FIRE GETSY AT HALFTIME! How in the hell do you not call run there???!!!! Even if you dont get it you can bleed the clock/go for it on 4th down, BUT NO, you have to call a pocket pass which hasnt worjked all fucking game. FIRE HIS ASS!!
It kills me to say this, but this is the type of game they need to lose. If they're gonna come out and play well then fine, but if they all play like crap and the coaches totally fail at their jobs then they need to be L's. Ugly wins achieve absolutely nothing.
Unless the offense comes out on fire after halftime, but yeah that won't happen so you're right. That Vikings TD brought to you by Luke Getsy.
losing proves nothing though this is the game where Fields proves he can play better in the 2nd half and bring them back
Its further proof that this entire coaching staff needs to go. And no, sadly, that happening is far from certain as much as we might like to think otherwise.
Right. The only chance we have in this game is if the refs stop giving them every call (not likely) and the Vikings/Cousins turn it over 3 more times in their own territory (a possibility).
Bears just need a little bit of pass protection plays down the field are there If Flus and Getsy can find their balls this game can be won
Its just incredible to me that after the last gameplan of frequent motion, mis-direction and altered launch points, all to huge success, Gety thinks a straight drop back approach with slow developing plays is the way to play a D you know will bring pressure and has a v good pass rusher. Its just so so bad.