Quinn sucks, Te'o sucks, Jackson especially sucks. 4th and fucking 3, basically the fucking game and your dumbass jumps? FUCK YOU. That's just pure discipline. Something this team really lacks. All about the chirping without backing it up. Honestly that's probably game. That horseshit tackling and then the offsides leading to that TD is just fucking it. On top of complete garbage offense. This season to a fucking T.
I dont disagree but Quinn tried to make an inside counter spin move on that play and got held the fuck out of him. I mean that was clear as day. They've basically pocketed the flags for holding all game.
The lack of discipline top to bottom comes straight from Nagy and how he fuels their sense of entitlement.
Which itself came about cos 3rd & 14 and you bring no pressure. Brees knows he can just step up in the pocket every dropback and the edges are taken out the play.
Very fitting that the last play i watch this season is a pathetic 1yard pass on 3rd & long which goes nowhere. Later fellas.
Please no garbage TDs today. 3 points is a nice round number to finish this steaming pile of shit season.
0/8 on third down. 0 and FUCKING 8. This team really just wants everyone to know. They are who we thought they were. A good not great defense and an absolute garbage offense. Meet the new Bears, same as the old Bears. Fuck this team, fire everyone.
I turned it off. Surprised I watched this long, honestly. Thankfully, I didn't subject the family to it, so they've had a good day. Here's to hoping we se heads roll this offseason. A guy can dream.