I want to wish all of my favourite Chicagoian maniacs a very Merry Christmas, a Happy Hanukkah and a safe and Happy New Year! The current weather system is beating us up badly in Ontario, or at least in my section. All of the roads in my County have been closed since yesterday, they've pulled the plows and the tow trucks off the road and I can't see my driveway from the house. What I mean is, this is the perfect Christmas, it's white and it's blowing out and I love how wild the weather is. We are busy making alternate plans to celebrate, but it sure won't be today or tomorrow. Merry Christmas you hooligans!
Baby i was going to pm you to see how you are doing over there, i've read that as bad as the weather is over massive parts, it is said to be particularly bad around you. Hope all my Bears buddies are ok and making the best they can in any tough situations. Chicago is meant to be in an ice age right now. How is the left coast varder? DC, blang? Dline i heard you may need to break out a sweater this Xmas, thoughts with you also. Merry Christmas you marvellous sons of bitches.
Under 30 damn degrees here in Orlando, last night. Just barely over it with the sun up. You telling me I put up with this trash ass State AND temperatures under freezing? For fuck's sake. (It's -5 where we're looking at moving, so I guess we don't have it too bad). Seriously, though, we're spending time with family and life is very good. I'm thankful for everyone here at L4S, as always, and hope everyone's having a damn merry Christmas. Ev and Baby, much love to you and yours - I hope you're cozied up and relaxing this weekend.
Says its 3 degrees, windchill feels like -11, 20-30+ mph winds on the northside. This entire city is going to be violently ill when it goes back to 50 degrees in a few days. Merry Christmas, fuckers.
Aside from this monster storm flinging snow around in drifts that reach well over the hood of my Jeep and the sound of the wind screaming incessantly in my ears it's been a great last two days. We're still locked down tight with all roads closed and since my property is so far off the road, we haven't had to help any of the idiot people who have driven around the closed roads barriers to get stuck on our road. What a great Christmas!
Merry Christmas you fucks, and Happy Hannukah to you assholes as well. Two days ago we had a legitimate ice storm, resulting in an accumulation of 1/4 inch or so of ice. Absolutely fucking nuts, everything from the cars to the roads covered. Fortunately after the past few years where we've had a few days of actual winter, they have started purchasing salt so the roads got into an ok state after that one day. I spent a good 3-4 hours smashing the ice and clearing my driveway, broke the handle on my shovel. And then the very next day it had melted....yesterday I think. And then it warmed up to a solid 55 and it was pretty pleasant outside of the damned Seattle constant winter drizzle. All told outside of that ridiculous day with the ice, I've had it way better than most of our country (and apparently Mexico, per Baby's update). No idea what's going on in your part of the world though Ev.
Not much to write about weather wise. It was proper cold a few weeks ago, -8 thick ice and snow, but about a week before Christmas the temp went up and it thawed. The hills nearby still have snow on them, but lower down its that low single digit damp and grey kinda weather. Thats the type i hate cos its just crap, in winter id rather it was cold and had a bit of snow on the ground. But tbh i live right by the water so its usually the case that the thaw happens here first.
It dropped into the single digits here which is unusual, but nothing as bad as Chicago or what most of the midwest had. It didn't seem to deter anyone from leaving the house though, we went out for dinner on Christmas eve and the restaurants that were open were jam packed. I always thought you gentiles stayed home with the family on Christmas eve and it was only us Jews that ventured out but that does not seem to be the case anymore. The restaurant we went to even had a set table set up outdoors(!!) for people to pick up ready made dinners that they ordered ahead of time. Hope everyone had a nice and safe holiday!