If I recall, Fields said something along the lines of "they read it perfectly and I tried to float it over him to Cole, but you have to dirt it. I can promise you I won't ever make that mistake again in my career". All true, and the growing pains is figuring out when to take those shots, and when to dirt. Given still being up 7, backed up in your endzone having just gotten fucked by the refs on that "holding" call, not the time. These are the things we kind of have to expect at this point, right now. If it keeps happening, then it's time to panic. I get that they don't want to slow the game down, but why can't they have an eye in the sky type of review system. This is a multiple billion dollar industry, you can't have some staff all looking at this stuff, and highlighting the absolutely egregious errors? Refs on the field have limited sight, so we can't always blame them for bad calls, but if it's *super* obvious from the replay, why not have them call down to have them take it back? It helps the integrity of the league. Unless the conspiracy theorists are right and this is game fixing done subtly. I was listening to the crappy Pick Six podcast from CBS, and THEY were bitching about missed calls in the Bills/Vikings game, some catches that weren't catches kind of thing, and asking for a similar eye in the sky. Other sports do it, why can't the NFL? Negating a massive turnover on a PHANTOM fucking "hands to the face" call is inexcusable. That said, of course the Bears still had chances after that, and the lack of focus/discipline does come back to the coaches. Fantastic bit there. You're right, and as much as I hate seeing players begging for flags, they are doing it because it works, sadly. And the fucking Lions had me thinking Dan Campbell was Emilio Estevez in the mighty ducks, "Take the fall! Act hurt! Get indignant!" I don't want to see our team doing that shit, but there's no doubt that ALSO worked.
The Buffalo Bills got away with having 12 defenders on the field yesterday in OT. At the goal line. Vikings won. So cool. But that shouldn’t happen the first play of the game let alone OT. This isn’t a league where a call is missed time to time and judgement calls sometimes go one way or the other. This is every week with bad calls and non calls that play a role in deciding games. Every single week. And there’s not even an attempt to fix it.
12 on the field for Buffalo and this... That was a huge miss also and at a very critical time favoring the Bills in a huge way. I couldnt believe it wasnt called incomplete. PS - I read all the threads on L4SN, just wanted to interject this to add to the post above. The refs have been extra terrible in games thus far... its effecting just about every game every week. I understand the human element and I know mistakes will happen from time to time, it just seems beyond stupid lately and its outright effecting outcomes of games... something needs done about it, ASAP.
Exactly, it's not like they haven't picked up a flag before based on an observation from another official on the field so why not have a replay official? Picking up a flag would be easy, but how would throwing a flag from the booth after the play affect the flow of the game? Let me play devil's advocate here, If they say there is holding on every play, and then now they actually call all those penalties, what would that do to the flow of the game? Could you then say only plays that were directly impacted by the non-call be thrown? Where exactly do you draw the line? Because it's a team sport and every position should be in play. It seems to be quite a slippery slope. As Jerry N'Jello would say "We don't want to get into that handbasket" whatever the fuck that is, do we?
You love to hear that. From day 1 there's been a seriousness about Fields, just the way he carries himself. It suggests a maturity ahead of his years and i like it. So often you see players come into the league with if anything the opposite of that vibe, particularly 1st, even 2nd, rounders. There can be a variety of reasons for that, not least 1st rounders being used to dominating in college and not getting how hard its about to get. Its an answer in a presser, but it suggests exactly the type of attitude and work ethic you want.