I don't trust governments. At the highest level anyway. Local governments can still do some effective good. But at the highest levels of government I have many things I take issue with. I feel the same way about corporations, religious institutions, and many private organizations around the world. Do the powers that be want to control people? Absolutely. That's been true since man learned to farm and make his own food. I have what you need therefore I will control you. And it's gotten worse through time. Government, taxes, religion....all systems of control. And they've gotten better at controlling as time has rolled on. The current, best, system of control is consumerism. Buy buy buy....eat eat eat...watch watch watch. And that is where the they want us all to die, they want to shut down everything, they want communism, they want to control everything you do stuff falls awfully flat. Are we being tracked online and through our phones? Yes. Mostly for consumer reasons. Ever have a out loud conversation about something, say a new TV, and then see the ads on your phone suddenly start showing you TVs? Yeah...your phone hears you and can react to what it hears. Not all phones. But totally possible. And that exists in other shapes and forms as well. There is a lot of devious shit out there. Big Pharma...extremely evil. So is Big Tech. But all of that is a far cry from the bullshit your spewing from your brain to your fingers to this message board. Far cry. There's rational, fact based discussion....and then there's straight up bat shit crazy.
Once again you are missing the point. To the average VIEWER, he sees a symbol that he identifies with and understands what choice that person has made at that point in time. If you have been paying attention to the Media, they are trying like hell to blame a person's choice for the situation that SOCIETY is in. It is called demonizing, to divide and persuade public opinion in a certain way. It was used before in history, many times and it is being used currently. If we don't learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it.
All this is exactly true for the last hundred or so years, but this current system is about to implode, it is unsustainable and most financial/economic people know it and are preparing for it. The elites definitely know it and the difference is they already have most of the money, most of the land, most of the resources, the only thing they DON'T have is total control over people themselves, the next system will give them exactly that.
The situation we are in is directly tied to a refusal to get vaccinated. Mostly because Facebook said vaccines are bad. And sorry but you aren’t allowed to speak for the average viewer. Nice try though.
You realize every generation has been saying this forever, right? You think you’re on to something and your mind is open while the rest of us are blind. Nothing you’re saying is new. It just comes with an Alex Jones slant to it. And it’s not nearly accurate.
What a peculiar happenstance. It's like when the wealth gap grows and grows between haves and have nots, conflict ensues and the minority hogging all of the resources, money, power, and land tend to die painfully/comically or end up in prison for rigging a system through a bunch of complicit idiots and clowns we call 'senators' and 'congress' before lying that "they're on our side"--as they pocket money. I for one am looking forward to the collapse. After one from about a century ago--we got one of the best presidents in the country's history (FDR) who actually put the health/wealth/well-being American's first. Actual, regular, Americans--not the CEO of Northrup Grumman/Haliburton/Raytheon/etc because the collapse from a decade ago kept the ruling class in charge through a status quo centrist in Obama who ran a progressive campaign before becoming the neocon shitlib he'll be known for--bailing out the people who caused the collapse when other countries (tHe SoCiAlIsT oNeS) imprisoned them. Also--loosen up the tin foil hat, Ky. Misinformation (and people stupid enough to believe it) is how we got here in the first place. Its why we can't have nice things during this Pandemic because some entitled assholes don't want to suck it up and be temporarily inconvenienced/mask up for 10 fucking minutes at a grocery store/restaurant for the betterment of society. Good news though is those people are the ones mostly dying along with the elderly.
Did you read my response directly to you, from earlier? When you asked "How can anyone draw any other conclusion?" about this whole Cape Cod COVID flare? You got vaccinated because you didn't want to die from COVID. And congrats! The evidence says that you've got a roughly .5% chance of that now, versus a much higher percentage prior. You're also helping stop variants of the virus from spreading. Of course, the people who haven't gotten vaccinated have helped variants develop and spread, so we may just be entirely in the same position over again, but the fix there is people need to get vaccinated. You know, since the problem is that people haven't gotten vaccinated. Thank you for doing the right thing. Don't buy into what these bozos are selling you. Remember that there are people in hospital beds due to COVID, barely avoiding death, swearing they won't get the vaccine. The only reason we're hearing all the dumb, senseless s*** they're saying is because medicine is keeping them alive.
Explain it how you would to a child....and he still won't fucking get it. His political affiliation won't allow him to.
I don't have a political affiliation. It's called being an independent. It's a big word. Look it up. Come back and we can discuss.