Being out of market, I turned a few years back to podcasts, so I figured I'd ask if you guys know of any that are any good that I don't know of, and give you what I've listened to. Hoge and Jahns had on Olin Kreutz and he has one that I am signing up for to see how it is. I've used stitcher as the podcast app but apparently that's been limiting my choices. I also apparently have no general football podcasts. Podcasts: 1. Hoge and Jahns - easily my favorite and completely Bears focused. They are a lot less incendiary than most sports talk shows and generally talk sense. They excuse Pace far too much for my liking and I don't agree with them sometimes, but I get where they are coming from. They have a Youtube now too apparently. 2. Waddle & Silvy - this is just their radio show packaged into a podcast. They went off Stitcher sometime last offseason, but apparently they're still publishing so I will probably get this back. Silvy is a ridiculous homer but I generally like Waddle. 3. The Under Center Podcast - I now more or less hate this one. They get good guests, but Ken Davis is nails on a chalkboard to me. The homeriest homer in the history of homers. If I wanted to listen to random fans talking about the Bears there have to be better options than this yutz. It used to be awesome when it was just basically a podcast format of the NBC Sports show with Kreutz, Forte, Briggs and Alex Brown. 4. The No Name Football Podcast - This is the one with Kreutz and Jason McKie which I just signed up for. I general I like Kreutz so we'll see how it goes. Youtube - these I've basically gotten as recommendations from you guys, but I don't watch youtube stuff that much. 1. The QB School w/ JT O'Sullivan - Dline's recommendation, I love the breakdowns. 2. TTNL - only seen the one ep Ev posted a while back. 3. NBC Sports has the Football Aftershow on Youtube now, love the football guys (not including Wanny in that), Kap drives me a little nuts. Pretty homerish. 4. Good Morning Football - the only one of the mainstream sports shows I can stomach, and even then only when I catch a youtube here and there. What am I missing? Especially for any good NFL in general pods.
Disorder. Dysfunction. Disappointment. As the Chicago Bears’ systemic failures continue, one proposed remedy has become common: ‘You clean house.’ I know you're talking about radio/video here double v, but i thought i would drop in this article i found. Its from the Tribune so the local guys made have read it. The Trib also has a paywall, or used to, i have so many add-ons to my browser i rarely hit paywalls. Anyway its long, but i found it very good. Its from that local reporter Weiderer, who is the guy who wrote that massive expose on the Bears 2017 draft. He did a great job highlighting Pace's process, or complete lack thereof, inc all the stuff re Deshaun Watson. This one is focused on todays Bears, particularly front office. He's spoken to a bunch of insiders off the record from the Bears and around the league and Pace/upper management structure is a main focus. I find these articles pretty fascinating as they're as close as you'll get to lifting the lid on Halas Hall workings as well as what people from competent franchises think about the Bears. Anyway i thought you guys might like it.
Thanks for all that info varder. I've never been a massive podcast guy altho i will listen to some stuff in the background if im working in my home office. I might try to catch Waddle & Silvy during on like a Wed but even then only during the hour they have the beat reporter on cos i like to hear any inside info on practise/injuries etc. Jeff Dickerson used to do and i loved the way his tone always has this kinda world-weary beat down by covering the Bears ever so slightly cynical edge to it. Always very appropriate lol. But i think he had a severe personal illness cos he hasnt done it in ages. That guy i just said Weiderer does it now. Not as good as JD but still ok. Weiderer has a youtube channel he seems to be trying to get going too. Its small time still but he's had a lot of local guys coming on it to try help out. I remember one i found particularly funny with Rich Campbell. Campbell is apparently out of the game now, prob cos he was more mouthpiece than reporter. He clearly had an agreement with John Fox cos i remember during those years he was the biggest fucking lickspittle in the room every time. Fox would always give him first question and it would always be some softball POS designed to get Fox off to an easy start. Fucker. Anyway hearing this guy now unfiltered and ripping the Bears was funny, but also a perfect illustration of the problem that exists re the relationship between the team and local reporters. Most of em are shills and they know they're shills. The other youtube stuff you mentioned i've all checked out. O Sullivan is good. TTNL still does one every week and while not perfect its consistently solid imo. They also do a post game livestream now as well and the rant at the start of those things is always epic. That may not be for everyone, but a guy who can go nuclear while also making on the money points is for me. That NBC show i cant handle much. Kruetz is awesome i agree, and Alex Brown is good too imo. But Briggs is just a fat blob with nothing insightful to say and Wanny is as clueless as he ever was. Kap is also annoying. For general NFL stuff there's a lot out there, do you follow the Rich Eisen show? Thats a podcast that they also do youtube vids from. None of em are gonna be flawless but personally i like that one. The Herd is very hit and miss altho i would bang that bird he co-hosts with. Pat McAffee is just a fucking douche nozzle. Skip & Shannon should be disintegrated so that no trace remains. Final one i would add vv, its just a twitter thing but Brian Baldinger breaks down plays on there. They are just short vids but i've found the Bears ones to be right on point. On problem is the guy posts so damn much Bears stuff can easily get burried. Here's one i dug out. Bum ass O-Line.
Oh and here's one more i unearthed in the scrape. And clowns on this site(looking at you Lawwy!!) wonder why we cut the Bears no slack anymore for the endless mediocrity.
I don't listen to any football/Bears specific podcasts. I'll occasionally give Waddle and Silvy a listen if they have on JD or Weiderer as Ev said, or when they interview Georgie at the end of the year. Otherwise, I don't like any of the Chicago radio shows enough. Of the podcasts you listed VV, I would probably give the Hoge and Jahns a listen. They are both good twitter follows so I'm sure they've got a lot info/takes to offer. My issue is that I already have too many podcasts to listen to as it is, and frankly it's not worth the opportunity cost to drown myself in more Bears misery when there's so much other content out there. For sports in general I've been a listener to the Dan Patrick show for years, going back to when was with ESPN. When I was abroad about 10 years ago I discovered they put their show in podcast form and I listen religiously (unless Dan is out). That was also around the time where Jay Cutler started doing his Waddle and Silvy hits and that's what got me into that show, though as mentioned I only listen occasionally now. Every now and then I'll listen to Pardon My Take, particularly if they are interviewing someone I like. The rest of my podcasts are not sports related and I enjoy them too much to let them leave the rotation.
Great stuff guys. I'll give Dan Patrick and Rich Eisen a shot. You are right blang that I don't have that much time so some weeks I'll only get in one podcast, and if that I'll make it Hoge and Jahns, but what tipped me here was how much I dislike the Under Center podcast. Cowherd was on local radio, so pre-pandemic/pre-podcasts when I drove to work, I'd listen to him and he was alright-ish. Like any sports radio he has his hot takes, but every once in a while he'd say something insightful. One that stuck with me, was when he said something along the lines of, "I don't want to say the Bears are bad. They're a huge market, I'd love for them to be good, the NFL would love for them to be good, it would make them more money. But they aren't" Pat McAffee I've never seen/listened to his show, but the fucking over the top love fest for him and his "candid" interviews with Rodgers just piss me off. As far as I know, his show is just the Aaron Rodgers suck-off fest where they let him say arrogant bullshit and people lap it up. I honestly never thought I'd hate a player more than Favre but now I'd take Favre any day of the week. Jim Rome used to come on after Cowherd, but all I can think of with that guy is this old clip: I actually was thinking of NFL/General sports podcasts especially because here at the end of the season it'd be good to follow what's happening with teams that will actually be in the playoffs. Unlike the Bears where really, there's not a lot more to say.
I actually read this article on CCS because someone pasted the entire thing into the message board and it's massive but a fantastic read. The one thing that stood out to me, is he calls out that the Bears front office thinks "we just need to figure out the QB situation". I mean, you see it in our fanbase too, I'm guilty of this, saying the Packers are good solely because of Rodgers - which is true in some years and he certainly covers up faults, but you can't bank your organization on just getting someone THAT good. Are the Steelers perpetually good because of Big Ben? He was never a HOF-elite QB, yet they have success, because the FO isn't a bunch of idiots and they've hired great coaches. The Bears woes will not be solved with a HOF QB, and it's somewhat irrelevant because we don't have the support system in place to develop a mediocre QB, much less a HOF quality one. I am 100% positive that had we drafted Mahomes, he would have looked like he did earlier this year, doing too much to try and cover faults. I think we all know this, the problem starts at the top. They acknowledged this with using Accorsi in the search for Pace. They keep Teddy around because he "makes money". They throw good money after bad because of sunk costs. Honestly the worst part is, I am convinced the Packers, right now, should be the odds on favorite to win it all. Football is fantastic because it's unpredictable, but I've got a bad feeling about this, especially after all that happened yesterday. Their faults don't see as pronounced as the other top teams.
Teddy was on record saying this last year. "Have we gotten the QB right? No. Everything else is there." They truly believe that's the only thing wrong. And that's why this franchise is fucking hopeless until there's a change of ownership. This is starting to become my fear as well. Their biggest weakness is special teams and it could most certainly cost them in the playoffs. But otherwise they're clearly the best team all around in this crappy league. Their run game is underrated and their defense is top 10 with playmakers all over. Fucking depressing. Worst time ever to be Bears fans and it happens to be when we're alive.