2021 Season rant thread

Discussion in 'Chicago Bears' started by BearsWillWin, Sep 13, 2021.

  1. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    They would have won by 30 points if they had just taken the FGs instead of going for it twice on 4th down. The defense showed up with those massive stops, which our offense turned into.....3 points. I mean, fuck, had the Browns taken the points, and then kicked the ball to the Bears they wouldn't have gotten the FG, they started that drive at the 47 after the sack! So the Bears 6 points came on a short field by the defense, and a ticky-tack PI call. Be You.

    I got news for you guys, that Packers game is going to be UGLY. The Rodgers farewell tour is going to leave scars.

    That play was so shockingly bad it doesn't surprise me that he's driving the bus over Fields for not killing out of that.

    The Lions are devoid of talent, but not heart. They are definitely playing hard, and losing in ways only the Lions can. This game seriously concerns me now. We all had it marked down as a win before the season, because hey, it's the Lions, but I think with this team you can take nothing for granted. The good news is Fields will look a thousand times better and he'll probably get time in the pocket, so it will be a good learning experience. Which means Dalton or FUCKING FOLES will start.

    BTW, great new avatar Pat.

    The only thing that had me looking forward to this season was Fields and after that last game, I can see Nagy is hell bent on destroying him. Nagy sucks. He AND Pace should have been fired last year. And Pace is only going to sink this team further before it's done, trade boner + missing on picks will do that. Do you guys realize the Bears are projected at several places to give the Giants a TOP 10 PICK? Worse than sucking on the field, is for our GM to strongly believe we are "only a piece away" when we haven't been in his entire tenure.
    patg006 and blang84 like this.
  2. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    The way I heard him say it was that the offense gives Fields no ability to check out of it (we saw the evidence of that - there were no pre-snap adjustments made during the game, and no motion called after the first 1-2 series). Instead what he was saying is that the offense as called is good enough to succeed, even when the look the defense is giving is clearly unfavorable, and that the defense just made better plays than the offense did. So, no problem with the quarterback, no problem with the playcall, the defense was just better. So, another fucking copout. Because we all watched the play.
    vvarder likes this.
  3. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    "It's not the playcall that was the problem, they're just really good" ? Well fuck him. I'm going to hold off on listening to it for now.
    dlinebass5 likes this.
  4. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    Yup, that's it.

    Reporter asked if Fields had the ability to adjust out of that call, because the defense was clearly strong to that side of the formation. Nagy responded, "No, Justin doesn't have that ability, and we practice that playcall and defensive look, the defense just made a play" (paraphrasing, but pretty close). So, yeah.
    vvarder likes this.
  5. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    As part of the recovery period i'm indulging in some meatball rants. Started the day with Hamp & OB and im now heading over to youtube to hear the post game opening rant on TTNL. I mean i can take or leave that guy sometimes, he thinks that just cos he calls his shit TTNL it means he can never be wrong. But his rants are usually pretty good and he swears almost as much as we do so yeah.
  6. blang84 Legend Bears

    dlinebass5 and patg006 like this.
  7. patg006 M.V.P. Bears

    So...I have to think professionally and on an NFL head coaching job level--Nagy wasn't intentionally trying to destroy him.

    But if you wanted to see what intentionally destroying the rookie QB that you traded up to get, forfeiting a likely top-10 pick next April--Sunday was a hell of an example. Taking a kid with a highly athletic skillset on top of an arm with accuracy--but pinpoint accuracy throwing your way down the field with garbage on the OLine getting spanked by the dukies' front 4 in year 4 of an offensive guru attached to his system that doesn't work and doesn't put points on the board?

    Fire him. Into the sun.

    Another day closer.
  8. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    It was either done by intention or gross incompetence. It is black and white there is no grey in this. How does a guy gameplan a defense for Ginger in game one for quick releases and not for this one? How many sacks does it take for a competent head coach to adjust his game plan and add protection?
    This is why this team's ownership sucks because he should have been fired immediately if not only because of this but because of his inconsistent and brutal play-calling, lack of in-game adjustments, and lack of total offense. His job has only been riding on the coattails of the defense in spite of him and his puke offense. The Bears will likely ruin another promising QB because Beyou Boy will remain, and the beat goes on, and the Bears continue to go nowhere.
    patg006 likes this.
  9. patg006 M.V.P. Bears

    I'll disagree. It's arrogance more than anything.

    2018--Nagy is the golden child offensive guru who came into a situation where the defense has ~66% of payroll allocated to the other side of the ball. Wins 12 games even though the last quarter of the season the offense disappeared and they scored 15 points in the playoff double doink game. All with the #2 pick he didn't draft/didn't want.

    2019--Nagy's offense shows that Mitch can't understand it and see the open guy busted over the top. Mitch is the problem.

    2020--Nick Foles knows my system, he knows the complexity because Mitch doesn't. They both suck until the end of the year when Lazor tailors things to Mitch's strengths.

    2021--Mitch and Foles are the problem. I'm going to pick my guy in the Ginger before trading up and drafting my other guy after secretly meeting with Ryan Day during pre-draft meetings/go to Fields' pro day without being officially invited/listed by Ohio State after going to Northwestern's pro-day and explicitly asking defensive-minded coach Pat Fitzgerald about Fields, not talking about Rashawn Slater or Greg Newsome--the two 1st round prospects NU had.

    When has Nagy really been held accountable? When has he felt 'the hotseat?' They took play-calling away from him for 6 weeks last year before he gave it back to himself and got spanked against New Orleans, garnering garbage time yards/points after the Saints broke for lunch. You think "journalists" grilling him in pressers is holding him accountable? He just gives the same responses when things go wrong. "we have to find the whys" or "collaboration" or "everything is on the table." The Browns game was one of many over 4 years now that the game unfolds in front of him and he doesn't adjust. When Browns defensive players are laughing because they expected Justin Fields to move around and Nagy seldom did...

    Nagy's been enabled. Pace wont step in and take playcalling away after another bad game plan. Sweaty Teddy didn't or wont, and if you ever needed the finance guy/President and CEO to step in and put his fingers in the pie to change something--no time like the present.

    Nagy said he's not giving up playcalling. What exactly is going to change? Nagy is the guy who's made the playoffs 2x in the last 3 years and its year 4 now.
    blang84 and BearsWillWin like this.
  10. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    The single fact that he doesn't adjust or tailor his game plan to the strengths of his players leads me to believe he's arrogantly incompetent. Put whatever adverb in front of incompetent you want, but he is what he is, incompetent.
    blang84 likes this.
  11. blang84 Legend Bears

    I don't buy the "done by intention" argument is because, regardless of what he has said about Ginger, Nagy needs Fields to succeed in order to save his job. As far as the sacks, Fields could've been sacked 100 times and nothing would've changed. The key word is "competent" and we all know that's something Nagy is not. But a "competent" organization would have cut their losses already but here we are.

    McCaskeys and sweaty Teddy don't hold themselves accountable. Why should they hold their GM and HC? Especially since they collaborate so well and are so classy.
  12. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    And there's the rub.
  13. blang84 Legend Bears

    What's going to piss me off is if we do manage to win this Sunday, after a solid round of Club Dub, he's going to come to the podium with that fucking smirk on his face and arrogantly tell the media that he's figured it out and everything is peachy.
  14. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    We aren't seriously entertaining the "by intention" theory tho are we. I mean that would fly in the face of logic.

    This was Nagy, it had to be equal parts ignorance, hubris and sheer dumb fuckery.
  15. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    Arrogance more than anything else. An insistence that his offense works and when it doesn't work it's never the playcall...it's always the execution.
    patg006 likes this.
  16. patg006 M.V.P. Bears


    He's made the playoffs 2x in 3 years, so clearly he knows better than everybody else, hence his inability to adapt to the game in front of his face or the scheme to put his guys in the best position to win or tailor the offense to the strengths of his personnel.

    Its just: Here's the game plan guys! *proceeds to diarrhea all over the field*
    BearsWillWin likes this.
  17. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    That and how he keeps leaning back on his "days in Kansas City". You clearly had nothing to do with the team's success there, and you've clearly learned nothing from there. You got to put the name on your resume, and now you're stealing checks. Get over it.
    tunafat likes this.
  18. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    Exactly, so where is he drawing this arrogance from? If I devised a new system for math even though it wasn't proven, and continually came up with wrong answers, but I believed in my system and stuck with it. That would make me an incompetent mathematician would it not?
    This right here alone would spell incompetence, would it not? There have been plenty of arrogant coaches in this league that have been successful, and while he may be arrogant, Nagy certainly isn't one of them as he's proved nothing. I don't care if he is stuck on stupid, stubborn, or just plain arrogant his inability time after time to do the things patg listed makes for an incompetent coach.
    patg006 likes this.
  19. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    To be clear, I definitely didn't mean to imply it was intentional as in, he wants Fields to get destroyed. It's intentional in that he came up with a terrible, terrible gameplan that he fully believed would work, despite all the evidence to the contrary. And he will continue to "not be an idiot" while Fields is on the field, or the Ginger or Foles, it doesn't matter. He is who he is. Ignorance, Incompetence, Arrogance, all of these words apply to him.

    He's also well above .500 in winning percentage, thus he is a good coach. People actually believe this.

    I've read stuff coming out now about how Pace has been "saddled" with Nagy and he really finds great talent and we should keep him. I've also read stuff legitimately saying that Mitch would have succeeded without Nagy. NO. Nagy sucks, Mitch sucks, Pace sucks, George/Teddy suck. But to stick to the thread, Nagy's offense has been bad every year, except his first where it was mediocre on the back of an elite defense. The failures of the offense are on him, even if they have some lack of talent, good coaches scheme to the strengths of their team.
    patg006 likes this.
  20. patg006 M.V.P. Bears

    We agree, think we're just phrasing it differently and getting caught up in semantics. Matt Nagy isn't stupid, when you listen to him talk, he generally knows what he's talking about in terms of game specifics, rules, situations, etc.

    He's got a massive ego. All coaches have to have a great level of that/chip on the ol' shoulder/whatever you want to call it. That comes from competitive nature, and visor's allowed to have that. Arrogance comes in because he's egregiously misusing the belief that his offense works and it is the personnel that's losing their individual battle--regardless of opposing teams' scheme/individual play formation--like how he used 5 man blocking for 23/30 of Fields' dropback plays. And all that it needs is for the 11 guys or most of the 11 guys to win the individual plays' battle.

    There are times I begrudgingly admit that it works. It generally does against inferior and sometimes middling opponents, which sadly there are a lot of in the league, including the entire division short of arguably the Packers--who can look pretty stupid, just never against these bums. But its the arrogance that it 'can' work and he 'can' get chunk plays you want to see/did see against the Bengals that makes him think he can do it to the browns, who couldn't have gotten an easier week. Their defensive players talked about how they expected Fields to move and laughed/had fun when he didn't. Matt Nagy sees that.

    His entire thought process of "just the next play can be that chunk play" is what we're seeing. They had one where Allen Robinson won his battle and got 18 yards. And that's why he cops out behind "we gotta look at the whys" in terms of who lost the individual battle on the individual play like that's the problem, not the fact that the dukies' front 4 were pinning their ears back the entire game because they know it was 3/5/7 step drops with no movement and he wasn't adjusting or trying to throw anything else out there to throw them off balance, and that's what makes him incompetent.

    Tons of other coaches are arrogant, just like visor. The difference between good ones and the visor is when good ones see the game unfolding in front of them, they adjust things when things go wrong while he refuses to get out of his own way. Longwinded way of 'saying he's incompetent because he's arrogant.'

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