What the FUCK was he doing???? Did he want to walk over? Cut that fool immediately. Don't even let him come out for the second half. Cut his slackoff ass!
Then they go for it, fucking false start. This is such a microcosm of the fucking bears it's ridiculous.
That play by Cooper is one of the worst by any Bear ive ever seen. You doggin it motherfucker. And that series of events as a whole? Just beyond stupid. And yet so very current Bears.
I'm almost glad about the false start. Bears fucked up the TD once I'm not confident they would have gotten the yard.
I have this feeling like the Bears are going to find a way to fuck this shit up big. That last sequence was ridiculous. How is it not a safety? I mean it's better, but becuase they're on defense? But it's still the special teamers out there? I forget who said it above, but Glennon is good for 2 throws a game. Other than that, the statue, staring down his receivers, immobile. The WRs can't catch anything, they all suck. I wouldn't mind if every one of them wasn't on the team next year. Glassu was classic Mongo.