2021 Season rant thread

Discussion in 'Chicago Bears' started by BearsWillWin, Sep 13, 2021.

  1. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    It's really simple, right? Like, the rest of it is all standard stuff. Jackson just needs to not be a lazy piece of shit. I was hoping there was something else. But... this is it. That's the whole play.
    BearsWillWin likes this.
  2. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    Pass protection was okay at times. But it was mostly Dalton getting the ball out super quick to not even give the Rams a chance.

    Monty is good. He's not great. But he gives full effort all the time and I can't ask for much more.
    dlinebass5 likes this.
  3. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    If he stays inside and keeps his feet moving he has a good chance to stop that play from happening.

    No field awareness, whatsoever.
    dlinebass5 likes this.
  4. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    For what it's worth...

    Whitehair really had a bad night.
    EvertonBears likes this.
  5. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    I actually thought Daniels played the best game on the line. He was the most physical at least.
    dlinebass5 likes this.
  6. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    Daniels definitely looked the best all game long. Mustipher held up well next to him - these two probably had a lot to do with each other's success. Honorable mention to Borom during his short time.

    Still going to have to watch to see what Nagy did to help his OL. Will probably be a Saturday thing. I'm assuming he did nothing, but going to take a look out of fairness (mostly because, if Nagy did actually do his job, I can go back to hating on Pace).
    BearsWillWin likes this.
  7. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    Had tiny receivers block.
    dlinebass5 likes this.
  8. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    Be you.
    vvarder and BearsWillWin like this.
  9. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    Fantastic job BWW & Dline, Ev was right, the Rams were in Max protect on that first TD, with only 2 WRs running and the Bears still fucked it up. I especially love the ALL-22 stills because on that play at least, you can see Hicks and Mack both clearly double teamed, and how absolutely useless Quinn is. I mean by the end of this, Nichols is the one with a better shot of catching Stafford than Quinn. You can hate Jackson for running his mouth and all around sucking after getting paid, but Quinn has done nothing for this team since we brought him here. An absolute waste of a roster spot, playing across from Mack he should be lighting it up.

    I guess that's just it right. Desai is an unknown in the role he's in, so it's logical to assume he can do better, but as you point out, there is potentially a cultural problem in addition to a talent one. Tackling isn't something they don't know how to do. Swarming to the ball just isn't a point of emphasis. When Lovie was here, they also had that "attempt to strip the ball every play" mentality too. That's the culture and it comes from up top. Maybe Desai will come into his own, there's at least hope since he's so green.

    On the other side of the ball though, fucking hell. The only hope is that Fields unlocks "competent" mode on this offense because it has been a shit show for years now. The one constant has been the visor fuck (also I agree with Ev on the fire dline for the insults, Tuna, can we get a nickname for this asshole, I don't particularly want to type his name anymore). During the game, I was pleased we were moving the ball. But that's what the Rams were giving us, and then we did not convert. They were begging us to run, and Nagy still did the screens/short passes to the sidelines. Fuck, we had a better chance of breaking a big play on the runs. You have to score points to win, this shouldn't be shocking news to anyone.

    2020 - 23rd ranked scoring offense (and this sadly includes Lazor calling plays), 22nd ranked passing offense, 25th ranked rushing offense
    2019 - 29th ranked scoring offense, 25th ranked passing offense, 27th ranked rushing offense
    2018 - 9th ranked scoring offense (though this includes defensive scores), 21st ranked passing offense, 11th ranked rushing offense

    We going to blame Mitch for this? Foles? The only year we had any success was backed by an epic defense and somewhat surprisingly, an effective run game. Then visor fucks says he's not an idiot and abandons the run. You'd expect someone learning to get better. We've had 3 years, and now one more game to evaluate, he sucks. Full stop. He's not going to get better, so it is just a matter of how long we have to wait before we get someone new. The absolute worst case scenario is Fields comes in, makes something out of nothing, and buys this asshole more time.

    What I don't understand, is the blind optimism people have regarding him. As though he's going to suddenly put it together. Progress happens slowly, with setbacks on the way but most importantly moving forward. His arrow is pointed straight down. I want him to prove me wrong, but by the same token, if he hasn't by now, he's not going to. He is who he is.
    BearsWillWin likes this.
  10. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    I think this is something you can expect all year. If you look at the Bears offense on film....why wouldn't you invite them to run the ball? Nagy has proven he won't stick with it even when the defense is giving it to you and his short passing game plays right into the hands of the defense.

    The Bengals have a shit secondary that gave up a lot of plays to the Vikings and they lost a CB to injury. This would be a great game to attack vertically....and I doubt we do.

    DCs know what the Bears are and will exploit it. Nagy is Mr. Self Scouter but never adjusts.
  11. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Oustanding post dline! You & bww making jazz.

    On that Jefferson TD i was v interested to see what was happening in the secondary, particularly WR2 vs CB2 and what that meant for Gipson. I couldn't tell any of this from tv, but your pics lifted the rock on these invertebrates.

    So we can see in Pic 2 & 3, Vildor has bit hard on the play fake and just like that the useless fucker is out of the play. Its massively undisciplined. Seriously, he'd have been as much use if he'd just got his dick out and stood there.

    What that means is by Pic 4 WR2 is now sitting down in a massive soft spot in the zone. We can see in Pic 3 & 4 Gipson has been pulled down to this. As it is thats an easy-as-you-like 15yard completion, if Gipson doesnt move to that its more. I mention all that cos it was clearly Gipsons half of the field that Jefferson is on when he makes that catch and did i wonder if he should've done more to be near the ball when it got to Jefferson. But having seen this he was put in a horrible spot on this play by the twin fuckery of his team mates, and besides, Jefferson just wasn't his responsibility.

    Which brings me to Jackson. Not gonna rehash it, dline already nailed it. But the pics really do show how amazingly early Jackson commits on this play. Stafford hasn't even finished his bootleg and already Jackson's hips are turned(pic4). There's no doubt in my mind, Jackson decided real early that this is gonna be a corner route. He's guessing. Prob because he wants to line himself up for a pick, something we've seen from him a LOT this last 2 years.

    As you say dline, the outside leverage is there. Now id really like to see JJ get at least 1 hand on Jefferson if he's gonna press him at the line like that. Any jam or redirect here would've prob made it even clearer that Jefferson wasn't going to the corner. But thats a minor point really, the fact is if this play had been a corner route JJ was in a fine position, thats good coverage.

    Cheers for all the hard work buddy!
  12. patg006 M.V.P. Bears

    Not that your post/points aren't on the mark--but this shit bugs me from Bears fans, particularly Mitch fanboys (not assuming/accusing you are one). Mitch/Foles and Nagy can both suck at the same time. Feel free to drop by Reddit/Twitter/CCS and see how many fanboys think Mitch wasn't the problem but Nagy was. Both are/were the problem.

    Mitch is gone because he wasn't good, stupidly admitted he didn't understand the offense and was too scared to ask questions to his HC/playcaller--which what the fuck are you getting paid millions to do?---, couldn't see the wide-open guy on the few isolated plays Nagy called that actually worked, and was the equivalent of a sad handjob when teams put a spy on him because his legs were the asset to plan against because his brain often wasn't.

    Foles needed 5+ second pockets/red hot streak with the best offensive line in the NFL in 2017-2018 (11 pressures/1 sack from defenses in Foles' starts per PFF) to function as a competent QB and win a Superbowl and Pace thought half-assing the offensive line, particularly expecting Charles Leno to block like 36 year old Peters. Jax paid him 88 million to recreate that before realizing quick when your whole OLine doesn't play like a bunch of HOFs before finding a sucker to give them a 4th rounder for him before they reworked his contract, so instead of paying him 22 mil in 2020 then having him be a ~3 mil deadcap hit in 2021 which is easily eaten/you'd be rid of him if he didn't work, you had to work that magic and pay him 6.66 mil with a dead cap hit of 10.6 in 2021 before making him $3 mil in savings for 2022.

    It's a smorgasbord of incompetence from the GM who fucks up at the wrong/costly time to the HC who can't tailor simplicity of his system to his personnel to the scheme they "collaborate" on to the personnel, including/exclusively Mitch and Foles who can't execute it/look like clowns when they're asked to. Now its Dalton, who sadly looks better than both of them in the 1 week timespan we've seen of him/want to be rid of for the kid you mortgaged a probable top 10 pick in the draft next April for.

    It makes rooting for this team shitty, because its just a pathetic plan from the get-go approved by "football experts" at the executive level that seeing laymen point out how stupid and overcomplicated for no reason things are gives people less hope by the week.
  13. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    I too thought Daniels had the best game on that line. Thought he was clearly the best OL thru whatever it was 5-6games last season before going down injured.

    I think this is Daniels' last year of his rookie deal. A decision is gonna have to be made there. I hope they retain him.
  14. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    I know they have cap issues but they'd be silly not to retain this guy. He's the one legit really good lineman they have. I think Whitehair is good at times but watching Ramsey push him backwards 5 to 8 yards really bothered me. He lacks some toughness. Mustipher isn't awful but also needs the guys to his left and right to help him. He isn't an island center that you can trust. At least not yet.

    On that Monty TD run Daniels is the only one that actually did his job.
  15. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    Lazor is making a lot of comments about Fields making the offense better and being better prepared for opponents offensively.

    Not sure Lazor is any good at all....but I wouldn't mind a scenario where Nagy gets shittcanned and Lazor takes over on the interim.
  16. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

  17. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    Oh I agree, anyone saying Mitch just "needed someone other than Nagy" really misses the mark. And it's funny you point out the Mitch fans as it's probably the Nagy fans that inspired that post of mine above. All over twitter/reddit/ccs you get these idiots scrambling to his defense because this was just the first game. No, it is QB #3 of his amazingly shitty scheme with the exact same results. Year after year after year. I give most guys a lot of rope I feel. It took until mid last year for me to finally turn all the way on Pace. Nagy I still felt might have the tools to be a competent head coach, hell he even (if forced) gave up playcalling duties last year to moderate success against some bottom feeders.

    It starts with ownership, as we've talked about ad nasuem. Then you have Pace trading away picks like he can't wait to get rid of them, which is bleeding talent from the team because you have to have a much better hit rate on the rest of the draft, gem finder he is or no. These contracts are kicking the can down the road and that bill is going to come due, sooner than later, and wouldn't it be just shitty for Fields to pan out and for us to cash strapped to support him? He traded up for Jenkins who won't see the field, which is fine, but that's why you have backup plans, especially when it comes to one of the most important positions, fucking hell.

    Then you get to Nagy, the "offensive guru" QB whisperer who came here knowing Mitch was the guy. Mitch wasn't, then he gets "his guy" Foles to run his scheme, to shockingly the same "success". Now we've got Dalton in the Foles mold. Does anyone think Fields is going to make Nagy's system a success? Or do we think Fields is going to possibly succeed *in spite of* Nagy?

    This offense AND defense has regressed EVERY year he's been here. Yes Pace put him in a shitty position, but he's also not delivered anything. I listened to Hoge and Jahns talking about how much Nagy loves that shovel pass up the middle and they said, "if I can see it, opposing defenses sure can, please remove it from the playbook" - um, fucking yeah. When Chris fucking Collinsworth of all shitstains tells you how the Rams are lining up, begging for a run and Nagy goes to his patented WR screen, I don't even know what to say.

    Anyone who thinks Nagy is worth a shit at this point, I don't know what to tell you. I hope he proves me wrong, but I'd bet money he won't and it'd be the easiest money I ever made.
    patg006 likes this.
  18. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    37yards over expectation on a 41yard run lol. Love Monty.
    BearsWillWin likes this.
  19. blang84 Legend Bears

    Based on this I think Lazor thinks Nagy is being stubborn in his handling of this. Sounds like Fields is ready to go.
  20. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    I don't wish injury on any player in any sport...except for the random few over the years (Tie Domi, John Starks, Charles Martin, Darrian Hatcher to name a few) but I wouldn't mind seeing Dalton tweak an ankle or some other minor injury that causes him to miss a game and let Fields come in and shine and force Nagy's hand.

    Nagy is too fucking stubborn to make this decision on his own.

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