Annual Predict the Record Thread - Bears 2024

Discussion in 'Chicago Bears' started by vvarder, Aug 30, 2024.

  1. patg006 M.V.P. Bears

    Life could be worse. Justin Fields could be my starting qb.
  2. Jjratface Part Time Starter Steelers

    Hey, I guess I should thank you for the history lesson, but we both know this season's a wild card. As for that bet, I'll pass—for now. But when the Bears get that 3rd win, maybe we’ll revisit this conversation. Keep those notes handy; you might need them!
  3. Jjratface Part Time Starter Steelers

    Life could be worse—I could be stuck rooting for a team that's peaked already. Fields is just getting started, and when he turns it around, don't worry, I'll save you a seat on the bandwagon!"
  4. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    The long way of saying what we already knew, you're a pussy.
    vvarder likes this.
  5. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    And still fucking terrible at smack talk I see.
    vvarder likes this.
  6. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    I hear you on the defense call. There seems to be a widespread assumption the D will be great cos of the 2nd half of last season and they had good days in camp against a rookie finding his feet.

    We'll see. I'm unconvinced by the scheme like you but I also question whether there's enough raw talent on the DL. Hell both lines really. Poles' standard MO I guess.
  7. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner

    Week 1 - vs Titans - LOSS
    Week 2 - @ Texans - LOSS
    Week 3 - @ Colts - LOSS
    Week 4 - vs Rams - WIN
    Week 5 - vs Carolina - WIN
    Week 6 - vs Jacksonville - WIN
    Week 7 - BYE
    Week 8 - @ Redskins - LOSS
    Week 9 - @ Cardinals - LOSS
    Week 10 - vs Patriots - WIN
    Week 11- vs Packers - WIN
    Week 12 - vs Vikings - WIN
    Week 13 - @ Lions - LOSS
    Week 14 - @ 49ers - WIN
    Week 15 - @ Vikings - LOSS
    Week 16 - vs Lions - WIN
    Week 17 - vs Seahawks - LOSS
    Week 18 - @ Packers - WIN

    I have them at 9 wins but, from the midway point on, I think the Bears can establish themselves as the #2 team in the division (#1 Lions, #2 Bears, #3 Packers, #4 Vikings).
    vvarder likes this.
  8. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    @gidion72 Come get your crack baby. He crawled into the neighbor's yard again.
    babyfan likes this.
  9. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    Hey fuck you.

    Week 11- vs Packers - WIN
    Week 18 - @ Packers - WIN

    Alright, I forgive you.
    Campbell, vvarder and babyfan like this.
  10. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    At this moment in time I actually feel better about the offensive line than I do the defensive line. I think a combination of receiver talent plus a QB that's way more comfortable moving around in the pocket than your average QB will mask some issues on the offensive line. On the defensive side I worry where the pass rush comes from outside of Sweat. I hope Brooks can develop quickly but he's extremely raw. And outside of Billings I don't know who really plugs the run consistently in the middle. The back end of the defense is stellar but you don't want to overwork them.
    babyfan likes this.
  11. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    I like this time of year, and with most years coming into a new season the endorphins are firing and have a general sense of anticipation and well-being, but that usually ends after the first game has been played and I see what an abysmal mess the Bears are.
    This year seems a little different and probably the best I've felt in 40+ years going into a season, but that doesn't mean I'm not apprehensive as I know like I said, how this story usually ends.
    Hell, I wasn't even aware Jprin moved to Pittsburgh.
    I'm not particularly worried, I think they will continue to bring 4 but more often will change personnel that brings it, but I do worry those that drop may be a liability on the back end. We saw a little of that in the preseason and might be enough to keep those protections off balance.
    vvarder, babyfan and BearsWillWin like this.
  12. Baby just correcting a mistake on your Prediction.....

    It should be 11-6 as each NFL team plays 17 games in 18 weeks

    I wish you Good luck tomorrow vs the Titans.....this has the potential to be a good game with Young QBs trying to prove themselves in the NFL

    Good luck Bears and Go Titans Go
  13. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    No shit? When did they change that?
    patg006 likes this.
  14. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    Dying :)

    Same as the above. This stuff cracks me up. BWW in great form!
  15. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    I don't actually have any idea what I'm doing but I will confess that I copied my picks and just changed 2 of them.

    Also, I can't count worth a shit.
    Vancouver Volcanos and vvarder like this.
  16. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    Stop it you know exactly what you're doing. He just doesn't know that you count the bye week as a loss only because you have to make us all sammiches every year on the bye.
    I think this year I'll go with the Turkey/Bacon Clubhouse with extra bacon if that's alright with you.
    Vancouver Volcanos and babyfan like this.
  17. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    I don't need notes to count to 3, but I understand math is hard for you. No judgement here. I love that the stakes are a fucking avatar bet lmao. I once had to have a GQ picture of Jay Cutler as my avatar for an offseason.

    Honestly, what offends me more than anything is I think he's trying to troll, but a GOOD troll is a work of art, something that's *just* ridiculous/meatball enough to get a rise out of the fanbase. Making a 2-15 prediction is so ridiculous it just makes you look stupid. Pat rightly points out they have a fucking QB competition between Fields and Wilson, that is something to smack talk, but no ones out here saying the Steelers go 2-15 because most of us understand the game of football.

    My man probably wasn't even alive when Jprin was around. That's a deep cut tuna, next you'll be bringing out the mad bomber.
    babyfan and tunafat like this.
  18. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    BWW brought it up, but man predicting a sweep of the hated is a BOLD PREDICTION Tim, heh. They haven't beaten them ONCE in the past 6 years, but we're going to sweep. I would love it, but I don't know how my Bears brethren can even predict a single win. This is a team that lost to Brett Hundley. Last year with Love being an essential rookie on opening day and we gave them that one too.

    Longest losing streaks to a single team: All Time Longest NFL Losing Streaks Against Single Team - it's good to know the Bears own the current #1 AND #2 spot, I didn't even realize the Saints winning streak.

    BTW, Bears win total this year at Vegas, right now, is 8.5. So looks like most of us are taking the over, but only just. That's a good number.
    Campbell and babyfan like this.
  19. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    No Thanks, You and the Justin Fields bandwagon after week 1 1_7J6Q4DxeLLDLtBquW9UpXg.jpg
    babyfan likes this.
  20. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    Oh tuna, you're so awesome :)

    And I've got good news, I starting eating carnivore 2 years ago so now you won't have to pull the kale out of your sammies and throw it away! It's all about the meat for me now!
    tunafat likes this.

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