Bears v Browns Game Thread

Discussion in 'Chicago Bears' started by EvertonBears, Sep 26, 2021.

  1. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    Think about how he called the offense with Dalton - ball was out in under two seconds. Fields? Let's run a delayed PA from the shotgun, with no extra blocking help, and keep our QB at the point of handoff to get killed. He doesn't even get a chance to throw the ball. Unreal.
    acrazyfool and EvertonBears like this.
  2. blang84 Legend Bears

    It's as if the goal is to destroy any confidence Fields has. To absolutely not put him in a position to win. Either Nagy is the most retarded play caller in the NFL or he's working for the Packers.
    EvertonBears and dlinebass5 like this.
  3. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    They had to call medical timeout so get Wills off the field for this 3rd down.
  4. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    I said it earlier, how Quinn almost didn't get that sack because he couldn't tackle. Then he didn't get this one.
  5. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Thats a terrible missed sack by Quinn.
  6. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    Defense is doing its job. Nagy is not.
  7. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Edwards with the sack!

    Bears DL is playing an A+++ game here AND while injury depleted. Seriously impressive.
    acrazyfool and dlinebass5 like this.
  8. acrazyfool Franchise Player Over / Under Bears

    A first down!
    blang84 likes this.
  9. blang84 Legend Bears

    Alright getting Fields moving finally.
  10. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    Holy fuck, you move Fields and he creates??? Who fucking knew???
    EvertonBears likes this.
  11. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    Fucking christ
  12. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

  13. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    From 2nd & inches to punt. Straight up joke.
    blang84 and dlinebass5 like this.
  14. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    Be you.
  15. acrazyfool Franchise Player Over / Under Bears

    Replay it looked like first 2 reads were short of the sticks. Shocking
    EvertonBears and dlinebass5 like this.
  16. blang84 Legend Bears

    O-line doing what they do best.
  17. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    I'd hand offensive playcalling over to whatever third grader is playing Madden this morning, at this point. We have the technology, we can make that happen. It would be an immediate improvement.
    blang84 likes this.
  18. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    I swear ive been watching this exact game for the last 30years
  19. acrazyfool Franchise Player Over / Under Bears

    "You don't want to give the Bears that extra possession".

  20. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears


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