Glad I didn't watch this one. Checked in on the score and just had to laugh. All of these comments here are too predictable. Ryan Pace's roster just completely failing? Say it isn't so... I hope everyone is fired by the morning. Detroit and Jacksonville did it. Heaven knows our team is just as bad as theirs, don't act all high and mighty and fail to follow suit with firings. Clean house. Start now.
Not sure why Bears fans keep taking about in season firings....not something this franchise has ever done. Unlikely.
My buddy shot me a text that said, "fuck this team, I'm going to bed". I had legitimately forgotten the game was going to be on later, I had blocked it out that much, checked the halftime score and if that wasn't fucking expected. I'll watch the "condensed" game tomorrow, but fuck this team. They do not deserve my anger even at this point. This team is bad enough that they are lucky that they've won any games. What happened to the "winning ugly"? Does the score paint an inaccurate picture? Was this not a whupping like we've seen TIME AND TIME AND TIME AND TIME FUCKING AGAIN? Getting embarrassed on national TV, AGAIN, to our fucking "rivals" was not my idea of a good time. The only thing that bothers me, is I feel legitimately like a bad fan. As though I should be watching every minute of this piss poor fucking excuse for a team. Fuck the McCaskeys, Fuck Pace, Fuck Nagy, Fuck 'em all. In that order. But hey, we've got the Lions coming up again with an interim staff, then the Texans, the Vikes, the Jags and the Packers by that time will be resting all their starters. Should be good enough to get 1-2 more wins in there somewhere right? Just enough to not clean house? Again, fuck them all.
And @tunafat you're right, the stick streams just a minute or so behind the live game so I was a bit (who am I kidding, I was completely) confused watching other people post stuff that hadn't happened yet. Watching that game last night was like being in the twilight zone in a way.
Yeah, you didn't know even what you were missing by not watching these games. I'm so so sorry for bringing so much pain, anguish, ineptness and asininity into your life... ...but hey that midget porn channel rocks doesn't it?
Ha ha ... that's so funny but true. I asked myself several times last night why the hell I was watching it. But to be honest, it's the first time I've actually seen the Bears play in a year or two so at least I enjoyed watching it for that reason. The 2 most recurring themes I had running through my head last night were: 1. How do I know when I've made enough sammiches 2. How is it even possible for a human to be as ugly as Aaron Rodgers? Plus, I'm going to ship your jerky this week.
Ha ha ... oh tuna, you're killing me. I do have a trick that I'll play on my husband. When he gets home (Long distance trucker) I'll have the tv on and blasting male on male porn. It cracks me up to see his reaction.