I can't do it anymore

Discussion in 'Chicago Bears' started by blang84, Sep 17, 2017.

  1. blang84 Legend Bears

    Years of shitwad and juicebox and Fox but I think today is the straw that broke the camels back for me. I've got nothing left. I can't watch my beloved Bears with an utter feeling of hopelessness week after week. Bad players, worse/uninspiring coaching. I can't handle it. I am no longer watching this team team until Trubisky is under center, something that actually makes me feel hopeful about this abomination of a franchise. I cannot put myself through the agony of watching them not care, not try, suck and with no hope of getting better. In this vast infinite universe there is no excuse in it for not giving Trubs garbage time today in a real NFL game. No excuse, even if Fox was trying his hardest to get Glennon killed, it's still inexcusable. Trubs should have played in the second half. If Trubs doesn't play this year, then I'll see you pricks next year.
    vvarder likes this.
  2. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    Before the season I thought Trubs would start in the back quarter of the season, then after preseason I was thinking week 8.

    Now I have no clue. I feel pretty sure Fox is gone after this year, but I also think Fox might keep the kid on the bench sticking to his guns about redshirting him.

    That game though, very Juicebox in the complete lack of giving a shit. Just pathetic. Garbage defense, losing in the trenches and the secondary. Hicks injured. Garbage offense, oline injured, glennon sucks, WRs can't catch, and the RBs couldn't get going. Special teams giving up the turnover. A failure in every aspect of the game.

    It's actually good the bucs just ran out the clock the entire 2nd half, otherwise it could have been worse. And they're not even that good a team, is the worst part.
  3. aggie16 Franchise Player Bears

    That was my thought, at this point I have changed it to week 5. Glennon will take a beating against the Steelers and Packers, the Bears will be 0-4 and will need something to keep fans in the seats because if they don't play him by then, no one will go to the games and there will be an uprising.

    I'm not sure what you expected out of this season. I'm not angry because I have been I am completely apathetic right now. Things are pretty much playing out like I thought they would. I agree with you that the only hope for the season and only thing worth watching for is Trubisky. Otherwise you will be watching a repeat of last year.

    I hope you don't leave but understand if you do. I can't watch a full game anymore, the incompetency I see on the field makes me want to puick but will still watch in hopes I can be entertained by my favorite team instead of completely numb. Trubisky is the lone hope to making this season worth watching, other than that it is a battle with the Jets, Colts, 49ers and Browns for the top draft pick.
  4. Mongo_76 Guest

    Funny you say this. I remember when I used to be so upset after a Bears loss, I would refuse to listen to sports radio until around Friday.

    I was unhappy we lost. But more so unhappy that I was not proven wrong about this team. Not unhappy because I expected us to win.

    This team is crap.

    I'm actually gonna sell my Pittsbugh game ticket. I NEVER sell my tickets. I Give them away if I'm out of town or get to the damn game. But I'm putting them on stub hub because I really think the Bears deserve to have a stadium filled with Steelers fans cheering louder than us so they can see what a real Franchise is doing. Glennon got 16 million. 16 fucking million.

    Fuck this coach. Fuck this QB. Fuck Virginia's worthless offspring.

    Imagine that, a die-hard Bears fan who has had season tickets since my dad bought them in the 70's is hoping a Steelers fan buys my tickets....

    We're there.
    Al in Cal, aggie16 and blang84 like this.
  5. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    I go into every game now expecting to lose but somehow rooting for the win, and regardless not being disappointed.
    A few years ago last week's game (Falcons) would of ruined my entire week after they pulled defeat from the mouth of victory, but I'm resigned to loss before they even take the field.
    On the prediction thread I only predicted 3 wins because I have lost all confidence in this team to do the right thing when it matters most. It appears they are going to stick to their plan of marching noodle neck out there until the season is completely lost. Even if they were thinking about it after this game the state of the offensive line with it's injuries are piling up, and not likely to be a move they would make at this point even if it was being considered.
    aggie16 likes this.
  6. M.I.A. Unknown Soldier MIA's C.P. Falcons

    The Bears do look better than last year. They just need time to gel I think and they'll be okay.
  7. blang84 Legend Bears

    Let me reiterate that it wasn't the outcome of the game or even the way we lost that got me to this point. This disturbing, stubborn refusal to give reps to Trubisy even in a game that's lost, is what I can't deal with. Every national/local commentator I've seen agrees, that's the type of game he should have played in during the second half, let alone he should have been starting already. And I don't want to hear a word about the banged up o-line or shitty receivers, he will have to deal with that no matter what. And the funny thing is Glennon actually had plenty of time to throw most of the day yesterday, especially in the second half when Trubs could have been playing.

    You're right, I also had no hope for this season but I was also really looking forward to watching the kid play. I can't watch an unprepared, uninspired, poorly coached team with no direction and little talent compete week in and week out, at this point. Once the Trubs is in, I'm all in again. Until then, there's no point in putting us through all this again.
    aggie16 likes this.
  8. Deuce Special Teams Bears

    Can definitely understand the feeling. I have probably grown immune to it all at this point being a Chicago and Houston fan. After all, other than baseball and hockey what the hell has either city done lately? I remember talking to a friend and I said I need a bandwagon to leap on and she called it plain and true saying, "No, you won't switch because you're use to this same shit story every year." And you know what, she was right. It's just another shrug and keep it moving.

    Problem with this past game though wasn't losing. I don't think anyone expected this team to be battling for anything less than a top five pick. It's the fact they played like a dam peewee team and I probably just insulted peewee teams with that comparison. No heart and no motivation. If your team doesn't want to at least show passion for the game they play, their job, then as a fan it's rather damn hard to feel that passion in return. It's like they are insulting their fans with the effort they show out there or I should say lack thereof.
    aggie16 likes this.
  9. Mackladder Franchise Player Bears

    I went to the Tampa game yesterday and for the first time ever I really , really , really wanted to leave at half time . I could wait for the clock to tick towards the start of the 4th quarter .

    I don't see any way that a change isn't made by week 5 at the latest , if not yes we as fans will just shut it down for the rest of the year . They made a bold statement by moving up to take Mitch , get his ass on the field by then and let it play out period end of story.
  10. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    Winless season, anyone? I mean, realistically no one was seeing more than two or three wins for them, anyway. But I think, at this point, it's a pretty good bet that they won't win a game this year.
  11. aggie16 Franchise Player Bears

    They play the 49ers, Bengals and Browns, if the Vikings lose Bradford for any amount of time, they have a chance against them. 3 is reasonable they could stumble into like they did last year.
  12. Al in Cal Guest

    I don't blame you a bit
  13. Al in Cal Guest

    We knew this shit before the season even started, right? The talent on the offense is awful. The defense is better but they have holes there also. People moan and groan about this being a rebuild and all and call for Pace and Fox being given a fair chance. Well, this offense got WORSE and significantly worse. They shot their own foot off in this "rebuild". Fuck the McCaskey family and their appointed yes men in the organization. People ought to boycott these games.
  14. Go Bearsssss Franchise Player Bears

    This has been the least active I have been in a Bears season since I was probably 8 years old.

    I only watched the 2nd half of the first game and the first half of the second game. Thats how apathetic I am towards these shitheads and this organization. I'll still tune in here and there, and I'll definitely tune in for Trubisky's first start. But these guys are just hard to root for.

    The Chicago Bears are the worst run franchise in this city. Worse than my whitesox, worse than GarPax and the Bulls. The absolute worst, no question
  15. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    It's so hard to understand why the owners don't see how they're shooting themselves in the foot. Everything wrong with this team goes back to them. It doesn't make good financial sense to do what they're doing.

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