Nagy asked Georgie his thoughts on the starting QB situation???? If that's true Nagy should've been fired on the spot.
Georgie just said that Nagy asked him whether or not he should start Fields. How did you not fire the coach, at that point? The guy was completely clueless and floundering. Just end it.
I straight up dont believe that answer. I hold Nagy in low coaching regard but no way in hell he asked a know nothing like george what he should do about the QB position.
The director of player engagement and a VP of inclusion and diversity are involved in the coach search. I mean.....okay. Cool.
I don't know. Nagy clearly was in over his head. You don't think he'd be the kind of kiss-ass to ask his boss what he wants, just to make sure he keeps his job? I can see him feeling insecure, caught out as a fraud, and wanting to do whatever he could to make his boss happy.
We are gonna let someone not involved with our organization at all decide who will make football decisions. Someone that doesn't have to live with the hire day to day and can't be held accountable for giving insight at all. How the fuck does a charter NFL franchise run this way?
Well, Georgie said that the decision is ultimately his. And he did remind us that he is a fan, not a football evaluator. So... good? Not good? Who can tell?