Hey everyone! Tim has given me permission to post a website which @tunafat is involved with called K9s for Veterans. The K9S for Veterans' Mission Statement is: K9s for Veterans mission is to help veterans with post traumatic stress disorder transition back to civilian life once their military service has ended with the help of trained service dogs. We are committed to educating the public about the plight of veterans with PTSD and streamlining the process for them to get service dogs, so they get the help they need... Before it’s too late. K9 provides free food and medicare care for the life of the service dog. The lifesaving efforts of K9s for Veterans are doubled by the exclusive use of rescue dogs from kill shelters to train as service dogs for our veterans. This approach truly epitomizes the question of “who rescued who”. Our duty is to be honest and thoughtful stewards of the funds our donors entrust us with so we can maximize their generosity and the number of veterans that benefit from it. Together, we can make a difference for these struggling heroes and the dogs who devote their lives to them. If you, or anyone you know would like to help out this very worthy cause you can buy raffle tickets for a Harley motorcycle which is being raffled off in April 2021, you can buy something from their shop or just send a contribution. https://k9sforveteransnfp.org/index.html https://go.rallyup.com/194d45 Disclaimer: K9S for Veterans has no affiliation with L4SN.
Thank you, @babyfan and @Tim , and any support you guys can give is truly appreciated. I've volunteered with them for well over a year now and I like to think I made a difference. I needed something to do now that I'm retired and this IMO is such a worthy cause and it means so much to so many of these guys and girls. If anyone wants to check us out and come visit we have training on Thursdays classes from 4:00 to 7:30 and Sundays from 10:30 to 3:00. 5338 W Roosevelt Rd. Chicago. Everyone is welcome as we are a family. I would like to add we have also constructed a memorial in Channahon Il. to veterans that served but lost that battle after they came back home, so that they may not be forgotten. 22 https://www.theforgottenwarriormemorial.org/index.html
Thanks, What I want to do with the page is to have a video and sound of the dam in the background and have the Memorial in the foreground and set the opacity of the foreground shot at 50% so you can see and hear the outline of the dam through the memorial shot to recreate the essence of being there and just have it loop. Similar to a double exposure only with motion.
Tuna..........Well done and look at the Senior in the bottom left photo....he has a Press in his Van for Embossing name plates onto Memorial.
Solid, with Covid I've gotten a lot less requests than normal for donations so I'm glad this came in while I've still got money to give. I think there've been a lot less fundraiser 5k's etc. I donated, glad to help.
It costs us $120 to put each name on the memorial. We have services a few times a year and families attend and are presented a flag. I've also volunteered sound work for other veteran organizations that have services there too. I usually take a dog and work it out while I'm there and set up my sound system. We usually have a bike rally to the site so having the dog there also helps it get desensitized to the noise of the motorcycles. Thank you, Lyman, any help is appreciated. I needed something to do after I retired and a friend pointed me here. My heart is in the dog training, but somehow I got roped into the digital aspect of it too because I can help with that, and I can't seem to ever say no. Although I've never served in the military I feel like I'm giving back to those that came back home but never left the battlefield so I feel it's important to me to have their six now. The VA wait times for a service dog can be 3 years or more if you're deemed lucky enough to get one. That could be a dangerous void in their lives during that time and with 22 veterans a day ending that battle within themselves someone needs to step up for them. Thanks, V2 because of Covid we've had a lot fewer fundraisers of our own as well, and while the training ceased earlier in that period as we were deemed non-essential we never closed the doors. We recently received another grant from Boeing and that helps us immensely, but even that only goes so far. Another way to help if you can't make a donation if you shop Amazon, shop "Smile.Amazon.com" and select "K9s for Veterans Plainfield Il." as the benefactor you'll still get the exact same deals on shipping and merchandise and we'll get 50¢ on every $100 you spend from Amazon.
Okay I bought a ticket for the bike raffle! If I win it one of you will have to ride it into the deep snows of Canada to me.
I don't think we'll come close to selling what we hoped for in tickets not even close, so the odds with be much better. We cut the ticket sales off at 360 once the projected value of the bike is reached $8000. We're only at about 10% of the goal.
In hindsight, it was probably not the right time to do this thing with covid raging and our inability to hold public fundraisers, but he was confident we could get close. He told me to do it, and I did. This past year has been a challenge no doubt if something breaks I fix it and go in my pocket for those expenses even though I can be reimbursed. I just want to thank everyone for the support even if it's just verbal because I find value in that too. Thanks
Thanks BWW, I needed something else to do with my time and yes this seemed like a worthy cause. Midget porn is cool and all, but this is soooo much cooler. I just hope I didn't put too many midgets out of work, ...but after all, I did hook baby up with a firestick and those links so she'll keep them little fuckers busy.