With that clean of a pocket being a rarity I'd hope he would have thrown to someone more open. Maybe Rome was the most open. Overall Rome has disappointed through 3 games.
This is my concern. I need to see the film, but if that's your best possible throw - mind you, a pinpoint throw in an incredibly tight window - then there's a problem.
Its not just that he misses these throws, its how many of them are not even close. Its really worrying.
Not even close. And what's worse, they almost always happen on 3rd and short. Like, you need 4 yards. You're on schedule. Why are you throwing for a touchdown home run? Take the fucking first down. Eager to see the film on this one - there has to be another option, right?
Montez Sweat was a great acquisition. Crazy that Washington was just chucking dudes off the side of that sinking ship for so little in return. Really wish we could say the same for ANYONE on the OL.
My lost is too long, at this point. There are too many plays that leave me wondering what the fuck is going on.