I was kind of worried about you Bud. Glad you're okay. Sorry but I called baby into my office one day and told her to find out your whereabouts as I was concerned about your wellbeing and her being the good little sandwich maker she is, she did. Sorry I didn't respond sooner but It took all week to read that fucking book babyfan posted ^^^^ and that Evelyn Wood speed reading course was never my forte. Actually I was down in Georgia as my electric was down and my security system backup ran out of power. It turns out those Easter Sunday tornadoes in the south ripped the power line and internet from my pole because a tree was uprooted on the corner of his lot and took out the utility pole that was connected to my house. I had to get up there to resecure the riser and install another anchor for their tie-off so they could reconnect. Apparently that is the homeowner's responsibility. The tornado took out my neighbor's barn and the roof from his house so I was lucky because I had no actual damage to my structure. I just got back today and all is still well here. I'll be honest, I would be more than a little apprehensive about going back to work. I keep hearing about all these "beautiful" tests, but I still don't actually know anyone that has gotten one, and at this point, I think the antibody tests would be a better judge of where we are, but they've had problems with those too. They want to send you to work and require masks, but good luck finding them they leave you to your own device to create one from a bra, jockstrap, bandana, or some shit. I understand their eagerness to get everyone back to work, but when so little is being done to open this shit back up to at least try to ensure my safety why should anyone even fucking care? I guess I should do a couple of shots of Clorox and I'll be good to go like a good little monkey.
What the ... <looks at the time> You have exactly ONE minute to get into MY office Mr. SmartMouthTunafat!!! We'll see who'll be laughing and carrying on then ... and let me assure you, it's going to be a LOT harder to speed read with only one working eye ... An excerpt from an article from the Toronto Star: "After contracting COVID-19 during a holiday in Egypt, 70 year old Linda Lam spent more than seven weeks in the ICU before she was finally discharged Wednesday to a medical ward amid cheers and applause from hospital staff, who were among the first in the province to treat a critically ill patient with COVID-19 and who took extraordinary steps to keep their patient alive. Doctors at Mackenzie Health believe Lam is one of the first patients in Ontario with COVID-19 to be intubated. She is also among the few people worldwide to have received an experimental drug, Remdesivir, which is being tested as a potential treatment for COVID-19. And in this ICU, Lam is — so far — the only patient with COVID-19 to leave the unit alive." I wonder how widely this new drug Remdesivir has been used so far? This is what I want to see spread all over the media, COVID cases with positive outcomes for everyone. I am currently at Day #43 of isolation. I am so incredibly grateful to not be stuck in a small apartment or condo in the city during this experience or to have small children to parent all day. All the parks are closed in Toronto and surrounding communities, what in hell do people do with themselves? I have acres of land around me which I have been hiking on and working on since Day 1. I actually feel like a kid again, every morning when I get up I'm thinking about that day's outdoor project and I can't wait to get at it. My husband bosses me around (he's never home long enough to get a good bullying session in) and we're having fun. Even in the midst of all of the tragedy unfolding around us, with 10 COVID deaths in our town and another 35 people who have tested positive and with the news of the nightmare tragedy in Portapique N.S. we are having fun. There is a lot of day-drinking going on followed by day-napping, there have been some day-dancing sessions and a lot of green-smoking going on. Getting high and dancing is still one of my favourite things to do. I'm still teaching lots of online classes and today I will be taking my studio into my forest for a real nature/yoga experience. I can't wait to see everyone's reaction to that! Things are still tough out there and getting tougher. Domestic and child abuse is very much on the rise and it's heart-breaking. Natural disasters don't care that the world is under a COVID lock down, tornadoes will tornado, landslides will slide and forest fires will burn. People are getting restive due to the isolation and they are getting drunker and fatter. Now that everyone has learned how to bake bread and unhealthy but appetizing desserts the weight gain struggle is real. Also the news from Nashville is a bit startling, if not comedic. @BearsWillWin has fallen into a 10 foot sink hole. No one knows if he'll get out alive. I hope at least that the hole he fell into has a full bar in it ...
Ooooooooooo I have a title now, do you know what I don't have??? A sandwich BTW I slept through that minute and then another one and then another after that..... I could go on and on but typing makes me hungry and it's almost noon and I'm still waiting for my sandwich.
Starting Monday I'm having a house quest a one-year-old German Shepherd dog he will be spending the next two weeks with me as I will be doing a board and train, just the basic good citizen training. The first week and a half will be rough if he is anything like the Belgian Malinois named Queso I recently had. Too much energy for this old man, but it keeps me moving. Until the training center opens back up this is a good substitute.
Please elaborate I've got nothing but time but certainly not all week like babyfan seems to think with her long-fingered posts. BTW I'm still waiting for that damn sandwich.
My friend that owns a large house and farm had a sinkhole develop under the house and completely destroy a portion of the home. I got a late night call when I was drunk asking for help. That’s the gist of it.
Thank Goodness you were drunk otherwise that could have been absolutely terrifying. Not to mention your friend knowing hmmmm which one of his friends would be drunk at this hour and in case they fall in they won't freak the fuck out.
Now this ^ is what I call friendly support. Have you ever considered working a support help-line tuna? LOL
I never gave it a single thought, as I've been assigned to this board to keep you in line, but I will say my youngest daughter is a 911 operator so there's that. You know what forget the sandwich, I've changed my mind I think I'll have breakfast instead. BTW I've been losing so much weight on this BF sandwich diet it's almost believable.
Huge props to your daughter. That's a big deal her job. I'm laughing so hard here ... the BF Sammich Diet. Time to get some eggs and bacon into yourself tuna!!
I couldn't agree more. I'm still waiting for my breakfast and by bacon, I mean the Merican stuff not that shit from Canada they call bacon. I've really got a funny feeling that this breakfast will have about the same nutritional value as that sammich didn't.
First of all, American bacon is smoked, which gives it its distinctive flavor -- Canadian bacon is simply cured, and not smoked. Canadian bacon is more like ham and comes from a different part of the pig. As stated on The Kitchn, "American bacon comes from the fatty belly of the pig while Canadian bacon is typically cut from the loin." Another difference? Livestrong.com points out that "Canadian bacon is usually sold fully cooked and has less fat and fewer calories than regular bacon." Here you go.........Breakfast.........enjoy
Holy Smokers..............it's BearsWillWin Birthday.............Happy Birthday. He is 65..........I had him pegged at 40........lol
I think we ALL knew this was going to Happen............this Spanish Reporter got caught on "Live" TV......lol
Ha ha ha ... ohh tuna, such a funny guy @Vancouver Volcanos Bww's birthday isn't for a few days yet and he's 85, not 65.