I suspect with the Bears being a decent pass-rush team, Dobbs will be forced to improvise on the fly, hopefully getting open targets, cuz sure as hell the run-game will be non-existent. Defensively, nothing will change. The NFL's blitz masters (Vikings D) will do what theve done all season... Im curious to see how Fields handles the pressure. I sure hope the Vikings can stop or impede the Bears run-game or this will be another 1 score Vikings panic-attack game that Ive never gotten used too.
Dobbs will do what he usually does - turn the ball over a bit, but ultimately provide more scoring than not. What will matter is if Chicago can get Fields going. If the Vikes' D can do their job, I think it's a Vikings win. I've been wearing my Bears gear around town today. Lots of nice old Vikings fans giving me some sarcastic "good luck"'s. Should be fun, tonight.
lol, You must have big balls, or a suicidal tendencies. Seriously, Im glad you actually did that with no probs... todays society is beyond predictable and people take things so fucking serious. Watching Fields will be a lot of fun... Its no secret I really dig this guy. As a matter of fact, Fields and Dobbs makes this a real interesting game and will keep defenses on their toes.
Vikings over the past forever years lead the NFL in 1 score games... its a blood pressure check moment every Sunday. Steelers are mimicking the last year Vikings... good record, staying alive, then who knows what might happen if / when they make the playoffs. But your right, Steelers, Vikings, you never know till the clock hits zero.
Vikings 3 Bears 3 half-time who's make the half-time adjustments better will win and stop with damn turnovers