So... Coach Nagy told me in the Monday presser that Mitch is a great fucking QB and the only reason he has sucked so bad is because everyone around him has sucked so much more. Not fucking kidding. He literally said that almost word for word. I suspect a lot of him spoon feeding us a pile of horse shit has to do with the fact that Pace hired him and Pace is going to die on Turdinsky's weak, H.S. level brain. This week we head out to LA to play in what I suspect the NFL thought would be a premier match up - hence why it's Sunday nights game. Unfortunately, the Bears have been a huge let down this year (largely due to Mitch) and the Rams have taken that normal "Super bowl Loser' step down. But even though the Rams are only 5-4, they're going to kick the shit out of us. So, after we lose Sunday, and Mitch gets his ass exposed (yet again) on national TV, and our Playoff chances die, will reality set in with this coaching staff finally quit the shit?
Nope. More importantly, not sure reality will have set in for Pace either. Amazing that this game hasn't been flexed out. Given how awful we routinely look in prime time, especially on offense, and that the Rams are who we (I) thought they were. Overachieving behind a mediocre starting NFL QB (albeit better than Trubs). Were I neutral fan I'd have zero interest in the game.
bingo. And by keeping it a prime time game, they’ve all but guaranteed Trubs is going to suck all over the place, and the bright lights fucking burn his eyes. As blang says I’m fucking shocked this wasn’t flexed out, I guess they’re banking on the LA and Chicago markets pulling this out of dumpster ratings. but you better believe we’re going to get the same response from Nagy.
Talk about absolving yourself of responsibility. The worse Trubs does, the worse Nagy looks. It's unbelievable. OWN it. STOP making excuses. Step up and OWN it. Trubs is shit so quit making excuses for your post-adolescent fixation. It's stupid and it's creepy. He is NOT what you thought he was. How come these guys are so dumb? Big money franchises should be run by smart people. People who are not afraid to recognize and acknowledge their mistakes and to change them immediately. I'm very frustrated.
I think it's less about them being dumb and more about them being incompetent. But when they try to gaslight us about why decisions or statements they make are reasonable, it's a sign of disrespect for the fans + media. They think we're dumb. Or at least hope that we are to believe and tolerate ineptitude and excuses.
Isn't this contrary to the widely accepted thought that a good QB can raise the level of play around them? I would think the flip side of that we would be exactly where we are right now, where this team sucks because of the QB, Nagy is deep denial and Pace is in some deep shit.
So here we are... Mitch has once again shit the bed. Yea, he made a few throws here or there. But he also threw a worm burner on 3rd and 2 on a critical late 4th quarter drive when we were down by 3... And many will give him a pass on the int because it was a tip. But the truth is, that was a very poorly thrown ball that was only tipped because it was so poorly thrown that the receiver could only get one hand on it. Mitch is definitely not the ONLY reason we lost today. But he sure as shit wasn't any help in getting us the win. It's time to move on.
Today was not on Mitch. What about the multiple dropped passes? One by the normally sure-handed ARob? How about the shit high school option play INTO the boundary? What the fuck kind of call was that??! Our earringed kicker missing two kicks? How many times can we run the ball out of the shotgun for 0 yards? ZERO sacks??? Clearly Mitch is not the answer. But today - he did enough I thought.
He did enough to win? No, he sucked. He just didn't suck the most. Ball in hand, late 4th quarter. Down by 3. You have to get the team into t least FG range. and not throw a WTF on 3rd down. Again, I said he wasn't the only reason we lost. You note some others as well. But, he did not help us win. He definitely did not do enough
do you think he should have been benched? he sucks, we know this, but this game was far more on Nagy IMO, and benching him is all kinds of fucked. More so because they are going to bitch out and say he was “injured”. my blame list has Mitch around 4th or so. Nagy. Oline. Drops. Mitch. what do we even want to see the rest of the season? Chase Daniel? No quit? I don’t know, I think this dumpster fire is just getting started. And it’s my lack of faith in Nagy more than anything, I don’t think he’s going to be able to handle the continued heat. What a difference a year makes.
Sorry but i don't think he did shit the bed. He didn't light it up, but he didn't play badly either. Trubisky prob doesn't even make the top 5 on the who's to blame list. The playcalling was dogshit, the OL couldn't run block for shit. The kicker fucks midgets. You've got guys dropping passes. Even the D. Its easy to think they played a great game, and they kinda did for the most part. But that Rams OL had 1 foot in the grave. I think they had 2 backups and a 3rd stringer out there, at least 1 of which was a rookie. The DL should've been in the backfield every other play! How does Mack come out of a game like that with not even a QB hit??? 2nd straight week Fuller cocks up a pick6 cos he can't make a relatively easy catch! What last night did show is what ive been talking about recently. Competent QB play does not suddenly make this a good team. The Rams gave the Bears a TON of chances in that game, particularly in the first half and they couldn't do jack. And it wasn't all down to Trubisky. Bad teams find ways to lose and the Bears lose most weeks.