Oh my God I stared at your sentence forever and then finally I got it ... I'm too worried about sentence construction and I miss half of the sex leads on this forum ...
Well. I emailed him back and told him how I've been mocked, ridiculed and shamed because of his not showing up. There's nothing more effective than a good guilt trip to set a man straight. Amirightorwhat ...
I just found out who Razor is!! He's one of the Bear's coaches!! Man, I had a totally different idea than that.
Nope, you're overthinking shit again, stop it! Waiting for Mongo I grew a beard, and I need a Razor, not an OC named Lazor.
Okay, here's the deal. The Bears have given K9s for Veterans access to the United Club to set up a booth for the game against the Ravens this week, and I'll be there. I'm going to dress as a vendor and start yelling "Lady Penis" to get his attention, and then I'm going to drag him out of those seats in section 203 and drag him back in here. If anybody has United Club tickets for the game this week let me know I could use some help because he is actually bigger than me, and if there's a report of a man going over the balcony at the game this week, I think it will be safe to assume that yeah, that'll be me.
I will be with you there in spirit, Tuna. It's a noble goal, and as always, your efforts are appreciated. I'm sure that yelling "Lady penis" won't be problematic for you. In other news, I wanted to share something that I'm not able to tell anyone else yet, at my wife's instruction - we found out that she's pregnant, this morning. It's very exciting. This is my "not telling anyone" loophole, so thank you all.
Congratulations !!! You're about to embark on the most incredible (and sometimes frustrating) journey of your life.
LMAO, Congrats my man, glad you were able to solve that Rubik's Cube, and figure out which end is up. I know nothing and maybe even less, after all, I wouldn't dream of yelling dlinebasses wife is pregnant in front of the 60,000 Soldier Field faithful at the game in between shouting "Lady Penis".
Thank you Tuna. And when you drag him out of his seat and in here please give him a swat upside the head from me ...
Dline congrats buddy!! Thats great news thanks for telling us. Im sure glad you and the missus made it up to Chicago/Soldier when you did, cos well, you aint getting back there for a long while now lol. Kids are great and all of that, but they do have a way of making you less rich.