  17. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    I think all along he had Trubisky in mind long before he brought Noodle Neck in and probably why he traded up for him. He brought Noodle Neck on board because of relative inexperience and perceived low floor of Trubisky, and because of it anointed him starter because he didn't want to shake his confidence. That is some old school thinking right there. The fact is, you could see Trubisky grow as a QB in the preseason from one game to the next and that floor began to rise. We still really don't know how he will read coverages because he has been up against mostly vanilla coverages in the preseason so I'm confident he will make mistakes, and this will be the season he hopefully can learn and grow from those mistakes.
  18. patg006 M.V.P. Bears

    19 mil guaranteed to a mentally disabled giraffe masquerading as an NFL quarterback was an awful lot just for a smoke screen......

    I don't think Pace is that smart enough to pull something like that off.
  19. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    Great point. I might be rationalizing away the salary, but it was also one year, and it was to someone new - would Bears fans have bought into Barkley or Hoyer while Trubisky was benched (I think yes, but I could see the thinking the other way).

    But he had to know he wasn't the answer, otherwise why make the trade up? Like Tuna says, he had Trubsiky in his sights the entire time. The plan likely was to let him take pressure away from having to start, and where Pace went wrong is that Glennon doesn't even belong in the league, much less as a backup.

    I guess my point is, the difference is between "Pace thought he could be serviceable and he's crap" not "Pace thinks he's awesome (as evidenced by the pressers) and he's crap".
  20. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    I'll contest that. You don't pay a serviceable QB you could live without $15 mil in one year, and several million guaranteed in the following year (note: everyone keeps saying that it's essentially a one year deal - if I recall, there's guaranteed money next year, meaning we'll pay him when he's [hopefully] not on the team).

    I'm not saying he didn't really want Trubisky, but the evidence says that he also really wanted Glennon.

    Even if he did think he was serviceable, and just massively overpaid, he clearly misjudged that. That was a judgment that most here had gotten right, without needing to see him in a Bears uniform.

    Ev, glad to hear you're on board the train. Sadly, you've also come to the realization of the truth - if Trubisky's good, we're stuck with Pace. If he's not... fuck.

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