What an interesting read ... My daughter and her boyfriend had to grab an earlier flight from Bali on March 19th and then on March 21st Mitch came down with something awful. She said that she's never seen anyone go through what he has. She took him to get tested (they live in downtown Toronto) and were told that he is 100% positive for COVID-19. They have been in self-isolation since getting back and she's been looking after him. Now I'm bloody terrified that she's going to get sick too. I can't go anywhere near her because I am immunocompromised. This is the reality of this infectious disease, people getting sick and dying alone.
At this point probably the toilet paper too. What's happening in New York City is frightening right now. Right now the death rate is below the speculations for the US but I expect that to rise in areas like New York City when they get severely challenged. Right now it appears that our leader is more concerned about the health of the economy rather than the population that will drive it, and that scares the piss out of me. I do trust Dr. Fauci's opinion, I hope this president does too. If you leave it up to people to do the right thing I'm 100% confident they won't and those will be the people with clean asses. They finally closed the lakefront here yesterday something that should have done on day #1, but after the first nice day since this started of 60 degrees and people flocked to the lakeshore the mayor decided the optics of that didn't look right. Hell, yesterday I hear car horns blaring out in front of my house only to see a parade of cars loaded with people celebrating someone's fucking birthday. If I ever had a need for a rocket launcher it would have been yesterday after seeing that. I'm not buying it either. I'm curious though when blang pointed out that the Oxford model that they suspect that virus had a foothold in the UK long before it's been contended. I can't believe the wait in New York City just to take the damn test is measured in days not hours. It will be interesting in the coming weeks after running some serological tests and seeing if some of the population has developed antibodies for it already. I suspect she will, was she tested too? Is she immunocompromised? I'm not going anywhere not for a walk just out in my yard. If I need something I'll just order it online. I've been home since I traveled to Green Bay to bring back a mother and her puppies almost two weeks ago. I felt guilty doing that but that poor mother has been through so much I didn't hesitate. I wish you both stay healthy and safe, and I hope we all get through this.
Haha. My wife kicked me out of the house last week because she is also immunocomprimised. So she had me stock the house with supplies and then get out of Dodge because she knows I'm not the type that can sit around the house. But then we lost power at the house and also due to a lot of rain had some water leaks. So she's now quarantined to a penthouse hotel room and I'm in a dark house. Power won't be back until Monday. This shit is crazy all over, it's unreal. Hope all of you guys are doing okay. If you or anyone you know is in need...be it financially or for food or housing or anything please let me know. I work with several charities that are helping out those that are out of work and need it right now.
Well, that sucks no power until Monday. Do you have a generator? I'd be running that bitch nonstop. Fridge for cold beer, router, TV, and computer. None of my close friends are hurting we're on a messenger chat 24/7 and check in on everybody daily and bullshit. Nothing that can't wait till they get their checks in about 3 weeks or so anyway. Good to know though thanks. I do wonder about Mongo though as he travels to the land of the bat eaters all the time. My daughter tells me to just stay in and order the shit and have it delivered and that's not as easy as it sounds as much of the stuff is sold out. I can still get coffee from Costco no problem, and liquor delivered from my buddies liquor store no problem so the staples are solid. I still have plenty of food, snacks, and plenty of weed, and I don't cook much or order out either. It's pretty much coffee all-day, beer and weed at night. Living the dream. I must say I feel a lot like Howard Hughes except without his money, without his use of all the various paper products because they aren't available, and somewhat his phobia of germs.
I do have a generator going for essentials. Comcast outage here as well so my wifi is down. The tornado that tore through Nashville a few weeks ago really did some damage. Yeah I wonder about mongo too....he travels a ton. Not a bad routine at all.
My nephew is purchasing manager for a boutique hotel in Nashville and they laid off 150 and are running a skeleton crew of around 12. Only doing food orders to go and running at like 5% occupancy. He's been working a 3pm to 3am shift....mainly as a security guard. The service and hospitality industry is taking a massive hit....and like you say a lot of those involved won't receive any compensation. It's sad.
So Bww why don't you stay in a hotel too? Obviously they have power since your wife is there. WHY ARE YOU IN A DARK HOUSE IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE!! I have a niece who had to make an emergency drive to my place to pick up some weed. She is extremely high end anxious and she is isolated with her 3 and 1.5 year old kids who are adorable. Her husband (my nephew) is a conductor on a GO train so he is still working. So that leaves Maureen at home alone with the kids and she has been steadily losing her shit. Apparently now that she can get high she is a little more relaxed. Whatever works I say ... Tuna you're not eating enough!! What the hell? When this is all over I will send you more jerky. Bww send me money. I'm running out of wood here (we still have snow on the ground) and like during the Civil War I need cash to burn. You can interpret that anyway you like. I have been doing online Yoga classes for my clients and only charging them once in awhile. Most of the big studios are streaming courses for free but that doesn't really work for me since I am not independently wealthy. It's kind of fun although sometimes I feel like I'm talking to myself. Well I am, talking to myself. Anyway, they're all really grateful to be able to continue doing some yoga and to have to listen to my really bad jokes. It's like having a note of normalcy in their lives I think. My husband and I have been busy pulling branches and trees and logs out of our forests for the last 4 days. We cut 25 trees down 2 summers ago and so now we're doing the dirty work of dragging them out through sometimes knee-high snow drifts. I don't mind this though, it's great exercise and since I can't get to the gym what better alternative is there? After 8 hours of doing this it's all I can do to get something on the table for dinner and then collapse in pure exhaustion. My daughter's boyfriend is turning the corner. She told me that he asked for some breakfast yesterday morning which would be the first time he's eaten in 7 days. He's going to have a long road ahead of him to get back to his normal body-builder self. As far as she goes, I have told her to very strictly monitor how she feels and to take her temperature everyday twice. She's such a belligerent child, her response to me was, "NO WAY! I'm not using that gross thermometer of Mitch's!!" So I had to do the heavy momma act on her until she saw reason. Today, for the very first time in his entire life, I will be applying for Unemployment Insurance for my husband. That's just shocking to me.
It's sad that many still look down on these people at these fast food places and grocery clerks and still think they don't deserve a living wage but when the shit hits the fan all of a sudden they are an essential service. When this is over I'd like to believe there will be this reawakening in this country, and we revaluate everything. I've read that 152 medicines people need to survive every day are sourced from China. Cruise lines that use this country exclusively for their business fly the flag of a foreign country now want protection from all of this. I hope this is a learning moment for everyone in this country as this country lies bare and it's belly sliced open we can actually see what makes it tick, and what needs to be corrected. I'm eating, I just usually throw a box of some type of noodle entree with a can of chicken breast or some type of bacon sandwich (not that Canadian shit either). I got all kinds of snacks that I don't eat because then I feel obligated to share with my dog, and I'm not going to feed her that garbage. So I just don't eat it, and it sits there. Coffee suppresses my appetite and as long as the coffees on I'm not hungry or motivated to cook anything. Then there are some people that post some elegant dishes they throw together that Gordon Ramsey would probably enjoy. Yeah, he wouldn't be welcome here I don't need that kind negativity in my life right now. Those snow drifts are no joke. When I was in Montana last month we're snowmobiling and I jump off the sled and your balls deep in snow, boy did I learn a lesson that day next time I'll wear pants. I said if anything happens I'm just going to die out here, I don't have enough cigarettes for the hike back. Yeah, that's something I never did either. Many people I know have the same deal now it's not like anyone had a choice in the matter. I miss the doggos and the veterans at the canine center. You never realize how much you miss something until it gets taken it away. That a girl, I'm glad you hopefully got through. hoping the best for both of them. Keep us posted.
Oh tuna, your post just made me bust out laughing ... damn you're funny!! Like all of it is funny. Your description of your snowmobiling made me choke. No pants hahaha ... you wouldn't last a New York minute here I'll bet you miss your friends at the Vet Centre but don't forget, this will one day be over. In the meanwhile keep yourself busy and distracted and COOK SOME DAMN FOOD!!
The rain and stuff did some damage to the house so I’m fixing it. I have the generator going so I have light and power that I need. And I have booze. I’d like to send money but I don’t have any pesos seniorita and the cash exchange in Nashville is closed.
It doesn't sound to me like you're trying very hard ... okay fine, I'll just burn Terry's money. Now THAT will be the shortest fire in history ha ha .... I'm very relieved to hear you have booze. Phew. You had me going for a second there ...
When you see on the news that Nashville is burning....that’s when you will all know I’ve ran out of alcohol.
Wouldn't that be just like you to get pissed off coz you ran out of booze and set the whole damn town on fire.
This is the apocalypse man! It will soon be every man for himself, and you haven't learned how to make your own whiskey and you live in Tennesee???
Knowing how to do something and wanting to actually do it is two different things. I know how to pour coffee into a cup and open a beer. But I got married so I don’t have to.
Just trying to look out for you guys with something only you would understand when trying to maintain proper social distancing, and apparently you guys have already broken your glasses by now.
Well good news. My daughter's boyfriend is feeling better. He spoke to the infectious disease doctor at the hospital who told him that he believes that Mitch had a cross of Dengue disease (mosquito-borne) and COVID. His temperature is down and he's feeling well enough to eat. I'm so damn thankful! They'll have to stay in isolation for another 2 weeks but I think they're totally okay with that, despite living in such a small condo. They are young and in love and this is kind of like a cramped honeymoon.
That's great news, ...but as far as this love thing, one day the realization will hit them like the Covid-19 that this love thing isn't what it's cracked up to be and that achy breaky feeling is terminal.