Tuna Baby will get your extra Canadian Bacon on your Turkey Bacon Clubhouse and do it with a smile Good luck tomorrow for the Bears and Go Titans Go.
I’ve stepped foot on 4 continents and around 20 countries in the last 20 months. Where have you been lately kiddo?
It wasn't an insult, it was a statement of fact, if you're going to reply at least get it right. He called you on your previous post and you made a cowardly dodge. Cos you're a pussy.
Hahaha! Exploring the world?? Lets not get ahead of ourselves here, have you visited the neighbouring town yet? Are you a fast peddler? How far can a push bike take you before it gets dark?
Honestly you can't be much more of a pussy than to not take an AVATAR bet. But not only was he full of shit, the Bears are *already* halfway to his predicted win total.
Sometimes it’s better to remain silent and have everybody think you’re an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.