Thanks. Except we want our coach and GM to be fired, so the Eagles loss wasn't the worst result for us .
Yeah, I'm already hearing the hype about how Trubisky took the benching serious and has turned it around, and how Nagy handing over playcalling means this team is now a legitimate threat, and Pace deserves credit for building all this talent... After two wins against bad teams. Meanwhile, other teams get it, and have already fired their GM's coaching staffs. End this misery. Get it over with. Should've ended before this year started, don't make us sit through another torturous season.
Oh yes, the word on the street now is everyone who said "Fire Pace / Fire Nagy" are now idiots because we won games against some garbage teams. Fuck man, didn't we say this exact shit could happen? The Jags are, with the Jets winning, the absolute worst team in the league. Winning against the Bears would lose them the #1 pick. I can't forsee any circumstance the Jags actually win. And if they do, at the least that would seal the deal on Nagy and Pace. Which then brings us to the final week. If the Packers win this upcoming week and the Seahawks lose, they will clinch. If the Packers and Seahawks win, then the Packers will not be resting anyone come the final week. The Cardinals and Seahawks play the 49ers and the Rams each week. Honestly, I'm not sure the Packers even rest their starters even if they do clinch given it's the Bears. Maybe they do if they go up a score or two. This article explains the common opponents for the Packers/Seahawks: - point is, it's still very possible the Packers play their starters, and it's also very possible for the Cardinals to win out, both of which spell doom for the Bears outside playoff chances. Blang is the one who said it, all this is setting up is a final kick in the fucking teeth by our rivals, while missing the playoffs AND retaining Pace/Nagy. Or maybe we do win the final game and still miss the playoffs because the Cards win out. I'm not ready to drink the kool aid, but it looks like this team has done enough to have me watch them get anally raped without lube the final week of the year. Which is nice. The real question I have is what will all this mean for next year? It feels like Trubs is making an argument for them to re-sign him, Nagy/Pace might stay.