The They Lost Thread 2022

Discussion in 'Chicago Bears' started by EvertonBears, Sep 19, 2022.

  1. blang84 Legend Bears

    I definitely don’t want to be the wet blanket because what we saw Fields do yesterday was remarkable is so many ways. But that rushing yardage productivity is not sustainable long term for a NFL QB, whether it’s Lamar Jackson, Michael Vick or Kaepernick. (Remember Kaep’s 200+ yard rushing game against the Peckers in the playoffs). What’s more encouraging for me was that his passing numbers were so efficient too, particularly with how bad the receivers outside of Mooney played. But like it or not in the long run games like yesterday have to be won through the air, they won’t be won with Fields turning into a super hero on every third and long and out running everyone. And so for me I hope yesterday’s game is NOT the game we point to in the future when we say Fields became the guy. I want that game to be a game we a) win and b) Fields does it through the air, whether the WRs suck or not.

    That said, it was great to see him play so well, virtually flawless in all respects, from selling a fake to rolling out and throwing to decision-making to accuracy (maybe 1 overthrow?) to poise, he had it all and I still want to see more of it.
  2. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    Definitely not sustainable nor do we want it to be. It's a recipe for a short career.

    The most encouraging part is watching him learn to diagnose what a defense is doing. His presnap reads are improving. Early in the game he missed a throw to Mooney in the endzone that could have been a touchdown but if you go back and watch the play....he makes a presnap read and signals to Mooney....probably changing Mooney's route I would assume. The read is perfect because he gets the route he wants. Man on man. If the throw is better it's a touchdown.

    And you're right...he's completing a high percentage of passes. A lot of those are short gimmes but they build confidence and rhythm.

    I want to see a game won through air superiority as well. I want to see 350+ passing yards. But in the mean time I really do like the foundation being built and the confidence this young QB is clearly playing with.
    EvertonBears, vvarder, Willie and 2 others like this.
  3. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    That quick throw to Claypool that went for a first down early in the game - was that a sight adjustment at the line? That's not an offensive quality we've seen in four or five years, at least. That was nice to see, and shows that Fields is not only starting to see things better, but the O staff is giving him the rope he needs.
    vvarder likes this.
  4. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    I like that we have the one thread here, because looking back to the previous week, I want to call this out. You're 100% right Ev, and then this past game against the Dolphins, what does Claypool do? There's an underthrown ball and he *comes back to the ball* and get the PI called fairly early in the 1st half. That's the difference between a WR, and whatever ESB is.

    I called him out earlier in the year, and this was the first game where I was impressed. I loved the hard running, especially the one where he trucked a guy for the first down. No major whiffs on blocks (that I remember anyway). His growth with Fields is a great thing, I hope this continues.

    Hoge and Jahns thought it was because his speed is useful to limit the return. But as they said, still gotta make the block before going downfield, doesn't matter if there's no punt to cover.

    My problem with the PI call is the inconsistency. You call it on Eddie Jackson, I was pissed of course, but fine, you've set the bar. Then you have the same shit on the other side, which could decide the game, and....nothing? Fuck off. I did love Fields saying, "it was definitely PI for sure" in his presser.

    <- links directly to the timecode, but the board f's it up sometimes. 44:00

    And the grounding calls, you pick up the flag even though it is CLEAR AS DAY the "receiver" is engaged in a block. Our pass rush is so pathetic that the few times we actually harry him enough to make a mistake, it's just forgiven. This is Bears life though.

    It cannot be stated enough how we are scheming around the talent deficiencies of the line. A good half or so of Justin's runs are because protection is breaking down and he's improvising. It is bad.

    That sounds awesome, heh. You have a link or something?

    Do you still rigidly believe we need offense in the upcoming draft? I know it's too early to say where we will land, but if Skoronski is gone and there's a top tier Dlineman, do we not need to take them? This defensive front *does* need someone. They are generating so little pressure and the run defense has been poor.

    The fake selling was fantastic. Stuff like that goes a long way to making his job throwing or running so much easier. The pump fake that froze the LB too during one of his big runs.

    I never liked "running" QBs, but with Fields, there are three things that are giving me pause:
    1. It's allowing him time to develop. Look at Russell Wilson in his first year, lots of athletic moves after the pocket broke down, but he developed into a good passer.
    2. He can still throw the ball extremely well.
    3. He is straight up elite as a runner. That one play where they had a spy on him, and he just cuts and turns on the jets, left the LB behind like he was standing still, amazing.

    There is no doubt to me, that Fields is now, finally, showing that improvement. The air yards are concerning, but there seem to be less of the missed throws, and more of the "I hit the WR DIRECTLY IN HIS FUCKING HANDS AND HE DROPPED IT" (*cough* fucking ESB) that I was talking about earlier we weren't seeing as much of. He's now in that growing and doing the best with what he's got kind of thing. More than that, I would say in this Miami game, he literally put the team on his back and attempted to will them to victory. I'm not sitting here and proclaiming him the franchise QB that so many others are now ready to, but I'm starting to be optimistic, which is the doom of a Bears fan. Starting to believe, just a little.

    Maybe we just needed Blang and bigrob to come out and say they had no faith in Fields, heh.

    There are some negatives here though. We DID lose this game, and why? Special teams on the punt block, oof. That's just ugly. And the defense, EVERY DRIVE ending in a TD for the first 3 quarters or whatever it was? Horrendous. The WRs were so open I could have gotten the ball to them, no matter the amount of time. Not that Tua had to worry too much, as he had a Tom Brady on the Patriots-esque amount of time to sit down and have coffee while he waits for guys to get open.

    There is still a big lack of talent, but we knew that. I like the direction the arrow is pointing.

    Also, can you believe it is possible the Packers might end up with a better draft pick than the Bears? Rodgers throwing picks and losing the Lions, the only thing better would have been if the Bears had won. Are we finally, FINALLY seeing the end of that goddamn team? If Tua here is putting up a TD every drive, then Rodgers probably will too, but if our offense plays like this, it's going to be a track meet. Which would be the first time I ever remember that happening with the hated. Those fucks will probably still find a way to win, but I would love it so much if we could finally beat those assholes for once.
    EvertonBears and babyfan like this.
  5. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    I know im gonna look back on this game in April, see the few extra spots in the draft its given and be totally ok with the loss. But right now im still mad as hell. You can't have officiating of that standard, just can't have it. And its not like it was 1 call. Back to back horrific calls and then later on a fucking grave robbery!! AND WE WERE THE HOME TEAM!!! I cant imagine any other team eating calls like that at home, fucking joke.

    - I really don't like Eberflus' demeanour on the sideline and i like it even less in post game pressers. Where are your fuckin balls man, do you have any. He should've been down the officials earhole on that sideline and he should've been lighting the scumbags up in the presser. Take the fine on the chin and show people you arent gonna bend over for that crap. Yeah maybe its meatball of me, i dont give a shit. One thing i can tell you is it matters, flaming an official on the sideline does have an effect. You see it every week. Christ, you guys remember last month Lovie losing his shit during the Texans game over a call? Then like two plays later gets a soft as fuck makeup holding call. Happens every week. Find your fucking balls Eberflus cos right now on the sideline you're Trestman with better hair.

    - Getsy continues to get better overall and i like what he's done. He called some outstanding drives in this game but he did a really poor job towards the end imo.

    BWW nailed the 2nd & 15 play, that really jumped out as an awful play call. And that last two drives i really felt it got the better of him. He got totally out of many things that were working and became far more predictable. The entire final two drives, 15 plays, he called shotgun every time and there was zero need for it, particularly the second last where they got the ball with like 8mins left in what was only a 3 point game. Get under C FFS. Run the ball, run play action boot, run QB power sweep. Fields bailed him out numerous times those final two drives, its meant to be you helping him out Getsy.

    One more thing on Getsy, we're seeing a ton of trickery. Some really out the box thinking actually. Monty getting WR screens, Kmet getting jet sweeps. I cant say im a fan of it exactly, but i think i get it. We used to flame Nagy for that shit, but thing with Nagy was you could just see the self indulgence. It was always about him being the smartest guy. I don't believe thats why Getsy is doing it. I think he understands his guys are over matched on nearly every play and he's trying everything he can think of to help them out. It never looks good when it fails, but for this season i kinda get it. Kinda.

    - I like Kmets home run TD celebration, i could stand to see that more this season.

    - Lost in all the crazy ground numbers the Bears are churning thanks to Fields legs is that i don't think the OL is run blocking as well as they were earlier in the season. Yesterday Monty & Herbert combined for 21carries, 59yards at 2.8. That is dogshit. Last week they only got over a combined 4ypc thanks to that late long run by Herbert(and a shocking angle by the S).

    - Braxton Jones needs to sit. Guy just should not be out there. Mustipher, SMDH. Poles did what he could at WR but he's gonna have to sit there and watch putrid OL play for the rest of the season cos there's no one to bail those guys out.

    - 15 snaps may not sound like a lot, but great job getting Claypool involved that much at just 4days notice. It was mostly simple stuff and that was wise. Couple go routes, couple crossers, quick outs. Thats fine, but just need to be careful, Defenses will catch onto that real quick. Hopefully Claypool gets deep into the playbook quickly.

    - Watched back the ESB drop. Maybe i was still stunned by the non PI, or it may have been the Darth Vader cocktails i was drinking(recommend btw. So called because like Vader its strong in the dark side and you will be legless by the end). That drop was fucking pathetic. Perfect throw, right out in front of him and he lets it goes through two hands. That would've given the Bears FD inside the Dolphins 45 with a TO and 1.20 still on the clock....

    - Watching that Fields run, the best thing about it is how direct it is. Thats what killed them. Defenses are so fast that if you dance around or go sideways they get men to the ball. Fields make a couple little jukes but after he made the pump he just went north. The Safety was way downfield and didnt get close. Upcoming Defenses are gonna watch that in film study and sweat bullets.

    - F you zebras.

    - Final thought, the Packers are in a full on nosedive and its beautiful to watch. But anyone else starting to shit their pants that those fucks will be just bad enough to luck into a top QB in the draft next year? That kind of torturous outcome would be very on brand for a Bears fan....
    vvarder, BearsWillWin and blang84 like this.
  6. patg006 M.V.P. Bears

    Let me clarify. Yes. I rigidly want offense in the draft, specifically a LT with the 1st round pick. I’m not naive, this is the bears and I fully expect to get 1 guy on offense by round 4.

    I address DLine ALL in free agency. WFT paid Jonathan Allen, have 4 and change mil in cap space this spring, will probably have a brand new coaching staff and scheme, and can’t afford Da’ron Payne. He’s my target #1. San Fran has 5 and change mil in cap space AND has to pay Nick Bosa next year. Unless they find a sucker to take on Jimmy G’s bad money, Samson Ebukam is my target #2.

    The top tier DL is the Georgia kid who’s probably going after the QBs in the top 3. Don’t think the bears will be that low.

    We know this. We’ve seen what happens to guys like Vick and Cam Newton. By 30 their bodies are fucked. Fields is 23, and has to right now because that’s how the offense is effective.

    And it’s opening up his game, learning process, and his vision. Instead of eyes downfield all the damn time till he’s sacked or hit or his LT’s or center’s ass is in his face from being punked, he’s turned himself into such a weapon teams can’t afford to ‘make him play qb in the pocket’ the way we saw teams do to Mitch and Justin last year.

    Is it ideal? No. Do you have a better idea to get the same/better production that Justin’s legs and arm to a smaller degree have done the past 3 weeks? Because I don’t.
    vvarder likes this.
  7. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

  8. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    Damn I wish I'd seen the game.
  9. blang84 Legend Bears

    He still needs to show he can make contested catches and be a big target in the redzone. Yesterday was a step in the right direction, finally.

    Interesting take, and definitely meatball. Not saying your wrong but on a list of things that pissed me off, Flus’ demeanor isn’t one of those. Do we know for sure though that he didn’t say anything to the refs after any of those calls?

    That wasn’t the point. I want him to improve and get better any way possible. I was just trying to temper enthusiasm among the fan base in general (not specific to someone here) because I’ve seen numerous fans all over the internet crowning Fields or declaring that yesterday was a landmark day of the franchise because of what he did.
  10. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

  11. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    I was ready to fire Getsy after the first handful of games, when he was trying to run this offense as something it can't be right now, and Fields as someone he's not.

    Over these last few weeks, we've seen an offense tailored to Fields' strengths, minimizing his roster's weaknesses, and making playcalls that generally keep defenses off balance. Has it all been perfect? No. But for a first year playcaller to have adjusted in-season, and to have full buy-in from everyone on the offense (watch some of these runs, and you'll see just how detailed everyone has to be in their blocking assignments, as well as in things like rubs / releases, etc), I'm on board.

    I'm looking forward to more games from the offense like this one, though I know there are going to be rough games down the stretch. Growth is what matters.
  12. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    That is awesome.

    First couple minutes here has his press conference, where he owns up to it. "I figured no one had tried that yet". I would only watch the first few minutes, because then Wanny starts talking and you'll want to kill yourself. Or him. Or maybe that's just me.

    I would say that's a tall order, but it's possible. I think the Roquan for Claypool move indicates they are ready to start banking on Justin, so I would say the LT pick is more probable than it ever has been.

    But IF there is some hot prospect and the good LTs are off the board (or a reach when they pick), I'm not averse to defense. Because we're not winning many games if we're looking at almost 40 points per week.

    Not only that, this was one game, where Fields is on a little growth streak of 3 games. For once though, he's not on my shit list which is a huge win.
  13. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    So, I still hate everything about the Claypool trade. But since I have to live with it, I think they need to look at the most important positions on the field - QB, LT, 3Tech - and take a player at a position of need in that order. QB is done, so take the LT. If the LT is gone, take a 3Tech. Spend every dollar you can on the one position in that three that you don't cover with your pick / Fields.

    It would be much nicer to come into this draft with an early 2nd round pick. Just saying.
    vvarder likes this.
  14. patg006 M.V.P. Bears

    Obviously the defense shouldn't be ignored. But at the same time, I don't think you're getting either Will Anderson (Edge/DE from Bama) or Jaylen Carter (5 tech but he'd be a 3 tech here) because you probably wont have a top 5 pick. The good news is, if you're 6-7 you COULD in theory get lucky. Detroit and Carolina pick ahead of the bears as it stands and they both need QBs. There's the Kentucky kid Will Levis--who's red hot right now--who if you're at the 6-7 spot you NEED a team to take him as the 3rd QB.

    But then after Anderson and Carter, you're looking at square pegs for your round 4-2-5 tampa 2 holes. FSU has a 238 lb viper edge rusher Jared Verse, who would need some weight and take on a new role from a stand up rushing LB to a DE. I think he's far too raw given that he wasn't a factor as a freshman, but is a sophmore with solid, respectable and notable stats. I want this kid to go back to school another year, but to satiate the conversation, and to speak to the lack of edge/DE talent--he's a name.

    After Verse, its another square peg in a round hole--Baylor's Siaki Ika. He's a 360 lb NT, and a fast, athletic tub o'lard. But you don't run a 3-4 anymore and you HAD a 3-4 NT who you got something out of that you cut in preseason. After these DL its DBs until 2nd round graded players like the 5 techs from Florida and Clemson.

    I still get the itch to be a fan sometimes, but the way this is set up, the bears are looking like they will miss out on the 2 blue chip DL and would have to gamble on guys who don't fit. That's why I want Poles to buy at least half of his new DLine.

    I wasn't wild about the trade either, but it tells me Poles doesn't like top flight drafting WRs, and I don't blame him for Jaxon Smith-Njigba, Fields' old teammate from OSU. Dude can't stay on the field and has been replaced in their offense by Marvin Harrison's kid. Keyshon Boutte also has some health problems and for a 'top 10 caliber WR' he's just not posting eye-popping stats. That was last year until he got hurt. If I told you a top 10 pick, guy you wanted to bank as your future X for the next decade only scored 1 TD, averages 10 YPC, and with 3 games left in the regular NCAA season only has 339 yards receiving through 8 games--you'd be hesitant too. If not, I suggest you get your head examined.

    Jordan Addison is my favorite, but even then he has his knocks. Long story short--the more you look at 'presumed top 10 WRs,' the less good you feel about the prospects. They could have done a LOT worse than Claypool.

    We both want the same thing, we're just saying it differently. I don't want Fields to take cringe-worthy hits. I don't like when he gets hit in the head or clocked because he gets blindsided because his LT is a sack of shit either. But we have to live in reality--where yeah--we want Fields to stay upright and end games with a clean jersey, but with the bears offense on top of coaching who needs results to keep their jobs given the nature of the beast--we don't have a better idea to get Fields to be better and Getsy--for 3 straight weeks we hope continues--calls what he does to get the most out of him.

    And not to jump the gun, but if the success continues with Fields, we may have to start looking at Getsy the way we did Adam Gase. The bears finished in last place in 2015 and Gase got a HC gig. Getsy puts together several good weeks, which you have to imagine when you play the lions this weekend followed by the Falcons before some tougher games (GB, Philly, Buffalo)--he'll be a guy teams talk to.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2022
    vvarder and BearsWillWin like this.
  15. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

  16. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    Oh man, that's amazing!!
  17. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    Great info. I can't remember if it was you or someone else, but I remember back when we moved to 3-4 one of the positives is it would be easier to get kids from the draft to fit that scheme (Roquan as an example) and now we're back on the other side of that.

    3-tech really has to be a priority right? FA or otherwise.

    There have been rumblings, but I would fucking hope Gase would be a lesson to any teams that are hot on stealing Getsy. The man just came from being a fucking QB coach to OC, moving him after just another year to HC would be a boneheaded decision and pure disaster. Not saying someone like the Colts or someone might not do exactly that (that whole Saturday thing is entertaining as hell), but lets be real.
    dlinebass5 likes this.
  18. patg006 M.V.P. Bears

    But that’s literally what happened to Gase. He went from WR coach to QB coach to OC in Denver for a year then OC for the bears for a year then became a HC.

    Hackett is another guy if we’re talking “pure disasters.” But then there’s the other side of the coin, guys like Nick Sirianni (qb coach to OC for 2 years then WR coach then HC.)

    But look where the league is shifting. Offense. If you have a competent offense ran by a coordinator who can get the most out of the talent around him, teams are going to interview him and the bears can’t block it unless it’s a lateral move. Indy and carolina will be looking. There’s probably several more like Houston, Detroit, Seattle (if the weasel retires), NE (if BB retires) Arizona, possibly Denver if Hackett keeps sucking. That’s just reality. I’d like to think we can keep Getsy for another year but the possibility of 6-8 teams looking for new HCs doesn’t give me too much hope keeping him if he puts together impressive offensive performances.

    And yeah, there should have been flags with Gase that NY and Miami didn’t vet that they should have, the same way it appears with Hackett now in Denver. Being a ‘leader of men’ doesn’t seem to be a highly sought after quality anymore.

    You should be able to buy a 3 tech pretty easily this spring. Gonna need some luck if you’re going to draft one. The Michigan kid Mazi Smith round 2-3 would be ideal if you don’t buy one of Ogunjobi, Payne, Hassan Ridgeway, or David Onyematta. You can add fletcher Cox but he’s not a longterm solution and is still effective so I’d imagine Philly runs it back with him again.
    dlinebass5 and vvarder like this.
  19. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Yeah like we already knew. Joke ass officials. Pulling that crap on the home team too, fucking pukes.
    dlinebass5 likes this.
  20. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    I agree with all this, on the top WR prospects. And, if anything, I'm glad Poles isn't setting himself up to have to take one like previous GM's have done (lick my ballsack, Pace).

    I guess I get hung up on the lack of flexibility that you now have to fill crucial spots. That early second is a big chip to be used either in moving around the draft, or picking up a desired guy that fell. Without that flexibility, you're costing yourself opportunities on draft day.

    Yes, the flip argument could be made - by trading for Claypool, WR isn't as big a necessity and thus you've created some flexibility on how you use your picks on draft day. I guess I just don't see Claypool as being the talent equivalent of an early second round pick's potential. But of course, there's also the argument that he's proven and a pick isn't, etc.

    My criticism is totally subjective, here. And maybe Claypool balls out and proves me wrong - I'd like that. Just not sure that's what we're gonna get.

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