I don't know. He said the same thing about Mike Glennon, before drafting Trubisky. I have no trust in Pace's words - he's proven that they don't mean too much. And I'm fine with that - a GM should never be giving away information or leverage. But, I also have absolutely no faith in Pace's ability to evaluate a QB, so who the hell knows. The extension that ownership gave him at the start of this year was one of the most ill-advised things I could imagine. Too long, and a year too early.
As I expected. And since Pace made the verbal commitment, he's turned off any potential free agent QBs from coming here knowing that they can't compete for the job. Thus, there's no point in watching or investing in this team in 2020. I'll wait till 2021 when Pace, Nagy, and Trubisky have all been sacked and we've cleaned house. From the very bottom of my heart: Fuck you Bears. I hate you. To the rest of you all, happy new year!
Wow, well, I have an avatar to update before next season. I agree with dline that Pace also gave a huge endorsement to Glennon, but honestly I think he wanted to redshirt Trubs the entire year. I'm torn on this. I don't see a better option for them in either free agency, and without a first rounder having any chance at a QB seems long, but Pace also said they should take a QB every year. Instead we traded up and hitched our wagon to their mediocre ceiling guy. I love his work ethic, he seems like a nice guy, tries hard, but he doesn't have it. And we're going to sit here for not one but TWO years arguing over the throws me makes every so often where he looks like a competent QB. What worries me the most here is Pace understands he's inconsistent, and according to him we just need to "smooth out those bumps". I'm glad he sees the inconsistency, I'm concerned he thinks this is fixable. I don't think it's fixable to hit a guy who's wide open one play and the next one thread the needle. I'm not sure how fixable it is to not shit the bed on the national TV/bright lights. And I certainly don't see how it's fixable with a coach deadset on playing "his" system which the QBs has shown he doesn't grasp. To be fair to Pace, if you're sticking with Trubs, then you might as well give him your full ringing endorsement, because he's emotionally fragile.