The 2022 Season Justin Fields Thread

Discussion in 'Chicago Bears' started by vvarder, Sep 28, 2022.

  1. blang84 Legend Bears

  2. blang84 Legend Bears

    Never forget that Getsy is responsible for this and that the very play after this injury Getsy called QB run. Self-sabotage doesn't begin to describe what Getsy has done to this season and team.
  3. blang84 Legend Bears

    I'm seeing on twitter that the play after the injury was actually supposed to be a Monty run. If true, still a dumb playcall considering the situation.

    The sad thing is that this may be it for Fields for 2022. The whole point of this season was to determine if he was the guy or not. If we can't answer the question then this season is a failure. Even if he's not the guy, at least that much would've given the team closure and knowing they need to move on to other options for 2023. But because Bears, we're likely going to go into season 3 with that giant question still unanswered.
  4. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    Fields is the guy. Do everything you can to build around him this offseason.

    He’s the fucking guy.
    EvertonBears likes this.
  5. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    I genuinely did not believe he would get injured this year, but why am I surprised?

    If this is it, there are some datapoints now in his favor big time:
    1. His escapability is amazing
    2. He is goddamn ELECTRIC when running, busted plays or even the OCCASIONAL run. Problem is, his legs have started to wear down in the second half. He cannot be running more than the RB and still be expected to sling it.
    3. He can deliver shots

    But the downsides we still see:
    1. Accuracy issues at times
    2. Slow to release the ball

    A lot of the rest is unknown. If this is it for him, I'm not sure you can so quickly say he's the guy BWW. Would you sign him to a big contract after this season if you had to? That's the bar for me, and I'm not convinced. Good news is we have another season at least before the big decisions like that even have to enter in.
    blang84 likes this.
  6. gidion72 Legend Steelers

    The Claypool trade is looking good for the Steelers now. Thank you Chicago
  7. blang84 Legend Bears

    Well glad that's settled.

    Agree. My assessment after 11 games.

    Things he does well:
    • Escapability
    • Good touch on medium deep throws
    • Elite runner
    • At times sells the PA better than any Bears QB I've seen
    • Throwing on the run
    Things he needs to work on:
    • Trusting his eyes
    • Get the ball out faster
    • Pocket presence, step up in the pocket instead of bailing back
    • Deep ball touch
  8. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Blang you may not be able to answer the question, and i might not be at all surprised at that, but pretty much everyone else can. Assuming for a second he doesnt play again this season and they've got all the film they're gonna get, Fields is the guy. Sorry if you find that tough but the verdict is in, seriously. This last 2 weeks wasn't about the Bears still trying to decide if Fields was the guy, it was about Fields not giving them a reason to change their minds, and he didn't. He's the guy.

    He's got every defense in the league terrified of him, he's got HC's telling him to stop it during games. He's widely regarded as a superstar in the making. He's made enough great throws to showcase his arm talent and he's done all of that while playing with one of the worst O-Lines & WR corps in the league. AND getting repeatedly hosed on PI's and PF's that other QB's just take for granted.

    Its a message board so of course you can say what you want, but someone needs to tell you just how far off the mark you are with this stuff dude. You're miles off.

    The ONLY possible things that get the Bears off Fields is A- If they are picking in the top2 and they absolutely LOVE *insert QB*. And even then, actually moving off Fields would be such a monumental gamble for Poles that i can't even conceptualise it. B- Fields does come back and plays really badly thus causing 2nd guessing. But even then the injury excuse would be huge and legitimate. Mayfield did his non throwing shoulder last season and he couldn't play. He suited up for many weeks, but he couldn't play.
  9. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Its looking great for the Steelers. Its almost as close to a 1st round pick as you can get. As a GM these are the moves you end up making when you've painted yourself into a corner.
    gidion72 and dlinebass5 like this.
  10. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Im not sure this is the best way to frame things varder, when there is clearly time for development ahead of him. I could quite easily bat this back to you by saying if he was out of contract at the end of this season would you honestly risk letting him walk? There's another bar for you.

    Here's another one, given the "supporting" cast he's had to play with, how many QB's do you really think could've put up the number of points Fields did or match his all round production? Would we be relying on names like Mahomes & Allen by any chance? Cos thats some bar.
    vvarder likes this.
  11. blang84 Legend Bears

    Well apparently Vvarder is still unsure too. But regardless I'll accept my position on an island completely isolated from the rest of the fanbase. Because what I've seen you will get chased out of other forums for expressing the slightest uncertainty about Fields. Thankfully that's not the case here. This fanbase is QB starved, I am too. I get where everyone is coming from.

    I'm happy with the progress he made as a passer the last month with everything stacked against him. But I'm not going to pretend that just because he became Derrick Henry for a few games means he's a franchise QB. Wins matter, stats matter (I know Ev, missed PI calls and drops, I saw them too). I've seen too much failure at the position to buy in after a few nice games, particularly when those games were nice mainly due to his running ability.
    dlinebass5 likes this.
  12. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    I think it's pretty simple - Fields has literally been the whole offense this year. We've watched him carry the offense game after game, and be so good that turns absolute dogshit into a 30 point effort.

    The discussion at the start of the year here was, in part, "Is he good enough to make up for the lack of talent around him?". That's a big ol' check.

    I'm not saying he's perfect, nor do I think he's your typical under center QB. But when you have a guy so dynamic that everyone on the field is trying to stop him, and he still goes 60 yards and scores... You keep that guy. You build around that guy.
  13. blang84 Legend Bears

    My answer to this is yes IF we are picking in the top 2-3 and there's a stud QB sitting there. Better to have a talented guy on a rookie contract then splurging $40 million a year on a guy with Fields resume.
  14. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    I totally hear all of this. But my solace is in that, when I watch the game, I see an OL that might as well not even be out there on most drop backs. I see WR's that either can't play or don't know the playbook. I see zero help outside of playcalling to his strengths. And we saw just HOW FAR that little help got us. The first few games this year, everyone was ready to give up and move on. All of a sudden he gets coaches working with him instead of against him, and he's a superstar. So, I just try to imagine how much better he'll be if those other variables work in his favor, too.

    That's where I'm at. His running ability can't be the only tool in his box, but hell, it's one hell of a tool. If you can help him make those other avenues viable as well, the sky is the limit. But I completely understand the apprehension - we've all got PTSD. I just think he's shown more in a worse situation than other Bears QB's in the past.
    blang84 likes this.
  15. blang84 Legend Bears

    I can't disagree with this. Our pick will end up being almost a first rounder. And Claypool is either failing to grasp the playbook or the coaches don't like him. Trade for a guy with half a season to evaluate him and not even giving him a chance. I supported the trade at the time but at this point its been a disaster for Poles.
    gidion72 likes this.
  16. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    This is why some teams never stop rebuilding.
  17. blang84 Legend Bears

    So pay a guy with 22 starts under his belt and very few wins + numbers during that time $40 million a year over drafting Bryce Young? Got it.

    It's one thing to say Fields is the guy for 2023 over Bryce Young or another prospect. It's another to say you're so certain that you'd spend $40 million a year on it. Let me know what drugs you, Ev, and 99% of this fan base is on. I need some.
  18. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    You know what Fields is. You have a good idea of what his ceiling may definitely know where his floor is. And it's obvious he can score points for you even when he is surrounded by turds.

    For all his issues...if the Bears currently had a top 10 defense they are definitely a playoff team and probably a threat to most teams they would face in the playoffs.

    So you have that. And you think the smart move is completely shitting on it and starting over? Sorry I can't buy that.

    My drug is realism. It's free and you can't overdose on it.
  19. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    If Fields didn't get hurt and played every game the rest of this season the same way he played in the last 5.....he'd end the season near 40 total touchdowns and 11 interceptions while the offense would finish the season averaging something like 25 points per game?

    All that while having almost no one on offense that actually helps him out.

    Cut the fucker and draft someone new.
    EvertonBears likes this.
  20. blang84 Legend Bears

    By the end (probably even middle) of this hypothetical contract you do realize Fields is not going be able to run like he can now? Even Fields himself was complaining last week that his legs were feeling shot. If he can't score points with his legs, I'm not convinced he can score enough otherwise.

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