Needless to say, I'm a little verklempt after reading that as I never realized how bad you really had it. Then I realized I have to do something to help you out to put some tortillas on the table. So I figured I'd bring my van over pick up you and the kid and then drop the kid off at BWWs house because after all, he does kind of look like him. I don't have a child seat, but we can just tie the rug rat to one of those cases of Corona in the back, safety first you know. Just leave the rest to me as you'll be knee-deep in tortillas in no time.
Papai Noel, is it you?? It must be! It would not surprise me if, in fact, the child does resemble Bww. It was an immaculate conception; the child arriving somewhere under an eastern star in a stable (I had NO end to the problems with the damn jackass that shared my pen) but the child definitely resembles someone or ... something. He is, as of yet, unnamed. Any suggestions? I was looking at Naghi but I'm just not sure. Thank you in advance for your tortilla generosity Senor Tuna Fat.
You know what gives me a softie? Knowing this particular fact. When that happens just try reciting the Gettysburg address, it worked for me.
Well I'll be damned. Okay I'll turn it on Bww. He has so damn many kids he'll never notice one more ...