Can we put that play on the Quinn highlight reel? Blocked 1 on 1, with no other blocker anywhere in his zipcode, the QB rolling directly to him, and he doesn't impact the play at all. I bet a beancounter somewhere gave him a pressure for that, too.
I've been watching Jackson really closely this game - sometimes watching only him from whistle to whistle - and the one thing he's done today really well is shut down the TE in man. Why not use him there? Why get away from the one way that he's really impacted this game?
Alright, I'm gonna go do something else. Nothing about this game is a revelation. Two bad teams, performing as expected. My kid is out of the house for another two hours. Gonna make them count. Cheers, everyone. Always fun being here, regardless of the game.
Unfortunately, she's out of the house with him. So I'll settle for doing some dirty stuff with my Xbox and surround sound.