It's ridiculous that I trust Trubisky against this team more than our D. I have virtually no faith in Trubisky.
Alright, I'm caught up and live. You don't have to deal with my delayed posts any more. If that drive is a signal of what's to come - Packers playing within 10 yards and daring Mitch to beat them - then this game is going to be rough. But so far the score favors Chicago...
That play is either on Pagano or Eddie Jackson. And whichever one it was should be gone NOW. Inexcusable.
Just put us out of our misery already. I don't think it happens. But that would be about a 1% consolation for what I originally wanted for Black Monday.
Either Pagano called a coverage that was man across the board, and Trevathan was tasked with covering a WR out of the slot with no coverage over the top - OR - Eddie Jackson jumped the short curl instead of covering deep with a LB covering a WR clearly running a go route.
Blang is right, we're at the stage where you're not sure who the bigger liability is the O or the D. All the money's on the D side.....