Thursday is his last game. Ravens game would have been if this wasn’t a short week. from a Very reliable source...
The fact that the Bears have not released a statement denying the rumors is significant. But yet they still send Nagy out to face the media and field a ton of questions about the rumors. Weird. No wonder the good coaches never want to come here.
Have ye no faith in Mongo? he just confirmed it as far as I'm concerned. I didn't see it was it a good flogging?
Ha, you mean the man who bailed on us for the last 2 years? I would've preferred if Nagy was grilled about his shit game plan against the Ravens or why he continues to start Vildor, but instead all the questions were about his job status.
It was odd when he denied the rumor but then someone asked if he will finish the entire season and he basically deflected and refused to answer.
What’s clear is either someone out there is making shit up or someone at Halas hall is leaking. Just seems weird that it hit the media so quickly. At the end of the day Nagy has lost the team and the fans. And I suspect the whole QB shit show and how that played out has pissed Pace off as well.
If thats true then it means the decision was made after the Steelers game. A game in which the Bears launched a furious comeback, led by Fields who played his most hope inspiring game of the season and which, lets be honest, the Bears very likely win if they dont get jobbed by the officials. JMO, but i cant buy that. That was not a straw that breaks the camel's back game, if anything it was a classic McKlaskey delusion game stocked full of baked in excuses. We'll see soon enough i guess but i gotta say im not sure how happy i am about todays news. I will be pleased to see the back of that bullshit merchant of course, but ultimately this means minimal if this is as high as it goes. I will be sick if Pace is making the picks at next years draft. And assuming for a second Mongo's source is right, what does this say about Pace? There's no mention of him so i guess he enjoys his turkey as an employed man? So you gonna go to the trouble of firing Nagy now then wait till black monday to do Pace? I dont see the sense in that. My ideal realistic scenario is they both go but I'll be honest, given the choice i would axe Pace before Nagy. The higher up the food chain the blood letting is done the better it will be.
I couldn't disagree more with putting Pace before Nagy. I agree they both have to go, but good God my liver can't handle another day of this offense. In year 4 in which Nagy claims takes 4 years to build an offense, the Bears are at the bottom or close to it 32nd in passing, 31st in yardage. The only thing that saves them from the bottom coming in at 30th is their rushing. Fuck this cock sucking shed headed visor-wearing imposter he needs to go, now.
Not from what I was texted. The decision was made after the Ravens loss and they began to put wheels in motion. they do not want the interim coach to face the Lions on a short week. A loss to them, which again, I think is realistic, would send the wrong message. The interim coach will have 10 days to get ready for the Cardinals at home.
Worth noting that a Pulitzer winning former Sun Times guy reporting it, not some twitter clown. Gotta hope its not clickbait/quick moneymaker when he makes the news rounds. Sad as it sounds, it is the heart/soul of modern journalism to start shit, let it roll downhill and make $ off it. No time like the present though. I'll believe it when I see it but this is the right move. The new rules allowing coaching searches/interviews to start earlier than playoffs being something the bears take advantage of would be the first smart thing they've done in a while. I fully recognize the credit I shouldn't be giving them.
I'd rather see the fucking accountant get his turn with the axe or the 'Caskey's to sell the fucking team, but dreams are dreams. Given the Fields pick, and the boner they seem to have for Pace, Pace is here to draft next year and give away some more future picks. I will be shocked if these rumors are true and Nagy's gone, but given the meatball bears fans chanting, they might be worried about ticket sales/merch sales dropping with the chants of Fire Nagy. The "owners" could have fucking taken care of this last year, when it was apparent Nagy wasn't the guy after backdooring into the playoffs and getting blown out. You can fire Lovie after a 10 win season but miss the playoffs, but a backdoor bumble-fuck into a "you have no business being here" playoff appearance saves his job? Fuck off.
I hope the Arlington heights move will see the MCkaskeys let the team go. But, my guess is that this is their play to keep the team. I know we all want to stay away from political talk, but the death tax is a huge issue that all NFL team have to deal with. If Biden pushes this through, there is no way the MCkaskeys keep the team before it goes through.
So just thinking out loud.... Imagine a scenario where the team decides to move on after the Ravens game, then it leaks. (which btw it did, my source is solid) and then it hits the media before Nagy is told because they want him to coach through the Thursday game... I mean, what a shit show. and Nagy never said it was a no. He just said he wasn't told he was being fired. What shit show this team is. Pace is a child working in a grown up world.
If timing were the issue then why not fire him after the Steelers game? That way the new guy would've had 13days to prepare for the next game, which also would've been at home. Oh and you wouldnt have been putting the new guy in against the best record in the NFL. This isnt adding up.
Tuna i dont like you making me feel like im defending the word salad lol. But if we're dealing in stats then here's a couple to trump those. Nagy owns a winning record right now. Pace owns a record of 1 winning season in 7 YEARS!! Pace's fingerprints are all over this dumpster fire of a team way more than Nagy's, im not even sure its that close. Pace is the reason Kindle fucking Vildor is out there shitting the bed every week as your CB2 instead of Kyle Fuller. Pace is the reason endless trade ups have left us with a hollowed out roster lacking any depth at almost every position on the team. Pace is the reason that the day he is actually fired it will be two years later before the teams CAP is back under control. Pace is the reason for Leno & Massie and basically 7 years of having a bottom 10 O-Line. Oh yeah, TRUBISKY!!! Fuck me thats 5 and ive barely scratched the surface. But sure, lets fiddle around with the deck chairs, it'll make us feel better for 5 mins while the ship goes down.
Do you know the Bears have already used $10million in CAP space for the 2025 season and have ZERO players under contract for 2025? 4 YEARS AWAY!! You couldn't make this shit up.
He treats void years like draft picks and Halloween candy. Just give them away and deal with it later. Like Phil Emery, Pace isn't going to sniff a position higher than scout in his career.
The way the organization has handled the last 24 hours is worse than a shit show. Leaking that you're going to fire the coach after the next game, not telling the coach that you're going to fire him, sending him out to the media to do a presser, then not releasing a statement either confirming or denying the rumors. This is worse than the Dave McGinnis debacle.