movie trivia

Discussion in 'Movie Channel' started by Catfish, Jul 6, 2015.

  1. Catfish Guest

  2. Catfish Guest

  3. Catfish Guest

    i think this one was asked before - it's a gem. name the biker gang that tried to take over the Chez Bippy in A BRONX TALE.
  4. Catfish Guest


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  5. Catfish Guest

    in the movie SLEEPERS-what crime did the boys commit to get sent to the reform school ?

    besides Father Bobby-what criminal character also helped them in the trial ?
  6. AxeMurderer Legend Cowboys

    I just couldn't remember. I SHOULD have, because it's such a close approximation to "Hell's Angels."

    "Now you'se CAN'T leave."
    Catfish likes this.
  7. Catfish Guest

    one of my favorite all-time movie scenes Axe. A classic.
    AxeMurderer likes this.
  8. AxeMurderer Legend Cowboys

    Yep - totally agree.
    Catfish likes this.
  9. Catfish Guest

    no one knows my Sleepers question?
  10. Catfish Guest

    it was pushing a stolen hot dog cart down the stairs to the subway that killed or crushed a guy.

    King Benny was the neighborhood hood that helped them win.
  11. Catfish Guest

    i got a new cat Sunday. i wasn't suppose too but i did. i was going to wait a month but he just came up. he's 4 months old. I was going to name him "Bernie" since he's Flyers orange after Bernie Parent, but wasn't feeling Bernie. My nephew, also a Flyers fan, said to call him "Hextall." Ugh. I have too many bad memories of the 1997 Cup Finals when he was Swiss Cheese and his bad GM moves. I do like "Hexy" as a name so that's his new name. He's getting used to everything and hides a lot but he came out to see the apt last night and hung out for 5 min. He met Oscar and then ran back inside the spare room where he's been hiding at. haha. I needs a few more days.

  12. Catfish Guest

    new trivia -- in Smokey and the Bandit - what is the license plate of Big Enos Burdette's red Cadillac that he gives to the Bandit to drive to Boston to get some clam chowder?
  13. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    MR. BIG
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  14. Catfish Guest

    damn Lyman-right on that one. cleveland this weekend pal and the browns game on sunday. i got a browns t shirt for the game that says welcome to the dawg pound, cleveland, ohio. i gotta fit in.
  15. Catfish Guest

    in Oceans 11 Basher says a phrase none or them understand. he then tries a different line with a famous cartoon character and they still don't get it. what cartoon character's name does he use ?
  16. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    Barney Rubble.
    Catfish likes this.
  17. Catfish Guest

    damn lyman 2-2 for the day. nice work. the movie theater is all yours pal! take it away....
  18. AxeMurderer Legend Cowboys

    Cockney rhyming slang is some hilarious stuff.
    Catfish likes this.
  19. Catfish Guest

    LYMAN left the theater...

    new one -- what # was Paul Crewe in the original Longest Yard ?

    Bonus-what crime was he sentenced to jail for ?
  20. AxeMurderer Legend Cowboys

    Odd number for a QB - 22.

    Think was jailed for stealing his girlfriend's car.
    Catfish likes this.

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