Ev said it at the start - this game will tell us a lot. The Bears clearly have less talent the San Fran and Green Bay. They don't necessarily have a clear lack of talent in comparison to Houston. This game should be competitive, and it should tell us about who the players / staff are. That it's telling us this about Fields, right now, is concerning. I haven't caught more than just a few plays, but I didn't see good ones. Seems to me like Fields hasn't been able to confidently establish a rhythm or timing in his throws / mechanics, and he's throwing bad balls because of it. We saw it in the preseason and it's continuing now - bad protection isn't helping this kid, and he's not developing the right habits. Even when the pocket is clean, he's leaning on habits built by times when it's not. Fuck.
Looking back at the INT Fields missed a wide open receiver that probably would have scored a touchdown.
I don’t understand the RG rotation at all Borom is a run blocking mauler and can’t pass block to save his fucking life
I've never seen someone as big as Borom get bullrushed so easily. And consistently so. Weight distribution all wrong.
I can’t explain it and I used to coach offensive line and tight ends blocking in high school and division 2
The one thing I know is neither Borom or Patrick are playing so well that Jenkins should be off the field. He's made mistakes now and then too, everyone has, but he's played better than those two imo.