I feel like this story ends with a reveal that Mongo has been dead in your freezer for the last few years and you just imagine him talking to you all the time.
Last year Babyfan told me about the importance of staying hydrated and freezing the water so when you go out in the heat it will stay cold longer and then sent me a picture of her freezer.
Oh my Gawd ... bahahahaaa ... Very funny stuff but I'm no longer talking to either of you guys. How the fack am I going to ever sleep again after seeing that hand?
The most important question is why does there appear to be a barcode on it? Is there a grocery store somewhere selling severed hands?
Congrats! Your first right? The first was tough but man was the second so, so much easier. And each stage of their life so far has been awesome in a different way. My wife had a strict 3 months rule "just in case something happens" which was tough because then not only am I not telling anyone, I also had this panic that something would go wrong. Which of course nothing did go wrong but damn it woman.
‘Sup Nagy and Pace are pieces of shit BF has yet to post the pic of her in stockings and garter Fields is regressing Bww likes to talk about penis a lot.... why? tony corrente is a pice of crap, so is cleat brakeman. So is Bww I don’t drink any more Or any less Rodgers is a dumb ass go Bears See you all in a few...
Well, I confirmed today that Mongo is not only alive and well, but still has both hands, so the bigger question is who's hand in Babyfan's freezer? I suspect it's because when we all get comfortable talking about penises, he'll come out of the closet. Welcome back Mongo, Happy Birthday, and thanks for the beer.
Nope, I can assure you it is Mongo. Now that hand is likely a former Packers board supporter probably either Finley or JPrin.
I know that this thread wasn't about me in the least, and Mongo has indeed graced us with his presence, but I want to thank everyone for the congratulations and well wishes over the baby announcement. We've since told our family members, but beyond that, you all are still the only ones to know. So I really appreciate you all sharing in the excitement, and letting me get it off my chest. I've been talking sports with some of you guys since I was a teenager, I think. So... life changes, man. Thank you guys for being there, for it. First ultrasound this morning - hoping to hear "Fire Pace", so I know it's mine.