Quarterback sucks ass

Discussion in 'Chicago Bears' started by chitown king, Aug 4, 2020.


Pick one

Poll closed Sep 3, 2020.
  1. Mitch Trubisky

    1 vote(s)
  2. Nick Foles

    10 vote(s)
  3. Colin Kaepernick

    3 vote(s)
  4. Josh McCown

    1 vote(s)
  5. Blake Bortles

    0 vote(s)
  6. Cody Kessler

    0 vote(s)
  1. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    It didn’t go over my head...it’s just dumb. Me calling you an idiot isn’t disrespecting any game. Do you play in the NFL? Get paid by any franchise or league entity? For any major sport? My guess is no. You aren’t affiliated with “the game”. Therefore me calling you an idiot is only disrespecting you...not the game of football.

    Respect intelligence and don’t argue with people that actually have some.
    chitown king likes this.
  2. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    I've heard about some of the stuff you eat, and I might prefer doghouse food just sayin'
    babyfan likes this.
  3. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    My good man ... I ran my own catering company for 30 years. I know exactly the kind of food you love. Heaps of thick rib eye steak, mounds of twice-baked potatoes, crispy barbecued chicken, some huge tiger shrimp, fresh corn on the cob and then to finish it off a big slab of home-made carrot cake with cream cheese frosting. Wash all that down with some wine!
  4. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    It's not nice to talk about your husband that way, Baby.
  5. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga


    Well I really set that sentence up poorly. That's really funny dline!!
    Vancouver Volcanos likes this.
  6. Well I really set that sentence up poorly. That's really funny dline!!

    That is funny.........good one dline.....\+/

    Hope your wounds are healing Baby.
    babyfan likes this.
  7. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    Oh sure they are Larry. No big deal, I'm constantly getting myself into trouble like that. :)
    Vancouver Volcanos likes this.
  8. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    Yes, dline I totally missed that as I was preoccupied with the culinary selections.
    Shame on you Baby don't be so judgemental, his name is Daryl and just because he is Bigfoot doesn't necessarily make him a beast.
    babyfan likes this.
  9. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    LMAOOO ...

    OHMYGOD how high or drunk do you have to be to even have this thought in your head? tuna tuna tuna ... you are one crazy bastard ;)
  10. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    I didn't think this was a porn site. I'll take two. You can hold the lettuce though.

    You know what'd go good with that? Some american potato salad.
    babyfan likes this.
  11. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    Why do you crazy bastards have to put the word, "American" in front of everything? Potato salad is potato salad. If I was an American I would be embarrassed to even mention American Potato Salad. In the 16th century when Potato Salad was first created in Europe it was made by boiling potatoes in wine and spices. Settlers from Europe brought the dish over with them to North America, a lovely concoction of boiled potatoes, bacon drippings and vinegar or wine. Instead of continuing with that tradition Americans had to go and mess it up and drown the potatoes in mayonnaise. Mayonnaise instead of bacon drippings? What kind of monsters are you???
    Vancouver Volcanos likes this.
  12. What kind of monsters are you???

    LOL..........ask Donald Trump.
  13. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    Not if it's German potato salad.
    babyfan likes this.
  14. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    My office ....
    tunafat likes this.
  15. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    I'll be right in.
    Would you like some American Potato salad or German potato salad to go with your tofu?
    babyfan and SoCalSaint like this.
  16. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    Whatever you're serving is fine by me :)
    This is so nice tuna ... you're bringing me food and we can share it sitting here in my office looking at my paddle together :)
    SoCalSaint and tunafat like this.
  17. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    Oh yeah, that paddle, :)well I also have a few other tricks up my sleeve besides that paddle, you know we need to keep things fresh. :dance:
    babyfan likes this.
  18. SoCalSaint Franchise Player Saints

    GET A ROOM !!!!!!
  19. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    Business, .....now try minding it.
    babyfan likes this.
  20. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    We'll have to exchange thoughts one of these days ....
    tunafat likes this.

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