Off topic - Sports Cards

Discussion in 'Chicago Bears' started by blang84, Oct 8, 2019.

  1. blang84 Legend Bears

    Several months ago my dad called me from Chicago and said he and my mom would be selling the house and moving. He mentioned that he would be throwing out anything that I or my siblings still had in the house from our childhood unless we came home and picked it up. So I went home on Memorial Day weekend and went through stuff I hadn't seen in 20+ years, notably my sports card collection.

    I guess I started collecting football cards in the late 80s, mainly Bears players (most in poor condition now), but by the 90s I was primarily collecting basketball cards. My friends and I always hunted for the Jordan cards, of which there were many awesome ones back then. Going through my collection I saw several Jordan cards and naturally I wondered if any of them were worth anything nowadays, as we all had thought they would be by now. It turns out, due to massive over production in the 80s and 90s, about 95% of cards from that era are now worthless (including nearly all of my childhood collection), leaving me mildly disappointed. Yet I had lot of good memories of those days, going to the shop and opening packs with my brother or friends, envious of the cards my friends seemed to pull that I never could. So I ended up keeping a lot of my old cards. And now that I have some disposable income as an adult, buying some of the higher-end Jordan cards that were unattainable to me 20+ years ago, and actually having fun with it. Should note that some Jordans from the 90s are selling for tens of thousands of dollars, one even sold for 350K (not to me of course).

    Did you guys ever collect cards? If so, what? Are any of your cards worth anything.

    And any of you up for a trade? :cheers:
    BearsWillWin and EvertonBears like this.
  2. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    I collected baseball cards and hockey cards back in the 60's before I discovered girls. I didn't collect them for their value because if it was a Yankee or Red Sox I probably used them in my spokes, and those rookies always were the first to go. I cringe now when I see the value of some of those rookie cards I cloths-pinned to my spokes. I would collect pop bottles to return and then buy baseball cards by the box not by the pack. They were like 5-10 cents a pack back then. The value of those cards have dropped more recently and if you didn't sell them when they were at the peak you missed the boat.
    blang84 likes this.
  3. blang84 Legend Bears

    My dad apparently did the same to his cards, including a Mickey Mantle. Mantle cards still hold pretty high value if condition is decent.
    tunafat likes this.
  4. Bear-man 11 Franchise Player Bears

    Yep. I’m 45, so I was collecting baseball cards back in the heyday. I had the “fuck face” Billy Ripken, the Mark McGwire team USA, etc.. now all worth just a few bucks. I have like 20 Rafael Palmiero and Barry Bonds rookie cards. Bo Jackson, etc..

    At one point I think the McGwire card was around $500 on Beckett? Ha!

    I remember riding our bikes to the local drug store and getting so excited to see who we got. Fun to look at still, the memories are literally worth more than the cards now.

    Ironically, we could give them to our kids to put them in their spokes now and not care.
    blang84 likes this.
  5. Bear-man 11 Franchise Player Bears

    On a side note... anyone ever get drunk then baked and then happen to watch Apocalypto?

    It’s freaking me out - big time. And it’s not the first time I’ve seen it fucked up.

    I just switched to River Monsters. Which I know is fake. And I’m still shaky. I gotta go to bed. Lol
    blang84 and tunafat like this.
  6. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    I guess two out of three ain't bad, but I never even heard of it. I assume it's good, sometimes I just need a kick in the ass to watch something like that because this one girl I was dating a while back got me hooked on Game of Thrones which I automatically dismissed as something I wouldn't watch. I watch it so much now in fact that often I have my IPTV on the 24/7 channel and can often recite dialog word for word. TV overall sucks. I'm going to check it out because I need some strange, and a quick google check revealed that it sounds like something that's right up my alley.
    So you recommend watching it drunk and baked? Because that will be reason enough to get drunk and baked not that I need a reason, because usually that reason is putting on socks and venturing out into the world and actually talking to people face to face.
    babyfan likes this.
  7. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    I remember having a BUNCH of Nolan Ryan rookie cards with Jerry Koosman and those were ALWAYS the first to get spoked probably why they are so valued today. lol
  8. blang84 Legend Bears

    Wow, Beckett lol. How many fights/arguments between me and brother or friends that contrived price guide caused.

    Yes, exactly.

    First time I saw Apocalypto I was completely baked. Wasn't sure wtf I was watching as I've never seen anything like it before or since.. It's one of the best made movies of the last 20 years in my opinion. Really underrated.
  9. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    I watched it in that state too and it was pretty fucking crazy.

    Recall not a lot happening forever then it goes wild that last 30-45minutes. Might've been 10minutes. Or maybe it was an hour.
  10. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    Man I hated that movie but I watched it sober. If it requires the elevated mind to watch I will retry.

    As a young teen in the 90s I for sure was on the basketball cards/Jordan craze. Had the complete set of Fleer 1992 or something along those lines. Gave them to my brother I think? No clue, they’re gone now but that was some good times.

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