Goodbye Ryan and Matt.....hello Ryan and Matt?

Discussion in 'Chicago Bears' started by BearsWillWin, Jan 27, 2022.

  1. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Holy fucking shit. Eberflus just talked about the why's.

    Gonna call it a night there i think....
  2. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs


    I just don't fucking know
  3. blang84 Legend Bears

    When Flus his "HITS" program it sounded like the exact thing Georgie would want his head coach to say. Otherwise nothing he said impressed on me for good or bad.

    I did hear Carmen and Jurko interviewing Poles and he did emphasize that 1) he wants to build through the draft and 2) his philosophy is to stockpile as many draft picks as possible, when possible. Good.
    vvarder likes this.
  4. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    Hopefully, it's just me, but it sounds like Poles is one of those guys that's going to place more weight on the measurables (Underwear Olympics) than on actual ability, and leave some good football players on the board because they can't jump out of a pool.
    EvertonBears likes this.
  5. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    I got that vibe too and I hope it's not true.
  6. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    I will say neither guy gave me an egomaniac vibe...which I like. We've had enough of that.

    Everything I'm hearing about Flus....from the way he practices and prepares to the way he demands more from his all good stuff. I like that he wants to be a CEO style head coach. He's not gonna call plays. He's not gonna be distracted...he's going to run things from a high level and let his coaches coach.

    Poles...I don't know. He's young. He got really emotional...which I understand. But he seemed to be reaching for sound bites. Only time will tell what he is really about.

    Jury is out on these guys. I could totally see us back here doing this again in 4 years.
    vvarder likes this.
  7. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Its slightly surprising to me that you guys haven't shown more concern re Poles. He looked very much like someone in way over his head yesterday. He demonstrated real emotional immaturity at the start of that presser, it concerns me how that will manifest itself in future. Impulsiveness/lack of composure when under the huge pressure of draft night? Being taken advantage of in trade/contract negotiations? I get it, this was a big moment for him, but someone needs to get ahold of this guy and tell him to get a grip. He was acting like he'd won the SB last night, like he'd made it. No, you haven't made it, the work has just begun. The HC is not your brother, he answers to you. You're in a position of major seniority start acting like it.

    As bad as he was last night, and he was bad, it doesnt mean he cant evaluate talent so hopefully things will get better. The addition of an asst GM is a very good thing and I do really hope this team will finally get serious about the O-Line with those two.

    Eberflus said some good things. I do think there is a chance of a genuine culture change which would be good news. But an awful lot of this feels like trying to turn the clock back to 2006. The game has moved on, that model of good D and crappy O just wont get it done any more and even if id could, honestly, im tired of it. The DC position is also a big concern. That name that was floating around was dogshit, im totally with pat on that one, dont do it.

    If i was to make a totally premature guess based on very little information, id say these guys arent gonna turn this franchise around. I could see us doing this all over in 3-5years time.

    Pace said that too early on. Most do. The proof of the pudding will be in the eating.
    vvarder and blang84 like this.
  8. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    I know i wasn't his leading proponent on this board, but i will be massively massively pissed off if Harbaugh winds up in Minnesota.
  9. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    I honestly can't be bothered to watch an hour and a half press conference, I got through about 30 seconds of George and had to turn it off, so I'm relying on you guys and whatever podcasts I end up listening to about it. But part of the reason I can't be bothered is because how many press conferences have I watched where the guys say the right things? Or how many great players/coaches give shit answers to the press? It's all so much bullshit.

    Pace sounded like a breath of fresh air. Hell I remember loving Griese's little spiel on how the offense wasn't going to be a second class citizen. I get it, it's all we have to go on for now to speculate what they are going to do.

    That is concerning no doubt, ego has gotten in the way of so many hires for the Bears. I guess I'm not as concerned, yet, because he hasn't done anything and is going to be severely handicapped by what Pace left him, sans about 4-5 good pieces. I want to see what he actually does. If he goes and trades up with the scant few picks we have to pick up some mediocre WR, we'll know right away.

    I will be beyond pissed. He wanted to come here and the Bears talked to him on the phone for 10 whole minutes. I get that the "Gruden-esque" deal he's going to command is a risk, but he's also had a lot of success. And the fans would lap it up. And even worse if Poles doesn't pan out, because it sounds like part of the reason they moved so fast on him was because the Vikings were super interested. George getting owned by a rival owner certainly would fit the bill. And there's a rumor he'd get fucking Fangio to coach the D? In that case, if Rodgers leaves the division, the Vikings would become the instant favorite for the NFC North crown.
    EvertonBears and blang84 like this.
  10. patg006 M.V.P. Bears

    Former Panthers/LSU offensive coordinator Joe Brady interviewing. Qbs coach? Figured someone would make him an OC.

    Think it’s a ruse. If Michigan made me take a paycut months before I took them to the college football playoff, I’d be pulling shit like this too to get them to chase me with pallets of cash, which will probably happen by the end of the week.

    That, and let’s keep perspective. Georgie and Ted would never hire someone who isn’t falling in line or giving him 10 years 100 mil. Harbaugh was never a candidate even if he was serious about coming back.
  11. blang84 Legend Bears

    Starting to look more like it's a reality. Mike Florio is reporting that tomorrow's interview with the Vikings is merely a formality.

    So yeah, get pissed off. If Erin leaves GB then it's the Vikings division. Harbaugh is too independent and too much of a hardass for Georgie's tastes. Georgie will have no regrets but the fans will have plenty.
    EvertonBears likes this.
  12. blang84 Legend Bears

    The only risk to a "Gruden-esque" deal is that the McCaskey grandchildren may only get Gulfstream 3s for Christmas instead of Gulfstream 4s. I refuse to accept that money is the reason Harbaugh wasn't considered. Straight up his personality absolutely is not what Georgie would ever consider. Ever. That's all there's to it.
  13. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    I do think a 7/70 10/100 contract is enough to get their bums going squeak squeak squeak, but yes i have to agree. This was always the reason i never banged the drum too hard for Harbaugh, i could just never picture it in my mind. Harbaugh's personality/demeanor never looked like something those warm milk clowns would be able to live with. It doesnt make it right of course, this could easily go down as their biggest blunder yet. But am i shocked? Nope, not at all.
  14. patg006 M.V.P. Bears

    Okay, I might be wrong...

    Some people already breaking news he will be next Vikes HC and today's a formality, but I wont jump the gun until its official--because you know--modern journalists are attention-seeking c_unts who face no backlash when they're wrong (and they tend to be wrong a lot in opinion land). Add on that today is also National Signing Day in college football land--and the HC of the Big 10 champs is interviewing with an NFL team. Can't imagine why a 4 star HS recruit wouldn't pick UM if he was down to his final 2-3 and save the mystery for the hat-putting-on vignette on espen 2. Then again, not too many de-commits/transfers from UM now, just Oklahoma/Lincoln Riley leaving and most of the 4-5 star guys following him to SoCal.

    I don't let this team piss me off anymore. I'd have to give effort. If all of this comes to fruition, I want to know the details of this 10 minute phone call idiot Hub Arkush reported a couple weeks ago. Specifically, if he said "no thanks" or gave them a number/'must meet' demands and it was Georgie saying it.

    Vic Fangio not taking a job yet also concerns me. The vikes have mostly better personnel for a 3-4.
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2022
  15. blang84 Legend Bears

    Did we dodge a bullet by not hiring Flores? Maybe Georgie got the Bears a get of jail free card with the Poles hire since the Bears are not one of the teams being sued. Not sure what to think. It's possible that Flores' suit is without merit but the league does have a problem hiring black coaches. Or the other way around.
  16. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    I am kinda siding with Flores here. At least initially. This is a bad look for the league.
    EvertonBears likes this.
  17. blang84 Legend Bears

    The texts from Belichick to Flores are pretty damning, as far as the Giants are concerned. But I read most of the lawsuit and it reads a bit like it was written by a journalist/activist rather than an attorney with a strong case.
  18. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    I was reading all this shit last night. I guess it was just a matter of time before the Good Ole' Boys Club and technology crashed and burned.
    BTW It seems Flores will be too busy to even coach now with all the lawyers he'll be commanding.
  19. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Dodge a bullet? In my opinion, no, we didnt dodge a bullet by not hiring Brian Flores. In fact now that we know the Bears priority still isnt offense and they wanted to hire a defensive coach, if you offered me a swap out of Eberflus for Flores, even knowing events of the last 24hours, i make that switch in a heartbeat.

    Whats amazing to me is that such a question even gets posed and needs to be debated. And im not singling anyone out here, there's plenty of talk about it. I just think the whole thing is terrible and makes the NFL look so bad.

    Flores just did an excellent job in Miami and he did it inheriting a bad team with a horrible Defense, a below average QB, a bad GM and an even worse owner. Like a bottom 5 owner. And he came out of that with a winning record? In a division with Belichek and Josh Allen?? Thats miraculous. If Brian Flores was white he wouldn't just have been snapped up by another team by the end of the week, he'd have strangers coming up to him in the street asking him to bless their children! But a few obviously leaked to cover their asses statements by Dolphins high ups about how Flores is "hard to work with" and "a bit of a trouble maker" and now he cant even get a legit 2nd interview?? Its outrageous.

    The guy the Giants disrespected Flores for btw, for all he smells of roses thx to Josh Allen right now, has had periods where he was utter dogshit. He oversaw an epically bad Offense in Cleveland before getting shitcanned, and he was so good in KC that the first thing Andy Reid did when he got there was get rid of him. And Daboll went from that to coaching TEs lol, cos thats all he could get. Oh and he has no HC experience. Flores should be pissed off.

    Meanwhile, we've got Josh McDouchiels, who in his first HC gig was such a little Napolean that he made Jay Cutler's powers of toxicity seem positively amatuerish. Then, on his 2nd chance he took the job then completely fucked the team over and left them high and dry. Can we imagine for a moment where a black HC's career would be with a resume like that. Im gonna take a stab at something like being the quality control coach for the long snapper at East Mississippi Community College. But one interview for McDaniels and its HC gig number 3?? Its totally bullshit.

    Im on the same lines as bww, or more so even. Regardless of the tanking & tampering allegations, we already know enough to know Brians Flores has been totally fucked over this last month or so. And yes part of it is a by product of the Rooney Rule, but there's way more to it than just that.

    Ultimately the guy was left with a choice of either taking it up the ass from the Old Boys Club or making a fight. I respected him before all this, i respect him even more now. Unlike Kapaernik Flores was good at his job and has legit prob ended his career with this stand.
  20. blang84 Legend Bears

    Agree with most of this, but if the reports of what he said to Tua are true, to me it's a red flag. I know that is not the opinion that most people share here.

    Flores is justifiably pissed about what he was subjected to in Miami and the fact that the Giants were interviewing him just to check the box.

    Unfortunately for him, the burden of proof is entirely on the shoulders of him and his attorneys to prove that the reasons he was either fired from Miami or not considered by the Giants have to do with racism. As for proving racism against the Giants, that isn't going to be easy when a quick google search of their history shows they had a black GM for 10 years (Jerry Reese), fired in 2017 when they cleaned house. There's also nothing wrong with the Giants for preferring Dabol to Flores, however misguided that may be. The Giants have every right to continue to make shitty hires. Flores is really a victim of the Giants/NFL using him strictly to meet a requirement that, let's face it, is not working. It is a shame there aren't more black head coaches in the NFL but the Rooney rule is clearly not the way to fix it. If anything, it devalues black candidates.

    The suit is going to stay in the headlines, and if some massive piece of evidence comes to light in Flores favor, then it's going to be one of the biggest stories in the history of the league and we will see dramatic change. But if he does have a hard time proving his case, then the Old Boys Club is not going anywhere soon. The bigger story that could emerge from all of this is the fact that at least one owner, and possibly more, are actively trying to tank games. My brother said it reminded him of the owner from the movie Major League. As a fan I understand some reasons for tanking but that to me would be more detrimental to the image and credibility of a league that is now actively trying to partner with major sports books. We may be a year or two away from a draft lottery system similar to what the NBA has had for the last 35 years.
    EvertonBears likes this.

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