The real shame is that there are going to be guys playing today that we won't see again, and some of them we'll miss (Hicks, for example). And instead of savoring that, we're just hoping the game ends quickly so we can finally be done with this nightmare. I hope they get their ass beat so badly today that Pace HAS to be fired. That's where I'm at as a fan. And it sucks.
Rumors are swirling about Pace being promoted a VP or President of Football Ops kinda role and a new GM being hired. Or maybe Champ Kelly gets promoted into Pace's old role. Kinda like a GarPax situation. I hate this team so much.
I was going to make a game thread but this is perfect. The Bears is a perfect example of when a team has bad owners and bad leadership.
@babyfan you still haven't unpinned last weeks Seahawks game thread and you haven't pinned this game thread. I had to go down to like the 7th title on the list just to find this thread. Just not good enough.
Last game of the season and you've got Tevin Jenkins sitting on the sideline so old man Peters can start. Let the door hit you in the ass on the way out Nagy you fuck.